Facebook: Marketing: Sales: 3 Books in 1: Make Money With Facebook, Market Like A Pro & Crush It In Sales , livre audio






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Do you wish you could make some real money with Facebook like everyone else?
Ever wonder exactly what the pro marketers are doing?
Ready for more sales and bigger paychecks?
3 Audio Books in 1: An unbeatable combination of the best of Facebook strategies, marketing tactics, and winning sales techniques!
Whether you want to (1) learn how to be successful with Facebook, (2) market like the pros, or (3) discover the world’s best sales techniques, this audio book will teach you everything you need to know.
Learn just how easy it is to master Facebook.
Discover an incredible array of techniques you can use to easily increase your effectiveness with one of the most lucrative online business tools in the world! Use world-class techniques to connect with customers and build powerful long-term relationships.
Get stellar results from your marketing efforts!
Profit from more than 100 powerful tactics, ideas and strategies for successful marketing. Discover how big companies successfully brand and market their products, then apply their strategies to your own business.
Become a star closer and start making some real money!
Sales can be fun! Instead of “selling,” you’ll find ways to connect with your customers on their level and give them what they want. Leave outmoded methods behind and learn to tap into your customers’ deepest desires. Grasp the keys to dissolving sales resistance so you can hear that sweet “Yes!”
Bring your product, business, and ideas to the world, and then close the right way!
Start Mastering the Game: Buy It Now!
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Date de parution

29 novembre 2020

Nombre de lectures






Poids de l'ouvrage

634 Mo

  • Univers Univers
  • Ebooks Ebooks
  • Livres audio Livres audio
  • Presse Presse
  • Podcasts Podcasts
  • BD BD
  • Documents Documents
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