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In the evolving landscape of higher education, this book is a vital resource which addresses a fundamental concern: how to effectively enhance student learning outcomes and adequately prepare students for their professional futures. The book presents a central model for enhancing student learning outcomes, the ESLO model, which is a meticulously crafted framework designed to optimise the academic experience and outcomes for students in higher education.
Each stage represents a critical step in the instructional journey, ensuring that teaching and learning methodologies are tailored to students’ unique needs, effectively implemented, and subsequently assessed for their impact.
The development of the ESLO model is a response to the growing demand for a more systematic, evidence-based approach in education – one that prioritises student learning outcomes and prepares students effectively for their future careers.
Comprising 15 chapters, the book presents a wide range of perspectives from university educators spanning four continents: Australia, Asia, Europe, and North America. Their contributions detail their systematic approaches to designing, enacting, and assessing teaching and learning activities to enhance specific learning outcomes. Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education is an inspiring read for educators dedicated to advancing their pedagogical techniques and optimising student success.
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31 octobre 2023

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Enhancing Student Learning Outcomes in Higher Education
Enhancing StudentLearning Outcomes in Higher Education
Kayoko Enomoto, Richard Warner and Caus Nygaard (Eds.) Foreword by Professor Curtis J. Bonk
First publised in 2023 by Libri Publising
Copyrigt © Libri Publising
Autors retain copyrigt of individual capters.
he rigt of Kayoko Enomoto, Ricard Warner and Claus Nygaard to be identified as te editors of tis work as been asserted in accordance wit te Copyrigt, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
ISBN 978-1-911451-20-4 eISBN 978-1-911451-22-8 All rigts reserved. No part of tis publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mecan-ical, potocopying, recording or oterwise, witout te prior written permission of te copyrigt older for wic application sould be addressed in te first instance to te publisers. No liability sall be attaced to te autor, te copy-rigt older or te publisers for loss or damage of any nature suffered as a result of reliance on te reproduction of any of te contents of tis publication or any errors or omissions in its contents.
A CIP catalogue record for tis book is available from he Britis Library
Cover design by Helen Taylor
Design by Carnegie Book Production
Libri Publising Brunel House Volunteer Way Faringdon Oxfordsire SN7 7YR
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ContentsForeword Curtis J. Bonk
Capter 1:How to Enance Student Learning Outcomes in Higer Education:he ESLO Model Kayoko Enomoto, Ricard Warner and Claus Nygaard
Capter 2:Pysician, Heal hyself: Enancing Student Learning Outcomes troug Reflective Practice Jon D Branc33
Capter 3:Enablers of Student Learning Outcomes Based on Eigt Cases of Second Language Learning and Teacing in Higer Education Kayoko Enomoto and Ricard Warner57
Capter 4:Developing STEM Doctoral Students’ Collaboration Skills as Learning Outcomes Janet De Wilde and Elena Forasacco91
Capter 5:Enancing Student Learning Outcomes troug Contextualised Learning Activities Claus Nygaard
Capter 6:Interactive Practices in a Library Makerspace Using Tecnology to Deliver Positive Student Outcomes Henriette van Rensburg147
Capter 7:Enancing Student Learning troug Hidden Motivational Learning Outcomes András Margitay-Bect and Udayan Das
Capter 8:Enancing Learning Outcomes for STEM Doctoral Students troug Perspective Taking in Safe Spaces Janet De Wilde and Elena Forasacco205
Contents Capter 9:Enancing Learning Outcomes troug a Student-Centred Learning-Teacing Process in a Master of Human Resource Management Program Selly Jose
Capter 10:he Use of Debate Cases for Enancing Students’ Reasoning Skills as Learning Outcomes Jon D Branc and David Wernick263
Capter 11:Bringing Employability to Life: Developing Employability Skill Sets and Understandings as Student Learning Outcomes Katryn Bowd and Kayoko Enomoto289
Capter 12:A Pedagogical Approac to Enance Nursing Students’ Written Communication Skills as Learning Outcomes Bernie St. Aubyn and Amanda Andrews327
Capter 13:How Increased Volume of Low-Stakes Testing Improved Student Engagement and Performance witout Additional Grading Burden Franco (Frank) Saccucci
Capter 14:Partnering wit Clinical Provider Organisations to Enance Learning Outcomes for Healtcare Practitioners Amanda Andrews and Bernie St. Aubyn371
