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Publié par
Date de parution
15 octobre 2012
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Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Meanderings through a storied Virginia region with a look at its significance from prehistory to the present.
In Learning the Valley, award-winning nature writer John Leland guides readers through the natural and human history of the Shenandoah Valley in twenty-five short essays on topics ranging from poison ivy and maple syrup to Stonewall Jackson and spelunking. Undergirding this dynamic narrative of place and time is a tale of self-discovery and relationship building as Leland's excursions into the valley lead him to a new awareness of himself and strengthen his bond with his young son, Edward.
Spanning some two hundred miles through the Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains in western Virginia, the Shenandoah Valley is the prehistoric home of mastodons and giants sloths, the site of a storied Civil War campaign, and now a popular destination for outdoor adventures to be had beneath the oaks, chestnuts, hickories, maples, and centuries-old cedars. Leland offers informed perspectives on the valley's rich heritage, drawing from geology, biology, paleontology, climatology, and military and social history to present a compelling appreciation for the region's importance from prehistory to the present and to map the impact of humanity and nature on one another within this landscape.
Leland's essays are grounded in recognizable landmarks including House Mountain, Massanutten Mountain, Maury River, Whistle Creek, Harpers Ferry, and Student Rock. Whether he is chronicling the European origins of the valley's so-called American boxwoods, commenting on the nineteenth-century fascination with sassafras, or recalling his son's first reactions to the Natural Bridge of Virginia and its encompassing tourist developments, Leland uses keen insights, adroit research, and thoughtful literary and historical allusions to bring the "Big Valley" vibrantly to life. Like an amiable and accomplished tour guide, Leland readily shares all he has learned in his years among the woods, waters, and wildlife of the Shenandoah. But the heart of his narrative transcends the valley and invites readers to find their own sites of adventure and reflection, to revisit the wonders and mysteries to be found in their own backyards as a chance to, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, "live like a traveler at home."
Publié par
Date de parution
15 octobre 2012
Nombre de lectures
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Excursions into the Shenandoah Valley
© 2010 University of South Carolina
Cloth edition published by the University of South Carolina Press, 2010 Ebook edition published in Columbia, South Carolina, by the University of South Carolina Press, 2012
21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
The Library of Congress has cataloged the cloth edition as follows:
Leland, John, 1950–
Learning the valley : excursions into the Shenandoah Valley / John Leland.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-57003-913-3 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Shenandoah River Valley (Va. and W. Va.) Description and travel. 2. Natural history Shenandoah River Valley (Va. and W. Va.) 3. Leland, John, 1950– Travel Shenandoah River Valley (Va. and W. Va.) I. Title.
F232.S5L45 2010
917.55’904 dc22
ISBN 978-1-61117-224-9 (ebook)
List of Illustrations
Sugar Creek
Rock Crystals
The Shenandoah Sea
Rock Castles
The Natural Bridge
Stone Walls
Geological Segregation
Forest Communities
Maple Syrup
Poison Ivy
Briar Patch
Vegetable Armature
Spring Ephemerals
Flying Frass
My Civil War
Running the River
Hay Bales
Sexual Swarms
A valley cave
Natural Bridge of Virginia
Jedediah Hotchkiss’s “Map of the Iron-Bearing Belts”
General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, 1862
Virginia Military Institute after the Civil War
Women mourning at Jackson’s grave, ca. 1862
Jackson’s grave in Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery, Lexington, Virginia
View of the North (Maury) River
Hay Bales in Rockbridge County , by Alice Ireland
I have spent twenty-five years living in Rockbridge County, Virginia, the natural wonders of which are so manifold and marvelous that a lifetime would not suffice to know them all. For the past thirteen years, my son, Edward, and I have tramped and hiked and biked and canoed the rivers, caves, mountains, woods, and fields of this place he calls home but in which I will always be a visitor, my own childhood fifty years earlier and five hundred miles farther south spent on a coastal plain that bears little resemblance to the Shenandoah Valley’s open fields and forested mountains. Just as my father took me into the woods and waters of the place we called home, so I take my child, and together we build memories I hope will bind him to me when I, like my father, am buried in the earth we shared with our children. These essays are my reflections on some of the things Edward and I have discovered in our years together, discoveries made before us by the countless others who preceded us in this land and whose accumulated wisdom I have poached in my attempts to better understand this place I find myself in. The essays are intended primarily for my son, who, busy with his own version of his life, remembers these things, if at all, differently than I do. I hope that reading these essays will bring him pleasure in later years. I hope too that they will inspire whoever else reads them to learn the land they live in so that they know they need not travel farther than their own back yards to witness nature’s marvels.
I wish to thank Alice Ireland and Cheves Leland for reading an early version of the manuscript and making excellent suggestions; the patient and helpful staff at Preston Library of the Virginia Military Institute for their assistance, especially Diane Jacob and Mary Kludy of the archives, who helped me find nineteenth-century texts and illustrations; Colonel Keith Gibson of the Virginia Military Institute Museum for his help with William Washington’s paintings; Alice Ireland for graciously letting me copy her painting and Jeremy Ledbetter of Andre’s Studio in Lexington for his help in copying it; Alexander Moore of the University of South Carolina Press for yet again sticking his neck out. I also thank my patient editor, Karen Rood, at the press; and my son, Edward, for being Edward, and for whom I wrote and to whom I dedicate this book.
