Raising Godly Labourers , livre ebook









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'Raising Godly Labourers' is not a book for the shelf, rather it is a manual for training and retraining of genuine, skilled and equipped soul harvesters as members of God's end time army. The Lord shall use this book to reignite the fire of intercession and Spirit-led strategic evangelism everywhere it turns up.
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21 septembre 2018





Raising Godly Labourers
Osita Eze
Copyright 2017 by Osita Eze.
For more information about the author, write to the author from eze_osita@yahoo.com.
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author or the publisher.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
INTRODUCTION: The Search For Godly Labourers
CHAPTER ONE: Lovers of Righteousness
CHAPTER TWO: Intercessors for Global Missions
CHAPTER THREE: Demonstrators of His Kingdom Power
CHAPTER FOUR: The Reality of Christ s Existing Kingdom
CHAPTER FIVE: Christ s Message to All
CHAPTER SIX: The Call to Discipleship
CHAPTER SEVEN: Spiritual Growth is for All Believers
CHAPTER EIGHT: Living the Crucified Life Daily
CHAPTER NINE: You Are A Spiritual Watchman
CHAPTER TEN: Coping With Persecution

T his book is dedicated to all apostolic leaders and teachers called out by God from several nations of the earth for the furtherance of His kingdom especially in unevangelized and under-evangelized nations.

S pecial thanks to:
God Almighty who is the source and revealer of all mysteries.
My parents, Late Mr Raymond and Mrs Cecilia Eze, for giving me the greatest gift-the freedom to pursue my calling and destiny. I am eternally grateful to God for bringing me into the earth through you. You are simply the best parents anyone can ask God for.
All members of the Scripture Union in Ondo City, Nigeria who introduced me to Christ and made efforts to establish me in the Christian faith. May the Lord reward your labour of love in Jesus name (Amen).
Pastor Oladayo Ogunbowale for accepting to write the foreword of this book in spite of his busy schedule. May God reward you greatly for your timely encouragements.

T hese are the last days. Nature, culture and even technological trends and innovations all point to one undeniable fact... we are in the end time.
A key significant factor of this unique period is the massive harvest awaiting skilled labourers (Matthew 9:37). There is massive vacancy waiting to be filled in the labourers cadre. God is continuously searching for available hands and minds to handle the enormous task of harvesting souls that keeps perishing as the seconds tick away.
Are you one of the available hands and minds? What qualifies men for this kingdom assignment? What precisely is the message? Any skills required? How long will it take for one to be made ready? Do the labourers have quota and quarters? What does this job demand from the applicant? And what does it pay?
These and many other questions are succinctly answered in the book you have in your hands right now. If you are not passionate for souls, don t bother going beyond here. If you are comfortable with the state of the Body of Christ as it is today, this book is not for you but if like Prophet Jeremiah, you have ... His Word in your heart like a burning fire shut up in your bones, and you are weary with holding it in, and could not stop. (Jeremiah 20:9) then, congratulations! This book is for you.
I have been privileged to live with, learn from and observe the author of this book within the last twelve years and I make bold to say that there is not yet enough of his kind in the Body of Christ today, men who are well grounded in the Word, filled with the Holy Spirit and always endeavouring to win more souls to the fold by every means possible.
Raising Godly Labourers is not a book for the shelf, rather it is a manual for training and retraining of genuine, skilled and equipped soul harvesters as members of God s end time army. The Lord shall use this book to reignite the fire of intercession and Spirit-led strategic evangelism everywhere it turns up.
Ogunbowale Oladayo
The Flow Christian Centre
Ibadan, Nigeria
September 29, 2017
INTRODUCTION: The Search For Godly Labourers