Capter 15:Student-Centric Pedagogy: Wat Happens Wen Learning Outcomes Are Customised to Students’ Own Interests Sara Swann389
Foreword Foreword
Troubes in Thaiand No matter were I travel around tis planet, wen it comes to education, everyone I meet wants teir community, organization, or institution to be among te best and ave some program, course, or even a module witin it tat ranks wit te finest seen elsewere. hose aspirations often lead to overarcing visions and lofty goals to strive toward. In tis foreword, I discuss some of te opeful educational visions I ave seen wen visiting hailand during te past decade. Notably, eac capter in tis book also lays out some type of vision, model, or best practice. Across te 15 capters, it is evident tat tere are new roles for educators and students tat need to be embraced to foster deeper understanding and often more self-directed forms of learning. You will find tat te book contributors reflect on te various projects, initiatives, and learning communities tat ave been built and tested to foster knowledge interaction, creation, and excange in a more equitable, inclusive, and meaningful way tan previ-ously seen. In effect, tey ave joined forces in tis volume to offer us stories of ow to effectively ‘Enance Student Learning Outcomes’ — ESLO— in iger education; and wit tat, teESLO Modelis born. And tat leads to my story. Have you ever been talked into giving a speec on a topic you never eard of before, let alone, ad actually read anyting about? If so, ow did it go? Ironically, tis situation appened to me back in February 2014 and again tree years later in te same city and country. On te morning of February 19, 2014, I received an email from my old friend hitinun (Ta) Boonseng from te University of Missouri. At te time, I was on sabbatical, and Ta was arranging te hailand portion of my scedule for an upcoming trip to hailand and Vietnam. I ad full confidence in Ta as e ad previously arranged a fantastic trip to hailand back in December 2006. hat journey was during a military coup tat included te ousting of Prime Minister haksin Sinawatra by te hai army. At te time, Ta informed me tat is dissertation advisor and my good friend at te University of Missouri, te famed learning tecnologist, Dr. David Jonassen, ad decided not
Foreword to travel to Bangkok for an educational conference due primarily to safety reasons. So Ta was wondering if I would be interested in taking is place and give te conference keynote at Ramkamaeng Univer-sity. After more tan an our on te pone wit im, I finally agreed. Fortunately, it was te rigt coice. I was deligted by te ospitality and igly respectful nature of everyone in Bangkok as well as Ciang Mai and Maa Sarakam wit wom I encountered during my week in hailand. I even got to celebrate my birtday tere into te wee ours of te nigt on December 16, 2006. Fast forward to February 2014, and te anti-government protest movement was growing muc louder in te Land of Smiles (BBC News, 2014). Once again, I was warned to be cautious if I was to go tere. Demonstrations and military responses ad been front-page news te mont before. By some reports, on some days, more tan 150,000 people ad massed in te streets of Bangkok, along wit approximately 20,000 security personnel (BC News, 2014). I ad also read tat eigt people ad already died in te violence and undreds more were injured (Olarn et al., 2014). he New York Times even named te university in wic I was supposed to speak at, Culalongkorn University, as one of te key institutions wic was divided (Fuller, 2014). To my surprise, some of my Cula friends tat I talked to were involved in te protests. Wat was evident was tat tousands of people were marcing, demonstrating, and protesting against te government of Prime Minister Yingluck Sinawatra’s as well as te former Prime Minister haksin Sinawatra, wo was er older broter. he marcers wanted te prime minister replaced for corruption, ineptitude, and an assortment of oter reasons, among wic included being a puppet of er billionaire older broter (Fuller, 2014). Of course, er attempts at getting an amnesty bill passed for er broter certainly did not elp matters (Olarn et al., 2014). A few weeks earlier, Ta once again assured me not to be scared out of coming to hailand. I told im tat I ad survived an incident tree years prior in Riyad, Saudi Arabia after te Second International Conference on e-Learning and Distance Learning in wic I tougt I was being kidnapped by my taxi driver. Fortunately, te power window still worked after e locked me inside and went out to yell at someone on is mobile pone late tat nigt. Later, it was determined tat tis crazed taxi driver was only attempting to scare te bejesus out of me, and, tereby, extort
