Learning Space Design in Higher Education , livre ebook









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One of the most significant recent trends in Higher Education has been the move from a focus on teaching to one on learning. But, as anyone who has ever run programmes or courses will recognise, both the physical geography and the ethos of the location have major impacts on the quality of the resulting learning experience. Hence the current interest in learning spaces - considered here as 'sites of interaction.'

The fourteen chapters of this anthology, produced by the international Association Learning in Higher Education's well-tested and rigorous methodology, discuss the concept of learning spaces, the pedagogy of learning spaces, and the way learning spaces are changing.

Learning Space Design indicates that the evolution of learning spaces is, and ought to be, a contested area which cannot be resolved just through a formal building commissioning process. It is important to make explicit the nexus between educational philosophy and architectural design of physical and/or virtual learning spaces, especially if the aim is to increase student agency, interaction, and collaboration.

Learning Space Design puts the spotlight on an important, but often overlooked, dimension of teaching and learning processes in higher education. It is a rallying call for a mission to explore further the nature and purposes of learning spaces, and it should be essential reading for all those designing, delivering or evaluating teaching and learning in higher education.

About the editors

Lennie Scott-Webber is Director Education Environments of Steelcase Education Solutions at Steelcase Inc. in Grand Rapids, U.S.A. John Branch is Academic Director of the part-time MBA programmes and Lecturer of Marketing at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, and Faculty Associate at the Center for Russian, East European, & European Studies, both of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, U.S.A. Paul Bartholomew is Director of Learning Innovation and Professional Practice at Aston University in Birmingham, England. Claus Nygaard is executive director of LiHE and executive director of cph: learning institute.