All maps the county, topo, geological agree that here, right here, in this leaf-strewn, dry-as-dust rock rut runs Sugar Creek. But here there is only rock without water, a stone bed lumpier and dustier than mine at home. The Balls, who pretend to live alongside Sugar Creek, remember when the creek rose and ran here and they feared for their basement. But that flood, raised by a hurricane, receded more quickly than Noah’s, and within two days Sugar Creek had left its assigned bed to wander where it would. Over the hill and through the woods, a good quarter of a mile away, lies a field where you can sit and hear the creek tumbling cobbles ten feet below the ground. And if you’re of a mind, as I have been, you can trace the subterranean course of Sugar Creek back toward its origin on House Mountain’s flanks, sneaking, like it, without permission under fence and through field, ear bent to wherever the none-too-level ground sinks and, through dirt and stone, overhear the secret course of Sugar Creek.
Well who hasn’t dreamed of trading beds? What we call adultery in humans, geologists call disappearing streams. And in karst country like the Shenandoah Valley, they’re as common as roving humans. Once upon a time Sugar Creek was loyal to its chosen course and slept happily in the bed many suppose still calls to it. But at some point a sinkhole lured it into the depths, and slipping its narrow bed, now dry and cracked as last year’s snake skin, the creek slithered down between the cobbles to bathe in undiscovered country, surrounded with stalagmites dreaming heavenward and stalactites heavy with desire, dripping from ceilings worn wafer thin, pillowed and sheeted in flowstone, hidden behind draperies of stone. To me abandoned above ground, the creek pulses, faint as a lover’s heartbeat overheard through blouse or shirt, its course beneath the skin of earth I tread as secret as the blood’s beneath a lover’s skin.
Like human philanderers, wandering streams seldom keep their secrets. Collapsing caves reveal their subterranean mysteries in the jumble of a sinkhole, where stalagmite, stalactite, flowstone, and drapery lie broken and dull in the light of day, their mystery eroding, the chaos of their collapse disappearing as rain rounds the stones’ broken edges and the earth buries what remains. Geologists as prurient as gossips intent on telling you the escapades of every wayward relative decipher the tangled marriages, divorces, and remarriages of streams captured, stolen, pirated, and disappeared.
From them we learn the sordid truth behind the Blue Ridge’s ragged profile. The Potomac, James, and Roanoke rivers run through water gaps in the Blue Ridge. Scattered in between are wind gaps, notches lower than the prevailing three- thousand-foot height of the Blue Ridge, through which rivers to the east once flowed before their headwaters, seduced by the Shenandoah River, the “Beautiful Daughter of the Stars,” turned west and north. Manassas Gap, where Interstate 66 crosses the Blue Ridge, is the lowest of Virginia’s wind gaps at 850 feet. Swift Run Gap, 2,365 feet high where the Rapidan River fails to pierce the Blue Ridge, bears like a bitter ex-wife the name of her faithless spouse who long ago ran off with the Shenandoah. Farther south still, Rockfish Gap, where Interstate 64 crosses the Blue Ridge at nineteen thousand feet, overlooks South River, philandering north toward the seductive South Fork of the Shenandoah. Closer to home, the Natural Bridge of Virginia rises indignant over Cedar Creek, who seduced the waters of Poague Run to run away with it through an underground tunnel whose sole surviving bit is the two-hundred-foot-high bridge.
These philandering streams wear their infidelities openly. Not so Sugar Creek, preferring to hide as best it can its cheat. No geologist has ever glimpsed the creek’s hidden boudoir, guess though they may its nature by comparison to less circumspect streams that carve their ways through open caves. Some even make money off their buried lives Dixie, Endless, Luray, and Natural Bridge Caverns but four who lay themselves bare for passersby to marvel at their mysteries. We also pay spelunking shrinks good money to inspect the muddy relics of hearts we ourselves have tried to capture or steal in our day. Imagine their job, hour after hour, day after day, listening to us fondle, Gollum-like, our precious, precious memories. Better they than those we betrayed. For who hasn’t, insomniac at 3:00 A.M ., wondered whatever happened to old what’s her name? I’ve never been quite drunk enough to do what some do call up at an ungodly hour a long-lost love and thus confirm her wisdom in having dumped me years earlier. But there are nights I wonder if she too remembers. Does Sugar Creek also remember with regret her abandoned bed? And does her bed yearn yet for her return? It’s only a creek, Leland. You may think the sound of water coursing over cobbles sings of a buried life, but water’s water and rock’s but rock. And would my heart were as hard.
The sinkhole behind the Balls’ home fills with water after a really good rain, and then, where wild turkey and I have trod, mallards swim. The tem