Evolutionary Ecology of Plant-Plant Interactions , livre ebook









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Concepts and simple empirical models that are useful in the study of the quantitative aspects of evolutionary ecology of plant - plant interactions is discussed and developed, and the use of simple empirical models in the statistical analysis of plant ecological data is exemplified. Special attention is paid to the consequences of the sedentary life form of adult plants and the subsequent strong interactions between neighbouring plants. The monograph provides an overview of different evolutionary and ecological empirical plant population models and conceptual links between different modelling approaches, e.g., spatial individual-based or plant size explicit modelling and the equilibrium conditions of mean-field models. The biological information underlying the discussed models is only briefly discussed. Christian Damgaard is Senior Scientist at the Department of Terrestrial Ecology, the National Environmental Research Institute.
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Date de parution

01 juin 2005





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1 Mo

Evolutionary ecology of plantplant interactions
An empirical modelling approach
Christian Damgaard
Evolutionary ecology of plantplant interactions
Grethe Trillingsgård 12.06.36 – 1.12.93
Evolutionary ecology of plantplant interactions
An empirical modelling approach
Christian Damgaard
Evolutionary ecology of plantplant interactions An empirical modelling approach
© Copyright: Christian Damgaard and Aarhus University Press 2005 Cover design: Tinna Christensen and Kathe Møgelvang, National Environmental Research Institute Layout: Tinna Christensen and Kathe Møgelvang, National Environmental Research Institute Paper: 100 g Munken Pure
ISBN 8779348750
Christian Damgaard Department of Terrestrial Ecology National Environmental Research Institute Vejlsøvej 25
DK8600 Silkeborg www.dmu.dk
AARHUS UNIVERSITY PRESS Langelandsgade 177 DK8200 Aarhus N Fax +45 89 42 53 80
Published with financial support by Danish Natural Science Research Council
Evolutionary ecology Evolutionary biology and ecology share the goals of describing varia-tion in natural systems and understanding its functional basis. Within this common framework, evolutionary biologists principally describe the historical lineagedependent processes, while ecologist focus on the contemporary processes. This difference is summarised in the common-ly used truism that evolutionary time scales are longer than ecological time scales. Evolutionary ecologists try to integrate the two approaches by studying variation at all levels, from variation between individuals to variation among communities or major taxonomic groups. Traditionally the mathematical formulation of evolutionary and ecological problems has differed in one important aspect, which is the description of individuals. In evolutionary or population genetic models an individual plant is expressed relatively to the total size of the population as a frequency, whereas individuals in ecological models are counted in absolute numbers or per area as a density. Mathematically it is easier to work with frequencies. However, for many ecological prob-lems mathematical models expressed in frequencies are too degener-ated to provide suitable solutions. For example, it is a well known fact that in a world with limited resources all population growth has to stop at a certain point, however, this fact cannot be expressed in a traditional population genetic model, which implicitly assumes permanent expo-nential growth.
Integrating ecological data and mathematical modelling Evolutionary biology has since long been a quantitative scientific dis-cipline. However, there has been a strong tradition in plant ecology to describe different plant communities and succession processes in a qualitative way. Possibly due to the obvious importance of plasticity and the spatial setting, which only lately has started to be incorporated in the ecological models, many field ecologists have felt that mathemati-cal modelling have had little to offer in their attempt to understand the dynamics of plant communities. As a consequence of the lack of com-munication between field ecologists and mathematical modellers, many ecological studies have been inappropriately analysed with standard linear models and, on the other hand many mathematical modellers have tended to examine parameter space rather than ecological data.
However, there has been a growing interest to make simple and at the same time more biologically realistic plant ecological models, and due to the powerful computers it is now possible to fit ecological data to such simple ecological models with biological meaningful parameters. This will allow a more rigorous testing of various ecological hypotheses and the development of quantitative ecological predictions. Such pre dictions are highly demanded both by the public, e.g., in conservation management and risk assessment of genetically modified plants, and in order to advance the scientific field of plant ecology (Keddy 1990, Cous-ens 2001). It seems that the dialog between ecologists and mathematical modellers, which have proved so fruitful in other areas of ecology, is now also beginning to develop in plant ecology. It is my hope that this monograph will further strengthen the bond between plant ecology and modelling.
