Subcortical Structures and Cognition , livre ebook









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There are no other books available that discuss the cognitive and emotional aspects of subcortical pathology at the level of clinical neuropsychology

At the cutting edge of clinical research connecting subcortical processes to cognition and affect

Clinical psychologists and neuropsychologists are traditionally taught that cognition is mediated by the cortex and that subcortical brain regions mediate the coordination of movement. However, this argument can easily be challenged based upon the anatomic organization of the brain. The relationship between the prefrontal cortex/frontal lobes and basal ganglia is characterized by loops from these anterior brain regions to the striatum, the globus pallidus, and the thalamus, and then back to the frontal cortex. There is also a cerebrocerebellar system defined by projections from the cerebral cortex to the pontine nuclei, to the cerebellar cortex and deep cerebellar nuclei, to the red nucleus and then back to thalamus and cerebral cortex, including all regions of the frontal lobes. Therefore, both the cortical-striatal and cortical-cerebellar projections are anatomically defined as re-entrant systems that are obviously in a position to influence not only motor behavior, but also cognition and affect. This represents overwhelming evidence based upon neuroanatomy alone that subcortical regions play a role in cognition. The first half of this book defines the functional neuroanatomy of cortical-subcortical circuitries and establishes that since structure is related to function, what the basal ganglia and cerebellum do for movement they also do for cognition and emotion.

The second half of the book examines neuropsychological assessment. Patients with lesions restricted to the cerebellum and/or basal ganglia have been described as exhibiting a variety of cognitive deficits on neuropsychological tests. Numerous investigations have demonstrated that higher-level cognitive functions such as attention, executive functioning, language, visuospatial processing, and learning and memory are affected by subcortical pathologies. There is also considerable evidence that the basal ganglia and cerebellum play a critical role in the regulation of affect and emotion. These brain regions are an integral part of the brain’s executive system. The ability to apply new methodologies clinically is essential in the evaluation of disorders with subcortical pathology, including various developmental disorders (broadly defined to include learning disorders and certain psychiatric conditions), for the purpose of gaining greater understanding of these conditions and developing appropriate methodologies for treatment.


The book is organized around three sources of evidence:

  1. neuroanatomical connections;

  2. patients with various disease processes;

  3. experimental studies, including various imaging techniques.

These three sources of data present compelling evidence that the basal ganglia and cerebellum are involved in cognition, affect, and emotion. The question is no longer if these subcortical regions are involved in these processes, but instead, how they are involved. The book is also organized around two basic concepts: (1) the functional neuroanatomy of the basal ganglia and the cerebellum; and (2) how this relates to behavior and neuropsychological testing.

Cognitive neuroscience is entering a new era as we recognize the roles of subcortical structures in the modulation of cognition. The fields of neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychiatry, and neurology are all developing in the direction of understanding the roles of subcortical structures in behavior. This book is informative while defining the need and direction for new paradigms and methodologies for neuropsychological assessment.

Introduction: Movement, Cognition, and the Vertically Organized Brain.- The Basal Ganglia: Beyond the Motor System—From Movement to Thought.- Frontal–Subcortical Real Estate: Location, Location, Location.- Learning and the Basal Ganglia: Benefiting from Action and Reinforcement.- The Cerebellum: Quality Control, Creativity, Intuition, and Unconscious Working Memory.- Automaticity and Higher-Order Control in Communication: A Brief Introduction to Language and Social Cognition.- The Vertically Organized Brain in Clinical Psychiatric Disorders.- Familiarity and Novelty—Evaluating the Frontostriatal System.- Thought in Action: Procedural Learning, Processing Speed, and Automaticity.- The Basal Ganglia and Neuropsychological Testing.- The Cerebellum in Neuropsychological Testing.- The Integrated Brain: Implications for Neuropsychological Evaluation.
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Date de parution

21 avril 2009





Leonard F. Koziol and Deborah Ely Budding Subcortical Structures and Cognition Implications for Neuropsychological Assessment 10.1007/978-0-387-84868-6 © Springer-Verlag New York 2009

Leonard F. Koziol and Deborah Ely Budding Subcortical Structures and Cognition Implications for Neuropsychological Assessment

