Swimming: Swimming Made Easy: Beginning and Expert Strategies For Becoming A Better Swimmer , livre audio






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Are you tired of being a weak swimmer?
Do lesser athletes surpass you in the pool?
Whether you want to (1) learn the basics of swimming, (2) master advanced strokes, or (3) gain a powerful edge on the competition, this audiobook will teach you everything you need to know.
Do you wish you could swim fast and look good at the same time?
No matter the stroke, swimming is a complicated action, involving the coordination of many of moving parts, with breathing thrown in to add to the complexity. However, with practice, you can swim with the confidence that you are using the proper technique to propel yourself across the pool most efficiently.
See how easily you can improve your stroke.
Whether you hit the pool for fun or are swimming with your eye on the competition, a little attention to the technical aspects of your stroke can greatly enhance your performance and enjoyment. I have broken down each basic swimming stroke into individual components that are easily practiced in isolation. As you develop proficiency in each critical detail, I work with you to combine these components into an effective and efficient swimming stroke.
Get all the benefits of increasing your swimming endurance.
Let's face it; it's no fun getting tired. While we know that the more you swim, the better you will handle yourself in the water, if you want to increase your strength and stamina in the water, physical conditioning is key. In this audiobook you will find professional exercises designed specifically to improve your endurance.
Stop guessing at what works and start swimming like a pro.
Swim better now: Buy it now!
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Date de parution

18 novembre 2020

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

342 Mo

  • Univers Univers
  • Ebooks Ebooks
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