Insulin receptor substrate-1 prevents autophagy-dependent cell death caused by oxidative stress in mouse NIH/3T3 cells
Chan Shih-Hung, Kikkawa Ushio, Matsuzaki Hidenori, Chen Jyh-Hong, Chang Wen-Chang, Chang
The relationship between ventricular dilatation, neuropathological and neurobehavioural changes in hydrocephalic rats
Olopade Funmilayo, Shokunbi Matthew, Sirén, Sirén Anna-Leena
Erythropoietin reduces neuronal cell death and hyperalgesia induced by peripheral inflammatory pain in neonatal rats
Mohamad Osama, Chen Dongdong, Zhang Lingling, Hofmann Cane, Wei Ling, Yu
MiR-10a is aberrantly overexpressed in Nucleophosmin1mutated acute myeloid leukaemia and its suppression induces cell death
Bryant Adam, Jayaswal Vivek, Yang Yee, Lutherborrow Mark, Ma, Palma
Strong innate immune response and cell death in chicken splenocytes infected with genotype VIId Newcastle disease virus
Hu Zenglei, Hu Jiao, Hu Shunlin, Liu Xiaowen, Wang Xiaoquan, Zhu Jie, Liu Xiufan, Liu
Inhibition of clathrin by pitstop 2 activates the spindle assembly checkpoint and induces cell death in dividing HeLa cancer cells
Haucke Volker, Mccluskey Adam, Chircop, Chircop Megan, Smith, Robinson
Effects of blocking developmental cell death on sexually dimorphic calbindin cell groups in the preoptic area and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
Gilmore, Varnum, Forger
Neutrophil depletion reduces edema formation and tissue loss following traumatic brain injury in mice
Erlandsson Anna, Hillered Lars, Clausen Fredrik, Kenne Ellinor, Lindbom Lennart, Clausen
Identification of potential biomarkers of gold nanoparticle toxicity in rat brains
Abdelhalim Mohamed, El-Ansary, Alhomida, Ong, Siddiqi
Selective anticancer activity of a hexapeptide with sequence homology to a non-kinase domain of Cyclin Dependent Kinase 4
Warenius, Kilburn, Essex, Blaydes, Agarwala Usha, Seabra, Maurer
Primary phagocytosis of viable neurons by microglia activated with LPS or Aβ is dependent on calreticulin/LRP phagocytic signalling
Fricker Michael, Oliva-Martín María, Brown
Pro-death and pro-survival properties of ouabain in U937 lymphoma derived cells
Cuozzo Francesca, Raciti Marisa, Bertelli Laura, Parente Rosanna, Di