Dropshipping Shopify E-commerce 2020: Learn the Secrets to Generale a Passive Income of $20,000 Each Month Using Facebook Ads, Instagram Influencer and Google Ads , livre audio






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Do you want to discover how to grow and scale up your dropshipping business but don’t know what to look for?
The global statistics portal has proof that a great and vast audience awaits content. More than a third of the world population is on social media, and they are hungry for content. People log in to their favorite platforms every day to check what’s trending.
With such crucial information, the rest is upon a marketer to realize how to best reach their audience: on which platforms they are most likely to be and when they should reach out.
Fortunately, you have access to the platforms that can exponentially grow your brand, and you have access to the most strategic and latest concepts you can apply to scale up your drop shipping or e-commerce business.
In this audiobook, you will discover:
•Dropshipping - what it is and what it isn’t
•The pros and cons of dropshipping
•The huge potential you can tap into with this business model
•Ways to know if this type of business is a good fit for you
•Steps to build a dropshipping business from scratch - without a huge upfront investment
•All the tools you need to start your online store, source your products, market your products, and monitor and hook your customers to become repeat buyers
•The confusing legal stuff explained in simple terms
•Best platforms you should use
•Ways to build a hyper-successful brand
•Cutting-edge strategies that will work in the coming years
•Step-by-step method for scaling your business to earn thousands per month
•And much more!
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Date de parution

25 avril 2020

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Poids de l'ouvrage

618 Mo

  • Univers Univers
  • Ebooks Ebooks
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