Leonard F. Koziol

Park Ridge, IL, USA
Deborah Ely Budding

Manhattan Beach, CA, USA
ISBN 978-0-387-84866-2 e-ISBN 978-0-387-84868-6
© Springer-Verlag New York 2009

Dedication and Acknowledgments

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be .
Douglas Adams
This book was made possible as a result of the extraordinary influence and support of many people. This manuscript is dedicated to these individuals. First, I thank Mark Moulthrop, Ph.D. I was extremely fortunate to have him as my clinical neuropsychology supervisor nearly 30 years ago. Mark taught me how to think about cognition and its measurement, and even more importantly, he taught me how to think about patients. I am forever grateful for his influences upon my thinking.
I also thank my patients. By this, I mean each and every clinical case I personally saw in consultation, as well as those cases presented to me by students for supervision. This is an extremely voluminous number of cases, an astonishing tally, but a little bit of every one of these patients is represented in this book, because this book is about understanding their problems. Without the experience I gained by evaluating the diagnostic issues presented by these patients, there would be little reason for this book. Thank you for allowing me to learn from you. I also thank my graduate and post-graduate students. Your questions compelled me to think, which allowed me to learn.
Several individuals provided practical assistance in completing the manuscript. Drs. Phillip Kent, Keith Kobes, Doug Callan, Adam Piccolino, Kevin Duffy, Dana Chidekel, Deborah Miora, Raymond List, Karin Suesser, and Diane Engelman all provided comments and literary assistance in reading through various versions of different chapters. Catherine Gottlieb, MLIS, provided invaluable editorial research and editorial research consulting. Becky Fong proved to be an exceptional illustrator. All of your contributions were critical to the completion of this manuscript. Thank you.
Special thanks goes to Deborah Budding. She did more than anyone could ever ask for in making this book a reality. It would be an understatement to say her ideas, her literature searches, her sharing and updating of citations, her constant availability, and her literary and editorial expertise were invaluable. She was the inspirational and energizing catalyst that made this book possible. I was extremely fortunate to have the privilege of working with her.
I also thank Mark and Janel Blakely for the photographs of Kaitlyn. Those pictures in Chapter 4, Fig. 4 illustrates “reinforcement learning” in a way that could never be described in words. I greatly appreciate your contribution, which allows others to learn as I did. I also thank the Wambach family for their precious support. Finally, I thank my brother Don, who has never really known that he has always been an inspiration to me.
Thank you.
Leonard F. Koziol
First, I would like to give profound thanks to Len Koziol for sharing his knowledge, wisdom, and time with me. His generosity and trust have been awe-inspiring. He is a rare person of honor and integrity. I am also fortunate to have had a number of remarkable people as mentors, colleagues and sources of support over the years and during the writing of this book. My parents, grandparents, and sisters provided early inspiration in addition to ongoing opportunities for learning from experience. Barbara Counter, Ph.D. encouraged me to follow my instincts. Arnold Purisch, Ph.D. opened my eyes to the possibilities held within the world of neuropsychology and continues to serve as a valued mentor. Lorraine Gorlick, LCSW, Ph.D. has shared her tremendous patience, fortitude, and humor with me while demonstrating how it is possible to be still and still moving. Dana Chidekel, Ph.D. inspires and challenges me to keep moving, even when I don’t feel like it, and shared her editorial and writing prowess on a number of chapters. Deborah Miora, Ph.D., Jayme Jones, Ph.D., and Denise McDermott, M.D. have lent ongoing moral support—with accompanying appreciation for both work and play—in addition to direct assistance with this project. Cathy Gottlieb, MLIS lent both research and moral support and is listed in the dictionary under the definition of “friend.” Finally, my husband, Bill, who continues to inspire me, cook for me and make me laugh, and my stepdaughter, Alex and sons, Nicholas and Matthew—who have waited forever for me to be finished—have made all of this worthwhile. Thank you all. I am deeply grateful.
Deborah Ely Budding


