Hematology, Immunology and Infectious Disease: Neonatology Questions and Controversies E-Book
Robin K Ohls, Akhil Maheshwari
Co-culture of Retinal and Endothelial Cells Results in the Modulation of Genes Critical to Retinal Neovascularization
Kumar Ravindra, Harris-Hooker Sandra, Kumar Ritesh, Sanford, Sanford Gary
Endoplasmic reticulum stress mediating downregulated StAR and 3-beta-HSD and low plasma testosterone caused by hypoxia is attenuated by CPU86017-RS and nifedipine
Liu Gui-Lai, Yu Feng, Dai De-Zai, Zhang Guo-Lin, Zhang Can, Dai, Dai Yin
Regulator of calcineurin 1 (Rcan1) has a protective role in brain ischemia/reperfusion injury
Sobrado Mónica, Ramirez, Neria Fernando, Lizasoain Ignacio, Arbones Maria, Minami Takashi, Redondo Juan, Cano Eva, Cano, Moro Maria
Posture influences patient cough rate, sedative requirement and comfort during bronchoscopy: An observational cohort study
Ling, Piccolo Francesco, Mulrennan, Phillips
Ca2+-regulatory proteins in cardiomyocytes from the right ventricle in children with congenital heart disease
Wu Yihe, Zhang Hao, Li Shoujun, Wang De, Pan Xiangbin, Hu Shengshou, Wei Feng, Hu
Theoretical analysis of the dose dependence of the oxygen enhancement ratio and its relevance for clinical applications
Wenzl Tatiana, Wilkens
Hypoxia and estrogen are functionally equivalent in breast cancer-endothelial cell interdependence
Rajoria Shilpi, Suriano Robert, Mittleman Abraham, Tiwari, George
Radiosensitization by the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat under hypoxia and with capecitabine in experimental colorectal carcinoma
Saelen Marie, Ree Anne, Kristian Alexandr, Fleten Karianne, Furre Torbjørn, Hektoen Helga, Flatmark, Flatmark Kjersti
Radiosensitization by the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat under hypoxia and with capecitabine in experimental colorectal carcinoma
Saelen Marie, Ree Anne, Kristian Alexandr, Fleten Karianne, Furre Torbjørn, Hektoen Helga, Flatmark, Flatmark Kjersti
10 pages
Effects of anti-inflammatory vagus nerve stimulation on the cerebral microcirculation in endotoxinemic rats
Mihaylova Stanka, Killian Anke, Mayer Konstantin, Pullamsetti Soni, Schermuly Ralph, Rosengarten, Rosengarten Bernhard
Influence of hypoxia on the domiciliation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after infusion into rats: possibilities of targeting pulmonary artery remodeling via cells therapies?
Rochefort, Vaudin Pascal, Pages Jean-Christophe, Domenech Jorge, Charbord Pierre, Eder Véronique, Nicolas Bonnet, Eder
Influence of hypoxia on the domiciliation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells after infusion into rats: possibilities of targeting pulmonary artery remodeling via cells therapies?
Rochefort, Vaudin Pascal, Pages Jean-Christophe, Domenech Jorge, Charbord Pierre, Eder Véronique, Nicolas Bonnet, Eder
13 pages
Early perfusion changes in patients with recurrent high-grade brain tumor treated with Bevacizumab: preliminary results by a quantitative evaluation
Vidiri Antonello, Pace Andrea, Fabi Alessandra, Maschio Marta, Latagliata Gaetano, Anelli Vincenzo, Piludu Francesca, Carapella Carmine, Giovinazzo Giuseppe, Marzi, Marzi Simona
Early perfusion changes in patients with recurrent high-grade brain tumor treated with Bevacizumab: preliminary results by a quantitative evaluation
Vidiri Antonello, Pace Andrea, Fabi Alessandra, Maschio Marta, Latagliata Gaetano, Anelli Vincenzo, Piludu Francesca, Carapella Carmine, Giovinazzo Giuseppe, Marzi, Marzi Simona
10 pages
Valores hematológicos de bovinos jersey sometidos a condiciones de hipoxia crónica de la altura (Hematology values of jersey cattle exposed to cronic high altitude hypoxia)
Intramucosal–arterial PCO2 gap fails to reflect intestinal dysoxia in hypoxic hypoxia
Dubin Arnaldo, Murias Gastón, Estenssoro Elisa, Canales Héctor, Badie Julio, Pozo Mario, Sottile, Barán Marcelo, Pálizas Fernando, Laporte Mercedes, La Porte
The microRNA miR-181c controls microglia-mediated neuronal apoptosis by suppressing tumor necrosis factor
Dong Lian-Yan, Li Ya-Jian, Hong Zhen, Wei Wen-Shi, Wei, Li Zhang
Post-traumatic hypoxia exacerbates neurological deficit, neuroinflammation and cerebral metabolism in rats with diffuse traumatic brain injury
Hellewell, Bellander Bo-Michael, Agyapomaa, Morganti-Kossmann, Yan
Up-regulation of hypoxia inducible factor-1α by cobalt chloride correlates with proliferation and apoptosis in PC-2 cells
Dai Zhi-Jun, Gao Jie, Ma Xiao-Bin, Yan Kun, Liu Xiao-Xu, Kang Hua-Feng, Ji Zong-Zheng, Guan Hai-Tao, Wang Xi-Jing, Wang