Secret Of Mental Math Arithmetic: 70 Secrets To Super Speed Calculation & Amazing Math Tricks , livre ebook









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No matter how simple it may be, solving mathematical equations can be a challenge for quite a number of persons. Through his book titled "Secret Of Mental Math Arithmetic: 70 Secrets To Super Speed Calculation & Amazing Math Tricks", Jason Scotts seeks to provide the solution to those mathematical problems. The main challenge has come from the fact that most persons have become used to grabbing a calculator to solve a mathematical problem. As such, the mind has become a bit lazy and it takes a bit of prodding to get it working without having to use a calculator. The text takes everything back to basics and reminds the reader of simple techniques that they were taught in school. This text is a must have in any home as it can help an individual to learn how to conquer those math equations without having the need to reach for a calculator.
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29 juin 2013

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SecretOf Mental Math Arithmetic: 70 Secrets To Super Speed Calculation & AmazingMath Tricks
Howto Do Math without a Calculator
By:Jason Scotts
Tableof Contents
Publishers Notes
Chapter 1 - Mental Math Arithmetic- Getting Rid of the Calculator
Chapter 2 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Add Without a Calculator
Chapter 3 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Subtract Without aCalculator
Chapter 4 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Divide Without aCalculator
Chapter 5 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Multiply Without aCalculator
Chapter 6 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Estimate When Multiplying
Chapter 7 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Estimate When Dividing
Chapter 8 - Secrets to Mental Arithmetic- 10 Ways to Check Answers
About The Author
Publishers Notes
This publicationis intended to provide helpful and informative material. It is not intended todiagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or condition, nor isintended to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solelyon the contents of this book. Always consult your physician or qualifiedhealth-care professional on any matters regarding your health and beforeadopting any suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.
The author andpublisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss orrisk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly orindirectly, from the use or application of any contents of this book.
Any and allproduct names referenced within this book are the trademarks of theirrespective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed,or approved this book.
Always read allinformation provided by the manufacturers’ product labels before using theirproducts. The author and publisher are not responsible for claims made bymanufacturers.
© 2013
Manufactured inthe United States of America
This book isdedicated to my greatest source of support-my parents.
Chapter 1- Mental Math Arithmetic- Getting Rid of the Calculator
Mental calculations use only thehuman mind in order to find a solution to a mathematical problem. The humanbrain is used as a calculation tool, and the end results are determined from amental computation of the arithmetic data itself. A calculator or computer isnot used to find the end result of the arithmetic problem.

Various mental techniques arefrequently used to find a correct answer for a mental math calculation; thesemental math techniques usually take advantage of the decimal and numeralsystems. There are certain systems that may be used, and the method that ischosen is determined by the particular calculations that are being performed. Aradix may be used for easy tasks that simply use a decimal point location todecide the correct answer for a math problem. Multiplying and dividing by 10can be accurately done by moving the decimal point to the correct place withinthe numbers being used. A hexadecimal system needs to be used when the mathproblem uses other multiplying or dividing numbers. Using the number seven as amultiplier or divider may create a more complex mental math problem.
Techniques and Other Methods
There are other techniques andmethods that may be used to find the correct answers to mental math arithmeticproblems. The sum of the first nine digits of a group of nine numbers may beadded, and this group of nine digits is called an operand. This technique usesthe sum of the digits and several other operations to arrive at a correctanswer. This particular method is called casting out nines. This type of mentalmath calculation may be used after a certain number of practice sessions inorder to determine the correct sequence of operations needed.
Estimation and Mental MathArithmetic
A second method that is used formental math arithmetic is a technique called estimation. This type of mentalmath uses a necessary scaling of the numbers. This estimation will instruct themental math user to estimate the number of digits and to be aware of theexpected number of digits for the correct answer. Counting the number of digitsfor the final answer can assure the mental math processor that the answer iswithin an expected range and has the correct number of digits.

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