A little revolution now and then is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson
If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn’t thinking .
George S. Patton
Most clinical neuropsychologists are taught a cortico-centric model of cognition. From this viewpoint, the neocortex is considered to play the most important role in generating human thinking and behavior. This book departs from that view by additionally considering subcortical contributions to cognition. Our focus concerns subcortical structures that have traditionally been considered only as co-processors of movement. These structures contribute to cognition and emotion. We propose that the cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebellum operate in parallel to generate adaptive behaviors and we examine the role of neuropsychological testing and evaluation within this framework. We believe that this adds needed dimensionality for assessing complex behavioral systems.
This book was written for practicing neuropsychologists and for those in training. This book would be useful for both graduate and post-graduate students as well. Although we primarily had neuropsychologists in mind in writing this manuscript, we believe that the ideas described in this book are also useful for people in other related professions. Anyone working in a medically or health related profession who wants to learn more about how cognition and behavior are organized within the brain should be familiar with the content of this manuscript.
In writing this book, we made the assumption that the reader is already familiar, or in the process of becoming familiar, with all fundamental concepts of cortically based brain–behavior relationships. Anyone who is not familiar with this information should consult a traditional neuropsychology textbook.
Because the intended audience of this book is clinically based, its focus is very practical. We strive for the reader to acquire a practical understanding of cortical–subcortical functional relationships. This book was not geared toward people primarily involved in research. The book was not meant to include an exhaustive review of the literature. Instead, the book offers an integrated view of cortical–subcortical functioning that we believe has practical clinical applicability. However, whether or not you fit the profile of our intended reader, we encourage you to read on and we hope that you find the information in this book useful if not inspiring.
Leonard F. Koziol
Deborah Ely Budding
Park Ridge, Illinois Manhattan Beach, California


1 Introduction: Movement, Cognition, and the Vertically Organized Brain 1

A Case of Dementia? 3

Why Do We Have a Cortico-centric Bias? 5

Vertically Organized Brain Systems 6

A Theoretical and Historic Context 9

How to Do Things in a Changing Environment 11

When to Do Things—Intention Programs 13

Theories of Types of Behavioral Processing and the Frontostriatal System 14

Analogous Memory Systems 16

The Phylogenetic Perspective 17

Excitation Versus Inhibition 19

Adjustment of Motor “How”—The Changing Characteristics of Excitation and Inhibition 20

Summary 22

References 23

2 The Basal Ganglia: Beyond the Motor System—From Movement to Thought 27

Anatomical Structures and Subdivisions of the Basal Ganglia 28

Basal Ganglia Circuitry 33

Specific Projections into the Striatum 34

Direct and Indirect Pathways 36

The Subthalamic Pathway 37

The Striosomal Pathway 38

Basal Ganglia–Subcortical Loops 38

What Does the Cortico-striatal System Do? 41

Three Selection Pathways—An Interim Summary 42

Application of Motor Behavior to Cognition 42

Examples of the Frontostriatal System in Operation 44

Sensitivity to Context: The Basal Ganglia in Learning 45

Higher-Order Cognition and Working Memory 46

How Does Working Memory Work? 50

Context and Higher-Order Control in Combination 54

The Basal Ganglia and Automatic Processing 55

Alternating Episodes of Automatic Versus Higher-Order Control 57

An Integrated Cortical–Subcortical Model of Behavioral Selection 58

The Striatum Learns and Mobilizes Procedures 58

The Prefrontal Cortex Decides upon Behavior 59

Pathology/Developmental Disorders 61

Summary 62

References 62

3 Frontal–Subcortical Real Estate: Location, Location, Location 69

Divisions of the Frontal Cortex and the Anterior Circuits 70

The Dorsolateral Prefrontal Circuit (DLPFC) 71

Orbitofrontal Circuit (OFC) 75

The Medial Frontal Circuit (MFC)/Anterior Cingulate Circuit 77

The Motor Circuits 79

Motor, Cognitive, Motivational, and Affective Analogues 80

Frontal System Syndromes 82

Summary 90

References 90

4 Learning and the Basal Ganglia: Benefiting from Action and Reinforcement 95

The Basal Ganglia and Learning 96

The Inferotemporal and Parietal Loops 100

Categorization and Classification 101

Positive and Negative Reinforcement Learning 108

Summary 118

References 119

5 The Cerebellum: Quali

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