A Tribute To Mike Pinder , livre audio






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I first met Mike Pinder when the interview you are about to hear was conducted in the mid-1990s. Tt was generally known that Mike was very spiritually evolved and able to mirror his deep realizations through his incredible music both as a solo artist and with the Moody Blues. As an interviewer, I was taken by the sincerity, depth, and breadth of his knowledge and wisdom. Pinder gave freely the benefit of his unique understanding of life through the music that so effortlessly flowed from within.
There was an incredible honesty about the man which gave everything he said a moral authority and simple truth that was quite amazing. Without ever posing as one Mike was a very high spiritual teacher. What you will hear is an incredible document of not only the early history and success Mike Pinder achieved as a musician and composer but also the deeper aspects of living a true spiritual life amidst the material maelstrom.
Mike was in many ways the soul of The Moody Blues, a progressive band of brothers that touched so many. Fortunately, he has left behind a huge portion of his great spirit within his indelible and enlightening music and words. This audiobook is a tribute of the triumph of true spiritual life made manifest within the context of this rare and wonderful musician composer and philosopher.
Here Pinder speaks for himself from the vantage of a life well lived centered upon the deepest from within the soulful core of this wonderful being. His music and philosophy will live long. Mike's inspirational travels continue.
Geoffrey Giuliano, 2024
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Date de parution

08 mai 2024

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Poids de l'ouvrage

199 Mo

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