Ramadan : The Holy Month of Fasting , livre ebook









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The month of Ramadan offers the opportunity to improve one's personal and spiritual behavior. By focusing on positive thoughts and actions, Muslims build a closer connection with God and come away from the month feeling spiritually renewed. Ramadan: The Holy Month of Fasting explores the richness and diversity of the Islamic tradition by focusing on an event of great spiritual significance and beauty in the lives of Muslims. Rich with personal stories and stunning photographs, Ramadan demystifies the traditions and emphasizes the importance of diversity in a world where Islamophobia is on the rise.
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27 mars 2018

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2 Mo

Text copyright © 2018 Ausma Zehanat Khan
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Khan, Ausma Zehanat, author Ramadan: the holy month of fasting / Ausma Zehanat Khan. (Orca origins)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4598-1181-2 (hardcover).—ISBN 978-1-4598-1182-9 (pdf).—ISBN 978-1-4598-1183-6 (epub)
1. Ramadan—Juvenile literature. I. Title. bp186.4.k45 2018 j297.3'62 c2017-904562-8 c2017-904563-6
First published in the United States, 2018 Library of Congress Control Number: 2017949708
Summary: Part of the nonfiction Orca Origins series for middle readers. Illustrated with color photographs, this book examines the origins and traditions of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
The authors and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at the time of publication. The authors and publisher do not assume any liability for any loss, damage or disruption caused by errors or omissions. Every effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission for the use of copyright material. The publisher apologizes for any errors or omissions and would be grateful if notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future reprints or editions of this book.
Edited by Sarah N. Harvey Designed by Rachel Page Front cover photos by Athif Ali Khan, iStock.com/ingerszz and iStock.com/FOTOKITA Back cover photo by iStock.com ORCA BOOK PUBLISHERS www.orcabook.com
To Layth, Maysa and Zayna with deepest love,
and all my encouragement for the Ramadans to come.
Contents Introduction Chapter One: What Is Ramadan? What Is Islam and Who Is a Muslim? The Five Pillars of Islam Fasting in Ramadan: A Pillar of Islam The Ninth Month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar The Month of the Qur’an The Requirements of Fasting Exceptions: Valid Reasons Not to Fast Uzma’s Story Ibtihaj’s Story Chapter Two: The Stages of Ramadan The Three Ashras The Mysterious Night of Destiny Eid-al-Fitr: The Great Celebration Eid Charity Hamzah’s Story Chapter Three: The Spirit of Ramadan Giving Back GIVE 30 Ramadan Facts Project Downtown Camp Ramadan Other Social Programs and Efforts An Iftar Story Salima’s Story Chapter Four: Ramadan Traditions Around the World Bosnia China Egypt India Indonesia Iran Kenya Nigeria Pakistan Palestine Saudi Arabia Sudan Turkey Dunya’s Story A final word from the author Glossary Resources Index Acknowledgments Cover Title Page Contents Beginning
Henna decorations on the hand to celebrate Eid.
Athif Ali Khan

Indian Muslims break their fast during the month of Ramadan at a mosque in the old part of the city. New Delhi, India. iStock.com/BDphoto

Saskatchewan wheat fields.
iStock.com /4loops
I remember my first Ramadan as clearly as if it were yesterday. And by this I mean the first time I kept a fast during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims . I was 9 years old and I lived in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, a beautiful city on the prairies with long, hot, very dry summers. The summer of the first Ramadan I fasted, the sun was setting at around 9:30 PM .
When the sun rises or sets is very important to a kid who is fasting. The fast begins at dawn and ends at sunset. So on a typical Ramadan summer day you could begin fasting around four o’clock in the morning and break your fast at nine thirty at night. This means you wouldn’t have anything to eat or drink for fifteen hours or more—which can sound a little like you’re a prisoner in a very unpleasant jail cell.
But in my case, I was free. I was freely choosing to fast, and I was so excited to join the grown-ups in observing a tradition that seemed thrillingly mysterious and important. I was going to be part of an exclusive club, and I remember feeling incredibly proud of myself. My older sister was also fasting, and her example inspired me to fast.
Only things didn’t go exactly as planned.
My mom woke me up early in the morning, when it was still dark outside. I was bleary-eyed and cranky, but then I remembered I had begged her to wake me up so I wouldn’t miss my first fast. She fried homemade donuts and made peanut-butter sandwiches for us to eat with glasses of cold milk. The kitchen was filled with the sweet smell of donuts. I didn’t want any milk (just the donuts!), but my mother assured me I would thank her for making me both eat and drink so early in the morning. When we finished our early breakfast, my sister and I brushed our teeth and made the intention to fast, a simple prayer that amounts to saying, “I intend to fast this day in Ramadan.”

