Preparing Expository Sermons , livre ebook






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"The Bible is what God has made. Sermons are what we make with what God has made." This is the foundation for developing expository messages, according to Ramesh Richard. His method, explained in Preparing Expository Sermons, has been field-tested in training seminars for thousands of preachers around the world.Richard's book is a simple do-it-yourself resource for developing and preaching expository sermons. It guides the reader through a seven-step process, with many practical suggestions and illustrative charts along the way. In addition, there are eleven appendixes that include information on:o how to choose a texto preaching narrativeso understanding your audienceo forms of sermon introductionA comprehensive sermon evaluation questionnaire is included as well.Preparing Expository Sermons, an updated and expanded version of Scripture Sculpture, is ideal for beginning preachers, lay preachers without formal training, or any pastor who is looking for a refresher course in expository sermon preparation.
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01 novembre 2001

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1 Mo

© 1995, 2001 by Ramesh Richard
Published by Baker Books a division of Baker Publishing Group P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
Revised edition of Scripture Sculpture
Ebook edition created 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means for example, electronic, photocopy, recording without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
ISBN 978-1-4412-0170-6
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®. Copyright © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations designated niv are from the Holy Bible, New International Version ®. NIV ®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.© Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
To my father, the Rev. Dr. D. John Richard, who works hard at preaching and teaching God’s Word with skillful words.
He is worthy of double honor.
1 Timothy 5:17
Since iron sharpens iron, special thanks go to my colleagues in the Pastoral Ministries department of Dallas Theological Seminary and to my preaching seminar hosts in several countries. The former constitute the academic laboratory for this homiletical system; the latter gather preachers to test the method in the practical realities of pulpit ministry.
Cover Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgments Preface Introduction Motivation, Definition, and Overview of the Process The Scripture Sculpture Process 1 Study the Text The “Flesh” of the Text 2 Structure the Text The “Skeleton” of the Text 3 The Central Proposition of the Text The “Heart” of the Text 4 The Purpose Bridge The “Brain” of the Sermon 5 The Central Proposition of the Sermon The “Heart” of the Sermon 6 Structure the Sermon The “Skeleton” of the Sermon 7 Preach the Sermon The “Flesh” of the Sermon Afterword Appendices 1 The Holy Spirit and Your Pulpit Effectiveness 2 The Benefits of the Original Languages for Preachers 3 Choosing a Text for Your Sermon 4 Introductory Notes on Grammar 5 The Perils of Principilization 6 Hermeneutical Analysis and Homiletical Application of Narrative Texts 7 Central Propositions: An Advanced Procedure 8 Understanding Your Audience: Exegeting Culture 9 The Elements of a Competent Sermon Outline 10 A Sample Sermon Introduction 11 Forms of Sermon Introduction 12 Sermon Evaluation Questionnaire 13 Topical Exposition Notes Bibliography Scripture Index About the Author