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Date de parution

13 octobre 2014

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31 Mo

Learning Space Design in Higher Education
Learning Space Design in Higher Education
Lennie Scott-Webber John Branch Pau Barthoomew Caus Nygaard
First publised in 2014 by Libri Publising
Copyrigt © Libri Publising
Autors retain copyrigt of individual capters.
he rigt of Lennie Scott-Webber, Jon Branc, Paul Bartolomew and Claus Nygaard to be identified as te editors of tis work as been asserted in accordance wit te Copyrigt, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
ISBN 978-1-909818-38-5eISBN 978-1-912969-50-0
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 Foreword vii Capter 1 Practising Learning Space Design 1  Lennie Scott-Webber, Jon Branc, Paul Bartolomew and Claus Nygaard Capter 2 he Design of Distributed Learning Spaces 21  Ieva Stupans Capter 3 he Spaces of Relational Learning and teir Impact on Student Engagement 37  Jos Boys and Diane HazlettCapter 4 Enancing Student Learning troug te Management of Tecnology-ric Pysical Learning Spaces for Flexible Teacing 53  Jennifer Rowley Capter 5 Social and Cognitive Affordances of Pysical and Virtual Learning Spaces 69  Nicola Bartolomew and Paul Bartolomew Capter 6 Promoting Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Learning via Migration between different Learning Spaces 87  Silke Lange and Jon R. A. Smit Capter 7 Perceptions and Conceptions of Learning Spaces in Higer Education 107  Steve Drew and Cristoper Klopper Capter 8 Promoting Student Reflection troug Considerate Design of a Virtual Learning Space 127  Kayoko Enomoto and Ricard Warner Capter 9 he Perfect Storm; Education’s Immediate Callenges 151  Lennie Scott-Webber
Capter 10 Faculty Development: Precursor to Effective Student Engagement in te Higer Education Learning Space 169  Gary M. Pavlecko and Katleen L. Jacobi Capter 11 Designing a Learning Space for Creativity and Collaboration: From Studio to Computer Lab in Design Education 191  Ryan Daniel and Katja Fleiscmann Capter 12 he Active Agency of Learning Spaces 209  Aileen Strickland
Capter 13 Collective Learning Spaces: Constraints on Pedagogic Excellence 225  Clive Holtam and Annemarie Cancienne Capter 14 he Doctoral Student-Supervisor Relationsip as a Negotiated Learning Space 241  B. Liezel Frick, Eva M. Brodin and Rut M. Albertyn Capter 15 Using te heory and Practice of ‘Built Pedagogy’ to Inform Learning Space Design 263  Eva Dobozy
Collected Bibliograpy
In my role as General Manager of Steelcase Education I meet wit undreds of students, faculty, college presidents, provosts, deans, super-intendents, and academic administrators. I am constantly triangulating on teir comments, looking for patterns, common temes and unmet needs across all types of institutions. In sort, I am looking for te prob-lems tat keep educators up at nigt, te biggest problems wort solving; and I see a consistency in te callenges facing education werever I go. I also see widespread confusion, sometimes a lack of confidence, and often desperation around ow to solve for today’s callenges. But I am appy to report tat I also see encouraging pockets of innovation. In my conversations, educators express teir callenges in questions like:
“How migt we attract and retain te best students and faculty?”
st “How migt we improve student success, and prepare students for 21 century jobs tat don’t exist?
“How migt we address our ever increasing costs and deliver an educa-tion tat is deemed wort tat cost?”
“How can we stay relevant on our campus in te face of lower cost online alternatives?
In spite of significant cultural, social, and geograpical differences, te questions are amazingly similar. he pressures on education to improve vii
Foreword are global, and span elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educa-tion. It may not be surprising given tat te world is becoming so ‘flat’. he speed and ubiquity of communication, te dept, breadt, and ready access to information, and te socialisation of tat information, are creating new expectations in students tat are callenging te ways we teac, te ways we learn, and te ways we will elp tem prepare for success as global citizens. I am most surprised tat te dialogue is so similar, from Europe to Nort America, te Middle East to Latin America, and Asia. Wen I ask educators wat tey tink is needed to solve te problems in education tey typically point to areas liketec-nology, pedagogy, and talent. Wat is mentioned far less, but I believe critical, is te power of a new learning and teacingenvironmentto elp enable cange and improve te ecosystem of education.
Technology is a major transformative force in education, and some forward tinkers old it up as te best way to address many of te ills in te system. hey say it promises to move us from an obsolete, one-size-fits-all, ‘monolitic’ approac, were all students are marced troug te system in unison regardless of capability, to a more learner-centered, personalised and tailored learning experience tat addresses te wide variation in student learning abilities, learning styles, and knowledge levels. TecnologyISelping. Internet access, online courseware, mobile devices, learning management systems, learning analytics, and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courseware), can elp improve ow teacers teac and assess, and ow students learn. Venture and corporate invest-ment in new education tecnology solutions ave accelerated over te past 10 years and some of tese new tecnologies, like MOOCs and online courses, are callenging te very business model of education institutions, promising to lower costs. Many of tese new tecnologies will cange learning and teacing forever. Surprising? It souldn’t be, given tat tecnology is canging te ways we work, canging our lives at ome, canging politics, and canging cultures. Wy wouldn’t it cange education as well? It can, and it will. But tecnology alone is not te salvation. It is not te complete solu-tion for elping an ever more diverse student body succeed. How many times ave you eard an education leader say tat te key to student success is to ave more great teacers in te classroom? Moretalent.
Foreword t We all probably remember tat teacer in 7 grade mat, or te istory professor in college wo made coming to class a pleasure. here is trut to tis notion tat great teacers can ave a big impact on our desire to learn and impact our learning in very meaningful, tangible ways. hroug passion, commitment, and seer force of will, many teacers ave over-come limitations imposed by srinking budgets, limited tecnology, and poor facilities, to make learning more interesting, engaging, effective, and fun. We must continue to find, enable, and reward great teacers if we are to improve learning. But we must also identify new ways to elp tem succeed so tat tey remain passionate and inspired. One of te tools tat great teacers employ is effective and engaging pedagogy. If we look back 50–100 years te dominant pedagogy was te lecture. Before te invention of personal computers, te Internet, and easy access to ubiquitous digital information, lectures were a common, and you could argue, adequate strategy for ‘transferring knowledge’. But wit advances in digital tecnology, coupled wit a new generation of students steeped in ric digital media, expectations of te classroom experience ave canged. Wen content is available anywere, anytime, learning is no longer dependent primarily on an instructor ‘transferring’ teir deep content expertise to masses of uninformed students. Lectures are no longer sufficient. Researc on ow people learn as sown tat ‘active’ pedagogies, tose tat allow students to ‘construct teir own knowl-edge’ (Dewey 1929; Kolb & Fry 1975), are more engaging and effective tan passive lectures alone. Active teacers create multi-modal learning experiences in teir classrooms, and online, including activities suc as problem and project-based learning, peer-to-peer learning, small group discussion, and team presentation. hese approaces are more interac-tive and dynamic tan passive lectures, and our (Steelcase Education Solutions) researc as sown tem to be more engaging (Scott-Webberet. al., 2013). A strong trend is to combine tese active pedagogies wit new learning and teacing tecnologies to create a ybrid or ‘blended’ learning model were bot face-to-face and online strategies are employed in one course. But wit tese new models come new classroom beaviours, and wit te new beaviours come new requirements and opportunities for te learning environment. So, as wit new tecnologies and great teacers, new pedagogies can elp improve learning and elp students succeed. Not surprising, but
Foreword again, not sufficient. here is anoter tool we can use to gain leverage in tis global quest to grow a world of passionate, effective, leaders, collabo-st rators, and team members; in sort, educated citizens of te 21 century. his tool is often neglected, overlooked, or misunderstood, and is just possibly a surprising tool. It is te tool of space, bot pysical and virtual – te learningenvironment. he environment in wic we learn, teac, build community, collaborate, and problem solve, is an under-leveraged tool tat compliments te power of new tecnologies. And wen inten-tionally designed, learning spaces can enable a great teacer to be more effective, more efficient, and more inspired. But tere is a problem. he problem is tat most learning spaces, particularly formalactual class-rooms, look te same as tey did 100 years ago. Neat rows of tables and cairs, or tablet-arm cairs, all facing forward, ready for students to ‘sit and get’, and teacers to ‘stand and deliver’. How can tis be? How is it tat in a world of 24/7 content availability, were students can use Google, orBlackboard, orWikipedia, orInstagramto access more content tan any one teacer could know, te dominant design of education spaces is for lecture (at least in actual classrooms)- inadequate at best, or worse, obsolete? Could it be tat our learning spaces ave been te same for so long tat most educators just don’t tink of space as a tool tey can use to cange learning and teacing muc? Could it be tat we just take te dominant for granted? Migt it be tat most educators and educa-tion leaders don’t ave an image in teir minds of ow te space could be different? Maybe tey don’t tink (enoug) about ow space affects beaviour and ow new beaviours are needed in learning environments if we are to maximise te learning tat takes place tere – for today’s students, today’s pedagogies, and today’s tecnologies. Well maybe tis situation actually souldn’t be all tat surprising. After all, education decision makers are typically not trained in te fields tat are responsible for designing space, namely arcitecture and interior design. Witout an awareness of te connection between pys-ical space design, and uman beaviour in tese pysical places, educators may be unaware of te importance of designing spaces to foster activi-ties and beaviour tat lead to better engagement, and better learning. So maybe te lack of innovation in learning spaces, as a new normal, souldn’t be all tat surprising. But ere in lies a golden opportunity. If we can connect space, or more broadly, te learning environment, as a
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