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***Winner of an English PEN Award 2021***
'A vibrant and compelling framework for feminism in our times' - Judith Butler
For too long feminism has been co-opted by the forces they seek to dismantle. In this powerful manifesto, Francoise Verges argues that feminists should no longer be accomplices of capitalism, racism, colonialism and imperialism: it is time to fight the system that created the boss, built the prisons and polices women’s bodies.
A Decolonial Feminism grapples with the central issues in feminist debates today: from Eurocentrism and whiteness, to power, inclusion and exclusion. Delving into feminist and anti-racist histories, Verges also assesses contemporary activism, movements and struggles, including #MeToo and the Women's Strike.
Centring anticolonialism and anti-racism within an intersectional Marxist feminism, the book puts forward an urgent demand to free ourselves from the capitalist, imperialist forces that oppress us.
Translator’s Introduction
Introduction: Invisible, They “Open the City”
1. Taking Sides: Decolonial Feminism
2. The Evolution towards Twenty-First Century - Civilizational Feminism
A Decolonial Feminism
A vibrant and compelling framework for feminism in our times.
-Judith Butler
A powerful tool of social transformation.
-Djamila Ribeiro, Brazilian human rights activist and author of Nos, Madelenas: uma palavra pelo feminism
Incisive an invitation to reconnect with the utopian power of feminism.
-Aurelien Maignant, Fabula
A powerful work.
- Les Inrocks
Develops a critical perspective on feminism to reconsider the conditions of possibility and purpose resituates feminism in a truly political, emancipatory and critical dimension.
-Jean-Philippe Cazier, Diacritik
Essential for highlighting the current divisions within feminist political agendas, and for collective reflection on a profound, radical transformation of society Necessary reading.
- Axelle n 219
A Decolonial Feminism
Fran oise Verg s
Translated by Ashley J. Bohrer with the author
First published 2019 as Un f minisme d colonial by La Fabrique ditions English language edition first published 2021 by Pluto Press 345 Archway Road, London N6 5AA
Copyright La Fabrique ditions 2019; English translation Ashley J. Bohrer 2021
This book has been selected to receive financial assistance from English PEN s PEN Translates! programme, supported by Arts Council England. English PEN exists to promote literature and our understanding of it, to uphold writers freedoms around the world, to campaign against the persecution and imprisonment of writers for stating their views, and to promote the friendly co-operation of writers and the free exchange of ideas. www.englishpen.org
The right of Fran oise Verg s to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 0 7453 4110 1 Hardback
ISBN 978 0 7453 4112 5 Paperback
ISBN 978 1 7868 0641 3 PDF
ISBN 978 1 7868 0642 0 EPUB
ISBN 978 1 7868 0643 7 Kindle
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Translator s Introduction
Introduction: Invisible, They Open the City
1 Taking Sides: Decolonial Feminism
2 The Evolution towards Twenty-First Century Civilizational Feminism
Who cleans the world? was where this book started, and it led to an examination of feminist struggles in the context of a violent and brutal counter-revolution. The question was triggered by a strike of the black and brown women who clean Gare du Nord train station in Paris. It was not the first strike of that kind, nor the first time that we saw the racialization and feminization of underpaid and undervalued cleaning and care work, or that the role of social reproduction in capitalism was discussed. Yet that strike generated a desire to look again at cleaning in the context of #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, the denunciation of police violence and femicides, massive feminist demonstrations and strikes especially in the Global South, but also in the context of feminist racism, 1 imperialism, militaristic violence as a solution to social problems, and racial capitalism. Since then, the pandemic of Covid-19 has shown that the production [ ] of group-differentiated vulnerability to premature death is a constant of racial capitalism. The pandemic has revealed deep inequalities and injustices in the access to health services, that the right to breathe is not a universal one, and the unsurprising yet enraging fact that the death rate has been higher among black, indigenous, brown and poor communities, communities that carry the weight of lost jobs and increased poverty while billionaires are becoming richer. The vocabulary of war has justified sending unprotected workers in essential jobs to the frontline. Finally, it has shown again that making the world safe and clean for a few rests on the exploitation and dispossession of many, that extractivism remains the logic of cultural and economic imperialism, and that the division between lives that matter and lives that do not matter, perpetually redrawn, remains strong. It is in these concrete struggles that I anchor decolonial feminism, in the desire to smash sexism, racism, capitalism and imperialism, and to change everything, as Veronica Gago has urged us to do. 2