Outline of monograph This monograph will discuss and develop concepts and simple empiri-cal models that are useful in the study of quantitative aspects of the evo-lutionary ecology of plant – plant interactions and the statistical analysis of plant ecological data. Special attention will be paid to the conse-quences of the sedentary life form of adult plants and the subsequent strong interactions between neighbouring plants. The monograph will provide an overview of different evolutionary and ecological empirical plant population models and provide conceptual links between differ-ent modelling approaches, e.g., spatial individualbased or plant size explicit modelling and the equilibrium conditions of meanfield mod-els. The biological information underlying the discussed models will be summarised. However, it is not the scope to present a full discussion of the biology of plant – plant interactions, which have been treated exten-sively by other authors (e.g., Harper 1977, Grime 2001, Silvertown and Charlesworth 2001). The consequences of a sedentary life history with strong interactions with neighbouring plants will be introduced in chapter 1. Singlespecies competitive plant growth models will be described in chapter 2, where the growth of individual plants is modelled with increasing complexity as functions of plant size, plant density, and the spatial distributions of plants. In chapter 3, models describing the demography of a single plant species, including mortality, reproduction, seed dispersal and dorman-cy will be discussed and linked to different population growth models and equilibrium conditions. After ecological concepts and models are
introduced in the singlespecies case, modelling of the interactions be tween species will be introduced in chapter 4, where emphasis will be on equilibrium conditions and how to predict the probability of differ-ent ecological scenarios as a function of the environment. The ongoing discussion on the ecological success of different plant strategies will be introduced and put into a modelling context. In chapter 5, the genetic analysis of population structure will be introduced and the effect of inbreeding and finite population sizes on the genetic variation will be discussed. In chapter 6, onelocus sex asymmetric and densitydepend-ent mixedmating selection models, which are particular relevant for plant populations, will briefly be introduced, after which the measuring of natural selection will be discussed. In chapter 7, different genetically and ecologically based hypotheses on the evolution of plant life history will briefly be discussed. Finally, in the appendices there is a list of the parameters with a fixed usage in chapters 24 (A), an introduction to linear regression technique (B), Bayesian statistics (C), and the stabil-ity analysis of discrete dynamic systems (D). Mathematica notebooks exemplifying the methodology introduced in this monograph may be downloaded from my webpage. This monograph was written as a part of my doctoral thesis at Aarhus University, where I present my scientific contributions over the last decade in a coherent way. Consequently the monograph is a reflec-tion of my views on the issues rather than a balanced account of the field and the cited references are somewhat biased towards my own produc-tion.
Acknowledgements Thanks to Liselotte Wesley Andersen, Malene Brodersen, Lene Birksø Bødskov, Tinna Christensen, Marianne Erneberg, Gösta Kjellsson, Christian Kjær, Hans Løkke, Kathe Møgelvang, Birgit Nielsen, Vibeke Simonsen, and Morten Strandberg for critical comments and help and Jacob Weiner for indispensable collaboration. The Carlsberg Foundation supported the writing of this monograph.
1. Introduction 11 Ecological and evolutionary success 11 The consequences of being sedentary 12 Modelling plantplant interactions 14
2. Individual plant growth 17 Competitive growth 17 Describing variation in plant size 19 Modelling plant growth 22 Sizeasymmetric growth 23 Effect of plant density 27 Modelling spatial effects 29
3. Demography 33 Mortality 33 Reproduction 34 Population growth 36 At equilibrium 37 Seed dispersal 41 Modelling spatial effects 42 Seed dormancy 45 Demographic models of structured populations 46 Longterm demographic data 48
4. Interspecific competition 51 Interactions between species 51 Modelling interspecific competition 53 Modelling spatial effects 62 Environmental gradients 66 Plant – herbivore and plant – pathogen interactions 68 Plant strategies and plant community structure 69
5. Genetic ecology 75 Genetic variation 75 Inbreeding 79 Population structure 81
6. Natural selection 85 Mode of selection 85 Natural selection on a single locus 87 Finite populations 93 Density dependent selection 94 Measuring natural selection in natural populations
7. Evolution of plant life history 103 Tradeoffs and evolutionary stable strategies Evolution of sex 107 Evolution of the selfing rate 111 Speciation 113
Appendix A Parameters and variables
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Nonlinear regression
Bayesian inference
Stability of discrete dynamic systems
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