T he harvest is plenteous , but the labourers are few... (Matthew 9:37)
The greatest challenge to achieving effectiveness in global missions is the scarcity of godly labourers. To tackle this challenge, God is searching for skilled and unskilled godly labourers He would deploy to the ends of the earth for the expansion of His kingdom. Their presence in any place or nation brings glory and praise to God Almighty.
A godly labourer is a disciple of Jesus who had discovered his giftings and is maximizing them for the growth of God s kingdom in the place where God had deployed him to. He is committed to doing God s will at all time and influencing the people around him for God through his lifestyle at all cost anytime and anywhere.
A man is recruited into God s kingdom labour force when he signs up to become a follower of Jesus and has a readiness to go wherever he is sent to by God. He is predestined to carry out God s purposes in a given location. Faithfulness to God in discharging the ministry he had received from Him is a prerequisite for obtaining earthly and eternal rewards from Him.
No one can succeed in fulfilling his God-given ministry if he had not learnt to sit at the feet of Jesus on a daily basis. Regular fellowship with Jesus grants a godly labourer access to the mysteries of God s kingdom and makes him an effective minister of the gospel.
This book contains practical lessons I have learnt in my fourteen years of preparing for ministry. It focuses on how God partners with members of the Body of Christ in raising more godly labourers for the expansion of His kingdom on earth. It is written to help you identify your place and role in global missions.
CHAPTER ONE: Lovers of Righteousness

I t has always been God s desire to use every person He had created for His glory and for His kingdom expansion. This is a profound truth. Oftentimes, when God does supernatural acts through mortal men and women, such people used by Him are usually seen as superhuman. This, most times create envy among people. Sometimes, some people might even come up with questions such as, Why does God use that man? , Is she the only one? Why can t I do the things that he is doing now? The questions now are, Is God partial? Does He favour some and dislike others? Never! God is not at all partial because Acts 10:34-35 teaches that God shows no partiality but in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him . The basic fact you must understand about those God uses for His kingdom expansion is that they are men and women who fear the Lord and practice righteousness daily.
Fear The Lord
Whenever the scriptures talk about the fear of the Lord , it means having reverence or respect for God and His words in the open and in the secret places. It is the passionate hatred for doing evil deeds (Proverbs 8:13). It is to obey God and His commandments without complaining.
God appreciates a man who loves nothing else but Him and hates nothing else but sin. Sin is a reproach to any man or woman that lives in it. Habakkuk 1:13a tells us that God is of purer eyes than to behold evil, and cannot look on wickedness . God cannot behold sin in a man s life. He hates sin with a strong passion. If you want to be used by God for His kingdom expansion, you must hate sin because without holiness no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14).
Practice Righteousness
To practise righteousness is to conform to God s will in purpose, thought and action. It is to carry out the good works which God had predestined us to do. Anyone who has faith in Jesus Christ and does what is right is a righteous person.
God is ever ready to use righteous men and women for His work. He is seeking for those whose hearts are committed to perfection. He said to Abram, walk before me, and be thou perfect (Genesis17:1, KJV). Commitment to God and His perfecting process is non-negotiable in working for and walking with Him.
Men and women used by God for His kingdom expansion are those who love Him with a strong passion. They are those who fear Him and depart from sin.
CHAPTER TWO: Intercessors for Global Missions

B efore we can witness God s interventions in our generation and nations, righteous people must emerge and pray. God is searching for a people who would pray for His will to take effect on earth (2 Chronicles 16:9a). He can do nothing in our generation except the righteous arise and pray. The intensive and agonizing intercessory prayers of righteous men and women bring tremendous result on earth. Such prayers have great power and are effective.
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much (James 5:16b)
For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their prayers (1 Peter 3:12a)
Intercessory prayers therefore may be defined as the prayers made on behalf of somebody or a group of persons other than you . It is a petition made to God with the intention of asking Him to change the course of a people s history and put an end to the activities of the devil in their lives and environment. It is the act of inviting God into a situation so that He can display His purpose and power in a responsible way.
The Potency of Intercession
Apostle James affirmed in James 5:15-18 that prayer has tremendous influence and that Christians sh

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