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Partition complète et parties, Two Mansfield poèmes, Carr, Edwin


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Visionnez les partitions de Two Mansfield poèmes partition complète et parties, pièces, de Carr, Edwin. Cette partition moderne célèbre écrite pour les instruments comme:
  • hautbois d’amore (ou anglais cor)
  • piano

La partition enchaine plusieurs mouvements: 2 pièces:Sanary. AllegrettoSleeping Together. Allegro moderato et est classifiée dans les genres pour anglais cor, piano, partitions pour piano, langue anglaise, partitions pour anglais cor, pour 2 musiciens, pour hautbois damore, piano, pièces, partitions pour hautbois damore
Obtenez de la même façon tout un choix de musique pour hautbois d’amore (ou anglais cor), piano sur YouScribe, dans la rubrique Partitions de musique variée.
Rédacteur: Jennifer Paull
Edition: Amoris International
Libbretiste: Katherine Mansfield (1888–1923)
Dédicace: For Jennifer Paull



Publié par
Nombre de lectures 15
Licence : En savoir +
Paternité, pas de modification
Langue English




Oboe d'amore (Cor anglais) & Piano

SI 003 Edwin Carr


New Zealand composer Edwin Carr was born in Auckland in 1926 and spent a good
deal of his life in Europe. He was a prolific composer and wrote four symphonies.
There are many other orchestral works, ballets and pieces for chamber ensembles: a
wind octet, two string quartets and a quartet for winds and piano. He composed two
piano concertos, one for violin, three piano sonatas and a set of ten concert studies for
piano. Much of Carr's output has been commercially recorded.
Edwin Carr lived on Waiheke, a large island in the Hauraki Gulf adjoining Auckland
harbour. He was an eclectic composer and wrote in a diatonic-modal style as well as a
modified serial system in which he sought to reinstate a more sensitive harmonic
Among his latter works was a commission for the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
based upon a monologue by one of New Zealand's best-known writers Bruce Mason.
This was a seascape entitled The End of the Golden Weather.
In the summer of 1999, Edwin Carr was honoured by the Queen and awarded the
MNZM, thus becoming a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
He died on the 27th March 2003, aged 76, in his home on Waiheke Island.


Two Mansfield Poems

Oboe d'amore (Cor anglais) & Piano

SI 003
These two pieces are based upon poems by the New Zealand writer and poet, Katherine
Mansfield (1888-1923). They were written for Jennifer Paull with funds made
available by the New Zealand Arts Council and the Composers' Guild of New Zealand.
It is my intention that each poem be read before the performance or that they be
included in the programme notes. The two pieces have the same titles as the poems
they portray: ‘Sleeping Together’ and ‘Sanary’.

Edwin Carr
1977 Two Mansfield Poems

Recorded by Jennifer Paull, Oboe d’amore and Read Gainsford, Piano
The Oboe d’amore Collection Volume II ( SC VII )



SANARY (1916)

Her little hot room looked over the bay
Through a stiff palisade of glinting palms,
And there she would lie in the heat of the day,
Her dark head resting upon her arms,
So quiet, so still, she did not seem
To think, to feel, or even to dream.

The shimmering, blinding web of sea
Hung from the sky, and the spider sun
With busy frightening cruelty
Crawled over the sky and spun and spun.
She could see it still when she shut her eyes,
And the little boats caught in the web like flies.

Down below at this idle hour
Nobody walked in the dusty street;
A scent of a dying mimosa flower
Lay on the air, but sweet—too sweet.



Sleeping together... how tired you were!...
How warm our room... how the firelight spread
On walls and ceiling and great white bed!
We spoke in whispers as children do,
And now it was I--and then it was you
Slept a moment, to wake--"My dear,
I'm not at all sleepy," one of us said....
Was it a thousand years ago?
I woke in your arms--you were sound asleep--
And heard the pattering sound of sheep.
Softly I slipped to the floor and crept
To the curtained window, then, while you slept,
I watched the sheep pass by in the snow.

O flock of thoughts with their shepherd Fear
Shivering, desolate, out in the cold,
That entered into my heart to fold!
A thousand years... was it yesterday
When we two children of far away,
Clinging close in the darkness, lay
Sleeping together?... How tired you were!....

Katherine Mansfield Society: www.katherinemansfieldsociety.org


Works by Edwin Carr published by Amoris International

Four Pieces SI 002
 Prelude & Aria SI 004
Sonatina di maggio SI 009 Ngataringa Nocturne & Scherzo CM 003
 Waiheke Island EN 002
- A Suite for Oboe Consort
Four Pieces (Orchestral Version) OR 001

Recorded by Jennifer Paull, Oboe d’amore and Read Gainsford, Piano

The Oboe d’amore Collection Volume II ( SC VII )

 Recorded by Jennifer Paull and The Amoris Consort

The Consort Collection Volume I ( CC VI )


www.amoris.com for Jennifer Paull 1
Edwin Carr
(1926 -2003)
Allegretto q. = 84
6 Oboe d'amore .∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ Œ œ.& 8
(Cor anglais) π
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In Concert Pitch
Copyright © Amoris InternationalAI SI 003 www.amoris.com2
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