Foreword some money before delivering me to te airport for my journey ome. he extortion part did not work; te oter part definitely did. his situ-ation in hailand sounded mild in comparison. he email tat I received from Ta tat day concerned anoter matter. In tat February 14, 2014 email, e told me tat: “Folks at Cula [Cula-longkorn University] would like to ask if tey could modify te name of te topic of your talk to ‘Education 3.0: his is te Next Generation.’ Education 3.0 as been teir key performance indicator. Would you be willing to do tat?I tougt for a moment and responded, “If I could travel to hailand during a military coup on my previous trip, speaking on Education 3.0 would be a breeze.” In effect, I ad survived muc worse; for instance, back in te first six monts of 2011, I ad a series of a dozen straigt travels wit inci-dents suc as ice in te engines, flat tires on te runways, canceled fligts, people being bumped off fligts just as we were about to take off, pilots wo could not find te airport runway due to fog, pilots wo could not land te plane due to extreme weater, and so on. Kidnappings, extortions, military coups, etc., I ad seen it all (Bonk, 2011). So, naturally, I said yes wen e asked me to return to Bangkok to speak on Education 3.0 during yet anoter military cue. How difficult or stressful could it be? Now, I started to scratc my ead. “Wat is Education 3.0?”, I asked Ta. He really did not know and said tat tey wanted me to speak on it anyway. hailand wanted to pus teir educational system and economy aead and tis was one of te key mecanisms for doing so. It was for me to figure it out and create a presentation. Wat I did know, just like te title of tis book implies, is tat Education 3.0 was anoter way of saying tat tey wanted to enance student learning outcomes in tese fast-canging economic and educa-tional times. Instruction in te 21st century must prepare learners in iger education settings for vastly different careers tan tey would ave experienced in te previous one. I am a product of 20t-century skill training to be an accountant, and, so, terefore, I fully realize tat suc drill-and-kill curriculum approaces are no longer sufficient. We need to enance student learning outcomes, not in te coming decade, but today. Rigt ere, rigt now. Given climate cange and te transformation of learning and work settings, we need to immediately enance, extend, elevate, and transform student learning outcomes (Bonk & Zu, 2022; Koo & Bonk, 2022). he world needs problem
Foreword finders as muc as it needs problem solvers. It also requires workers to increasingly ave global collaboration skills to negotiate and build ideas as well as te communication skills to present tem. People need innovation and idea-generation mindsets as well as analytical skills to properly evaluate novel designs and artifacts.
The Search for Education 3.0 So, as most people do wen asked to present someting new alfway around te world, I went on a fact-finding mission. My initial searc troug te literature yielded minimal results. But I did eventually stumble upon a couple of writings. As I informed Ta less tan an our later, “here are many definitions of it. Some are more mobile-focused; some are tinking skill-focused; some are K-12 focused; and some are eclectic. I tend to be more eclectic.” hen I asked im wat e tougt I migt do. In tat same email cain, I mentioned tat I ad already discovered one igly informative and quite unexpected source related to Education 3.0. It was an intriguing article found in a 2007 issue ofFirst Mondaydescribing te emergence of Education 3.0 and its potential utility in Africa. Autored by Derek Keats and J. Pillip Scmidt of te University of te Western Cape in Cape Town, Sout Africa, tat article reflected on tree educational generations in iger education (Keats & Scmidt, 2007). Across tese tree generations, Education 1.0, Education 2.0, and Education 3.0, tere is increasing access to information and greater control over te creation and use of it. In Education 1.0, te teacer or professor is te key source of content knowledge; most of wic is covered by traditional copyrigt. Learners are given tests to assess teir understanding of tat knowledge. hese courses and exams are offered by an accredited institution. As we all know, suc teacing to te test system is largely passive. It is a one-way trans-mission system from an instructor to awaiting students. If tecnology is involved, it is mainly in te service of te storage of tat course content to wic te learner clicks is way troug. In te early days of e-learning, suc a system was referred to as ‘sovelware’ (Bonk & Dennen, 1999; Oliver & McLouglin, 1999). Fellow educational psycologists deemed tis approac as a continuation of beavioral teories of learning. Suc objectively based approaces ave been dominant in education for more
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