Forex Financial Independence , livre audio






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Forex Financial Independence. One of the many ways you can stop working for money and let money work for you.
If you're not familiar with the term -"Forex" is short for "foreign exchange." And when you trade Forex currencies, your profit is the difference in the exchange rate between two currencies.
While stock market investments, such as stocks and bonds are definitely viable routes to financial independence, Forex offers multiple advantages:
First of all, Forex trades are made in real time. There's no waiting to see if a stock rises or falls your before making your move.
Secondly, Forex Trading is location independent. All you need to access the Forex market is a computer. Whether you're at home, or on a hammock on the beach.
And thirdly, many Forex Brokers offer "trial accounts." So you can learn the ropes without losing your shirt.
But is Financial Independence through Forex Trading an unacheiveable dream in this era of economic turmoil, outsourcing, downsizing and robots replacing jobs?
The answer, is a resounding "No." According to Financial Guru Quentin Carlisle. He advises that if you have motivation, and are willing to put it into action, Forex Financial independence is not just possible, but inevitable!
In His many previous books, Mr. Carlisle cut through the smoke and mirrors of the complex financial system.Giving you concrete actionable steps to move your financial future forward.
Now, in this book, he explains why the opportunites in the Forex Trading market are wide open. And shows you the steps you must take to achieve Forex Financial Independence.]]>
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Date de parution

11 avril 2019

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Poids de l'ouvrage

268 Mo

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