I wanted also to examine the role of what I call in this text, civilizational feminism, which I see as a specific strategy of the current counter-revolution. This feminism borrows the vocabulary and objectives of the colonial civilizing mission, modernizing the policy that Frantz Fanon summarized thus: Let s win over the women and the rest will follow, 3 by putting first and foremost women s rights at the center of global politics, hence offering arguments to neoliberalism and imperialism difficult to refute (who is for forced marriages, girls being sold, women being denied rights?). By suggesting that the defense of women s rights should justify armed interventions, restricted visa policies, and close surveillance of non-white families and of queer sexualities and genders, instead promoting a neutralized and pacified equality , civilizational feminism was finally able to occupy a full seat at the table of power, a place that it had been denied under colonialism and for which it had to show a willingness to carry the torch of imperialism. In France, this feminism, which started to be theorized by feminists on the Left in the late 1980s, had succeeded in criminalizing the veil and Islam. That law is now a central piece in the construction of a feminism that has set up an insurmountable gap between cultures that are by nature opened to the equality between women and men, and cultures that are by nature hostile to such equality (namely, Islam). The cultural argument hides racist and imperialist interests which I explore in this book. But civilizational feminism has also been playing a role in defining the good feminist (white or non-white) and naming the feminists who must be attacked. Hence, it may come as no surprise that in the attacks on decolonial theory and political antiracism, via petitions, articles or tweets, women of color constitute the majority of persons identified (some with a photograph) as dangerous, with no protest from white feminists.
Since this book s original publication in French, we have also learned that the emergence of this global pandemic and its consequences could not be separated from hyper-consumption, mega-farms, industrial waste management, privatization of public health, and the ways in which race, age, class, and gender intertwine to increase precarity and vulnerability. These entanglements mean that decolonial feminism must remain as close as possible to a method that pulls all the threads that simultaneously, yet not in a linear-cause-and-effect way, create wasted lives and wasted lands. Decolonial feminism accepts the existence of other feminisms; it does not wish to become the theory, but to facilitate transborder and international alliances.
This is why the question of Who cleans the world? has remained a central point of analysis in my recent work. Extractivism means the production of waste, of dilapidated lands, rivers, seas and oceans, animals, plants and peoples. It is an economy that leaves behind ruins, ravaged forests, spoiled soil and subsoil, and exhausted bodies left to die. If waste, Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams have argued, is a sign of capitalism s success, 4 then I wanted to understand cleaning and caring within that economy of extraction, ruination and exhaustion and the repressive norms of hetero-patriarchy. This text, in a way, followed my attempt to explore the links between twentieth-century campaigns of birth control, of forced abortion and forced contraception of women of color, and of the ways in which colonial slavery and European colonialism had racially managed the reproduction of their workforce, of the bodies from which they extracted all the life energy until their premature deaths. 5 The decolonial feminism I defend seeks to bring to light a kaleidoscopic narrative encompassing broad swathes of time and territory and to valorize the unstoppable struggles that challenge the legacies of colonial slavery and racism amid a new age of endless wars. There will be no repairing of what has been made into waste without thinking first by whom and how cleaning will be done. Damage to bodies and lands runs deep, its scars present in souls, in waters and lands. We must hold together past, present and future, but without foreclosing the possibility of a better future .
This text was written from a particular position: from within the current struggle for total liberation, from a long commitment to anti-patriarchal, anti-racist, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle, and a long engagement with feminist theory and practices in the Global South. By starting with a women s strike, I wanted to show how it remaps social conflict in practice, how it politicizes the precarity of existence as a sequence that is inseparable from dispossession and extraction, 6 and thus constitutes a radical critique of civilizational feminism. By ending with a call for solidarity with those who clean the world, enunciated by a young Dalit, I wished to suggest that the struggle against the racialization of cleaning and caring, while imagining a decolonial politics of cleaning, caring and repairing, shows the way to construct a post-racist, post-capitalist and post-imperialist, thus post-hetero-patriarchal, world.
Fran oise Verg s
I want to thank all the brav