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Publié par
Date de parution
01 août 2012
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Making It Like a Man: Canadian Masculinities in Practice is a collection of essays on the practice of masculinities in Canadian arts and cultures, where to “make it like a man” is to participate in the cultural, sociological, and historical fluidity of ways of being a man in Canada, from the country’s origins in nineteenth-century Victorian values to its immersion in the contemporary post-modern landscape.
The book focuses on the ways Canadian masculinities have been performed and represented through five broad themes: colonialism, nationalism, and transnationalism; emotion and affect; ethnic and minority identities; capitalist and domestic politics; and the question of men’s relationships with themselves and others. Chapters include studies of well-known and more obscure figures in the Canadian arts and culture scenes, such as visual artist Attila Richard Lukacs; writers Douglas Coupland, Barbara Gowdy, Simon Chaput, Thomas King, and James De Mille; filmmakers Clement Virgo, Norma Bailey, John N. Smith, and Frank Cole; as well as familiar and not-so-familiar tokens of Canadian masculinity such as the hockey hero, the gangsta rapper, the immigrant farmer, and the drag king.
Making It Like a Man is the first book of its kind to explore and critique historical and contemporary masculinities in Canada with a special focus on artistic and cultural production and representation. It is concerned with mapping some of the uniquely Canadian places and spaces in the international field of masculinity studies, and will be of interest to academic and culturally informed audiences.
Publié par
Date de parution
01 août 2012
Poids de l'ouvrage
2 Mo
Cultural Studies Series
Cultural Studies is the multi- and inter-disciplinary study of culture, defined anthropologically as a way of life, performatively as symbolic practice, and ideologically as the collective product of varied media and cultural industries. Although Cultural Studies is a relative newcomer to the humanities and social sciences, in less than half a century it has taken interdisciplinary scholarship to a new level of sophistication, reinvigorating the liberal arts curriculum with new theories, topics, and forms of intellectual partnership.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press invites submissions of manuscripts concerned with critical discussions on power relations concerning gender, class, sexual preference, ethnicity, and other macro and micro sites of political struggle.
For more information, please contact:
Lisa Quinn Acquisitions Editor Wilfrid Laurier University Press 75 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5 Canada Phone: 519-884-0710 ext. 2843 Fax: 519-725-1399 Email: quinn@press.wlu.ca
Christine Ramsay, editor
This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Making it like a man : Canadian masculinities in practice / Christine Ramsay, editor.
(Cultural studies series) Includes bibliographical references and index. Issued also in electronic formats. ISBN 978-1-55458-327-0
1. Masculinity-Social aspects-Canada. 2. Masculinity-Canada. 3. Men-Canada-Identity. I. Ramsay, Christine, 1958- II. Series: Cultural studies series (Waterloo, Ont.)
HQ1090.7.C2M35 2011 305.310971 C2011-902983-9
Electronic resource. Issued also in print format. ISBN 978-1-55458-375-1 (PDF)
1. Masculinity-Social aspects-Canada. 2. Masculinity-Canada. 3. Men-Canada-Identity. I. Ramsay, Christine, 1958- II. Series: Cultural studies series (Waterloo, Ont.)
HQ1090.7.C2M35 2011a 305.310971 C2011-902984-7
2011 Wilfrid Laurier University Press Waterloo, Ontario, Canada www.wlupress.wlu.ca
Cover design by Martyn Schmoll. Cover photograph (top) by Afshin Matlabi, On Technologies of Man s Sensuality (1999), part of a project that comprises photo (24 x 36 ) with video projection and sound (artist vacuuming parking lot). Reproduced with the permission of the artist. Cover photograph (bottom) by Steve Cukrov/iStock. Text design by Catharine Bonas-Taylor. Layout by Daiva Villa, Chris Rowat Design.
This book is printed on FSC recycled paper and is certified Ecologo. It is made from 100% post-consumer fibre, processed chlorine free, and manufactured using biogas energy.
Printed in Canada
Every reasonable effort has been made to acquire permission for copyright material used in this publication and to acknowledge all such indebtedness accurately. Any errors and omissions called to the publisher s attention will be corrected in future printings.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher or a licence from The Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency (Access Copyright). For an Access Copyright licence, visit www.accesscopyright.ca or call toll free to 1-800-893-5777.
