Think Big: Discover How To Expand Your Thinking In Order To Make Big Things Happen In Your Life , livre audio






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Are you settling for a mediocre life?
Do you ever wonder what you are truly capable of?
Whether you want to (1) free your mind from limited thinking, (2) start turning your big ideas and dreams into reality, or (3) discover elite strategies and habits for creating big things in your life, this is the audiobook for you.
You were made for more than this. There is a much better way to succeed in life!
The reality is that many of us don't dream enough! This audiobook was written for the purpose of reversing that trend and unleashing the big thinker inside of you. Yes you! It's time that you truly discover the power of thinking big!
Unleash your inner power.
You won't have to go far to learn this skill because what you need is already right there, inside of you. All I will do is help you unleash the Big Idea that's hiding deep within you and show you how to ride it to fruition in your life.
Let nothing hold you back.
Most of your fears are only in your own head. They have nothing to do with reality. So, turn your negative thoughts around. I will help you turn your fears into creative energy, exchanging them for confidence that yes, you can live life to the fullest and execute some big plans!
Turn your big dreams into reality.
Follow step-by-step guidance to turn your big idea into something that exists in the real world. Stop aiming for average goals, start thinking of big things that will truly make a big difference in your life!
You only live once! This is your chance.
Unleash your true potential: Buy it now!
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Date de parution

18 novembre 2020

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

263 Mo

  • Univers Univers
  • Ebooks Ebooks
  • Livres audio Livres audio
  • Presse Presse
  • Podcasts Podcasts
  • BD BD
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