Ayesha and Ausma Khan with their mother, Nasima Khan, wearing Eid ghararas.
Dr. Zehanat Ali Khan
We stumbled through the morning prayer and fell back into bed.
The next time I woke up, I remembered another reason why the day of my first fast was so important. I’d been looking forward to going over to my friend’s house all week. Sara lived on the other side of the city and our parents were also friends, so our two families had planned to spend the day together.

Some people may get dehydrated when fasting, or experience headaches or increased stress. For Muslims who fast during Ramadan, it’s important to drink plenty of fluids during su hoor and iftar . Doctors don’t recommend fasting for people who suffer from eating disorders or as a solution for weight loss in general.
What I forgot was that my friend was Hindu, not Muslim, so she wouldn’t be observing Ramadan with me. She’d planned for us to spend the afternoon at the park near her house. This was a special treat because the park had a huge jungle gym, a merry-go-round, loads of swings and a splash pad.
I was still very full from my donut and peanut butter breakfast, so it was easy for me to join in the fun. We ran around the park for hours—swinging, climbing, chasing each other, playing tag. But a few hours later, it hit me.
The sun was beating down on my head. I was boiling hot, and I felt exhausted. Sara and I flopped down on the grass just as an ice-cream cart rolled by. Sara offered to buy me an orange Popsicle, my favorite flavor. Right away, I said yes. Then I remembered my fast and regretfully changed my mind. There was a golden retriever lolling on the grass in front of us, his pink tongue hanging out of his mouth. He was panting in the heat, which was exactly what I felt like doing—panting. But I couldn’t break my fast in front of anyone.
I told Sara I had to use the washroom, so I ran back to her house while she waited.

Healthy iftar snacks at a Ramadan iftar party.
Noor Shaikh

Fig and date cookies on Eid morning.
Summer Shaikh
All the parents were in the backyard, so no one knew I had come back to the house. I made sure no one was looking, and then I poured myself a glass of cold water from the tap. It was so good that I immediately drank a second one. Then I washed the glass and hid it away and ran all the way back to the park.
I had just done something terrible. I had intentionally broken my fast because I couldn’t keep it any longer. I had been fasting for about eight hours and that was as long as I could last. Of course, I didn’t eat anything or drink again until sunset. Those two glasses of water had transformed me—first with energy, then with a heavy load of guilt.
It would have been so much better if I’d just waited to fast instead of making a promise I couldn’t keep. But I was 9 years old, so it didn’t take me long to throw myself back into the excitement of playing with Sara at the park.

Sweets on Eid morning, savaiyaan and mitai are traditional Pakistani Eid offerings
Summer Shaikh
I broke fast with everyone else that night and accepted everyone’s praise and good wishes with a wide smile and happy self-congratulations, as if I’d actually kept my fast. I was feeling pretty good until I was alone in my room at night. Then the guilt really hit me. I’d begun the most important religious tradition my family observed with a half-truth—all for a glass of water. I’ve learned a lot of lessons since then, including the purpose behind the month of fasting. The holy month of Ramadan isn’t meant to be a punishment: Muslims see it as a blessing.
I know now there would have been no harm in confessing the truth, or admitting I didn’t feel well or waiting until I was older to fast. No one would have been angry with me or disappointed. They would have encouraged me to try again.
This is the first time I’ve told the story of the 9-year-old who couldn’t keep her fast. The secret is out at last!

“Ramadan is a humbling experience that allows us to empathize with others and reminds us to be thankful for the life we live, and to go on living with an open mind, with love in our hearts and peace emanating from within.”
—Zahra, age 17
To give you a sense of what Muslim kids think about fasting for a whole month, I asked a few of them to tell me what Ramadan means to them. You’ll find their answers in each chapter of this book.

Al-Masjid Al-Ḥarām, in Mecca, Hejaz, Saudi Arabia. iStock.com/prmustafa

What is ramadan?
What Is Islam and Who Is a Muslim?
Islam is a monotheistic tradition, a religion with more than 1.6 billion followers worldwide. A monotheistic religion is one that holds that there is only one god, rather than many different gods. Historically, Islam came after Judaism and C

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