List of Illustrations
Christine Ramsay
I Identity, Agency, and Manliness in the Colonial and the National
1 Carnival and Masculinity in the Travel Fiction of James De Mille
Ken Wilson
2 No Money, but Muscle and Pluck : Cultivating Trans-Imperial Manliness for the Fields of Empire, 1870-1901
Jarett Henderson
3 Who s on the Home Front? Canadian Masculinity in the NFB s Second World War Series Canada Carries On
Michael Brendan Baker
II Emotional Geographies of Anxiety, Eros, and Impairment
4 Making Art Like a Man!
David Garneau
5 Above Mere Men : The Heterogeneous Male in Attila Richard Lukacs
Piet Defraeye
6 Stranger Than Paradise: Immigration and Impaired Masculinities
Christina Stojanova
III The Minority Male
7 The Hood Reconfigured: Black Masculinity in Rude
D.L. McGregor and Sheila Petty
8 Keepin It Real ? Masculinity, Indigeneity, and Media Representations of Gangsta Rap in Regina
Charity Marsh
9 Fixing Stories Is Sure a Lot of Work : Watching the Men s Dance in Medicine River and Green Grass, Running Water
Peter Cumming
10 Masculinity in a Minority Setting: The Emblematic Body in Simone Chaput s Le coulonneux
Nicole C t
IV Capitalized, Corporatized, Compromised Men
11 The Politics of Marginalization at the Centre: Canadian Masculinities and Global Capitalism in Douglas Coupland s Generation X
Kit Dobson
12 Dangerous Homosexualities and Disturbing Masculinities: The Disabling Rhetoric of Difference in Barbara Gowdy s Mister Sandman
Sally Hayward
V Abject Masculinities
13 What Do Heterosexual Men Want? Or, The (Wandering) Queer Eye on the (Straight) Guy
Thomas Waugh
14 Boy to the Power of Three: Toronto s Drag Kings
Bobby Noble
15 Life Without Death? Space, Affect, and Masculine Identity in the Work of Frank Cole
Christine Ramsay
Biographical Notes
Chapter 1
Fig. 1 A Perplexed Senator, from The Dodge Club
Fig. 2 Senator and Donkey, from The Dodge Club
Fig. 3 Used Up, from The Dodge Club
Chapter 2
Fig. 4 Blueprint from Useful and Practical Hints for the Settler on Canadian Prairie Lands and for the Guidance of Intending British Emigrants
Fig. 5 First Year in the Bush, from Manitoba and the Great North West
Fig. 6 Fifteen Years in the Bush, from Manitoba and the Great North West
Fig. 7 Thirty Years in the Bush, From Manitoba and the Great North West
Fig. 8 Ploughing on William Hamilton s Farm near Hamiota, Man., 1905-1909
Chapter 3
Fig. 9 Still from Inside Fighting Canada (1942)
Fig. 10 Still from Letter from Aldershot (1940)
Fig. 11 Still from Letter from Overseas (1943)
Chapter 4
Fig. 12 Walter May, Knockout (2002)
Fig. 13 Walter May, Knockou t, detail (2002)
Fig. 14 Dean Drever, The only way it makes sense to you (2003)
Fig. 15 Craig Le Blanc, I Don t Play (2001)
Fig. 16 Craig Le Blanc, I Don t Play , detail (2001)
Fig. 17 Craig Le Blanc, Slump (2004)
Fig. 18 Derek Dunlop, Untitled (n.d.)
Fig. 19 Jeff Nachtigall, Schwarzenegger Shrine , detail (2004)
Fig. 20 Jefferson Little, Evo-Blaster 2000 (2002)
Fig. 21 Kevin Friedrich, Bass Acwards (2001)
Fig. 22 Daniel Fisher, Wounded War Pony (2002)
Fig. 23 Blair Brennan, Shirts and Skins , front view (2004)
Fig. 24 Blair Brennan, Shirts and Skins , back view (2004)
Chapter 5
Fig. 25 Attila Richard Lukacs, Wild Kingdom (1992-93)
Chapter 6
Fig. 26 Pierre reads to Momo in La fabrication d un meurtrier
Fig. 27 Atanas Katrapani in Home
Fig. 28 Milena and Philippe in Nos vies priv es / Our Private Lives
Chapter 8
Fig. 29 Arrested on Camera, article from The Leader-Post (18 August 2007)
Fig. 30 Poster for Dogz Lyfe: Burdens of a Gangster Rapper ( 2008)
Chapter 13
Fig. 31 Bondage Television (Stev nn Hall, 1996)
Fig. 32 Touch (Jeremy Podeswa, 2001)
Fig. 33 Coach James and hockey player Kennedy in The Sheldon Kennedy Story (Norma Bailey, 1999)
Fig. 34 Basement scene in L olo (Jean-Claude Lauzon, 1992)
Chapter 15
Fig. 35 Frank Cole, in a still from Life Without Death (2000)
Fig. 36 Frank with camel, in a still from Life Without Death (2000)
As we know, all books-whether single authored, co-written, or collections of individual essays-are the products of dialogue and collective effort. I would like to thank the contributors; my colleagues and friends Angela Stukator, Stephen McClatchie, and David Garneau for their earlier editorial contributions to this volume; and the constructive observations and cogent insights of the readers who critiqued the manuscript; as well as Lisa Quinn and her colleagues at Wilfrid Laurier University Press for their enthusiasm and patience. In addition, I would like to give special thanks to Thomas Waugh for his generous editorial feedback as well as for his friendship and inspiration to a generation of film studies, queer studies, and cultural studies scholars and students in Canada; and to Ken Wilson for his insights and encouragement throughout the preparation of this book.
Financial support for various phases of this project has been kindly provided by the SSHRC Standard Research Grant; the Canada Council for the Arts; the President s SSHRC, the Humanities Research Institute, and the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Regina; the MacKenzie Art Gallery; the City of Regina; the Saskatchewan Arts Board; and the Regina Public Library Film Theatre.
Making It Like a Man: Canadian Masculinities in Practice is a collection of essays on the practice of masculinities in Canadian arts and cultures. In this anthology we are interested in mapping some of the uniquely Canadian spaces-contemporary and historical-in the int