Google AdWords Made Easy , livre audio






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This is exactly what you are going to learn:In Chapter I You will learn what Google AdWords is all about; we will give you the easiest definition for it, and you will learn where Google ads are shown as well as how to get started with it.In Chapter II You will learn why you should definitely use Google AdWords for your business. You will learn about some of its amazing benefits as well as several shocking facts that will make you decide to start using it right away.In Chapter III You will learn about the Top 5 Google AdWords Automation Power Tools. Here you will be able to see several power tools and services dedicated to help you get the most out of Google AdWords.In Chapter IV You will watch our over-the-shoulder method on Setting up a Profitable AD Campaign from Start to Finish. We will cover topics like: Creating an AdWords Account, Creating your first campaign, Creating your first ad,Creating your first keyword list, Entering your Billing Details, Getting familiar with your AdWords Account and Going Mobile with AdWords.In Chapter V You will learn about 10 Proven Google AdWords Tricks you can start using today. Tricks that you can apply and definitely see great results in your Google AdWords Marketing efforts. These tricks have been used by experienced marketers obtaining awesome results.In Chapter VI You will learn the 10 must do’s you can’t miss on AdWords. These are exact things you should remember to use or practice so you can succeed on Google AdWords.In Chapter VII You will learn the 10 warnings you should be aware of on Google AdWords. Miss them and be prepare to be disappointed in your Google AdWords Marketing Efforts.In Chapter VIII You will get the chance to look at several shocking Google AdWords Case Studies. These are actual examples we have taken from the internet to show you that Google AdWords actually works so that you can have complete confidence in your ability to achieve your own business success story with it.Order Now!
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Date de parution

02 mars 2019

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Poids de l'ouvrage

251 Mo

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