“All my best thoughts have been stolen by the ancients!” complained Emerson. I have found his saying to be truer of presenting a sequence for sermon preparation than of any other topic in which I have dabbled. This ancient robbery happened on the highway of intellectual traffic even before I was born. How else can the rhetorical practice and the homiletical impact of a Chrysostom, an Augustine, an Aquinas, a Zwingli, a Calvin, a Knox, a Baxter, a Wesley, a Brooks, or a Spurgeon be explained except they robbed from me? [1] Further, they did not even acknowledge the eventual source of their thoughts on preaching. Highway robbery victims at least know they have been robbed. I did not know it was happening to me. Life is unjust.
After convicting the ancients of stealing my thoughts, I look at my contemporaries and charge them with telepathic advantages. In an excessively competitive academic and publishing environment, my older professors and wiser colleagues read my thoughts, packaged them, and promoted them before I had an opportunity to publish them. They seized what I wanted to say and presented it in much better form. I am now made to look as though I took it from them. How else can one explain the superb homiletical writings or the pulpit energy of a host of contemporary pastors and preachers? Again, I am the loser. Life is unfair.
Airing my grievances to you my reader already provides relief! But it will not absolve me from responsibility in the following pages.
More than six hundred titles on preaching occupy the BV4211 area of the Turpin Library at Dallas Seminary. When we add the journals and articles that are dedicated to the dynamics and mechanics of preaching, the total exceeds one thousand productions of recent history (384 B.C . [Aristotle] A.D . 2001). I have examined most of them and know this book is not an unaffected contribution to the homiletical enterprise. It may actually begin the regressive dice roll of homiletical theory and practice. Since life is unfair and unjust to all, however, the masters have to put up with my little sayings on the matter.
The philosophy and praxis of this “patchwork of plagiarisms” [2] is being fashioned out of a twenty-five-year chronology of personal imperfections. The book really began in teenage open-air preaching experiences in the market streets of Madras, South India. At this formative time of life, I was exposed to the effective preaching of my pastor, Samuel Kamaleson, at the Emmanuel Methodist Church. The encouragement of teenage peers as we preached on sand beaches and electric trains counted toward this book. The consistent lifestyle of my father, John Richard who loves Christ, the ministry, and books gave me an advantageous heritage.
At Dallas Seminary I was forced to enhance the gift of preaching. Gracious professors legislated and affirmed my preaching experiences. I will never forget Haddon Robinson’s comment after a rather difficult space/time event called “Introduction to Expository Preaching 603.” He said, “Mr. Richard, I had no burning desire to listen to you!” Was this possibly a stimulus to improve my preparation and preaching?
The responses of my congregation to the pulpit-oriented pastorate of Delhi Bible Fellowship, North India, reinforced the calling to exalt preaching as the central weekly event of church life. One family who had to move to Bombay wrote: “Bombay is milder climate-wise, denser population-wise and more orderly bus-wise. But I will be missing the fellowship and the weekly living sermons. I have attended a couple of church services here, but if you will allow me to say so, the preaching here is like taking a beer after a good scotch whiskey. P.S. Sorry to use a comparison you do not have the benefit of having experienced.” [3]
The ministry blossomed, and the burgeoning need for Bible study leaders forced me to teach the preaching process to budding young men every week. Some of these have developed into excellent pulpiteers.
Extensive international preaching opportunities exposed me to large audiences of pastors and church leaders who have to minister weekly and often to multiple congregations. These have had little or no formal training in preaching but must preach. They are called, gifted, and appointed to the task. Was there any way I could take the process to them? Was there a simplified and cross-culturally adaptable sermon-preparation process applicable across literary genres and literacy levels that could be imparted to them?
Dallas Seminary gives me another opportunity. As a homiletically inclined institution, it provides me a laboratory where I can keep the issues defined and applied with upcoming pastors and preachers. Ramesh Richard Evangelism and Church Helps (RREACH) International provides the resources to equip pastors, preachers, and thinkers in economically deprived regions with pulpit skills, study tools, and ministry resources.
On this organizationally symbiotic platform, I have put together a seven-step sermon-shaping process for pastors and leaders in needy countries. Since it has been forged out of the foibles of hundreds of seminary students and thousands of pastors at Scripture Sculpture seminars all over the world, I know what must not be done with the text or in the pulpit! Hopefully, I have converted personal imperfections and student shortcomings into a positive format. I have been gratified by the response of preachers in varied cultures who think they have received a process that may be consistently used for their pulpit ministry week after week.
What is also gratifying is the response of fourth-year seminary students who feel that in this format three years of excellent homiletical preparation are summarized and unified for weekly ministry. [4] This manual was not explicitly written for experienced pulpiteers, but I believe even they would find it useful.
The work is divided into three parts. The introduction presents the motivation for expository preaching as well as a definition and an overview of the expository preaching process. The Scripture Sculpture process is delineated in seven steps. They can stand alone as a do-it-yourself manual on expository preaching. These chapters also suggest “action steps” for you to take. For best comprehension of the proposed method, it is necessary to actually and quickly pursue the action steps. Keep your pencil handy. Read slowly and intentionally. Make notes in the margins of this manual or in a notebook designated for this study. The third part of this book, the appendices, deals with specific (introductory and technical) issues and may be consulted as you see a need for them while working through steps 1 through 7.
Like any other skill, learning to preach will entail effort, concentration, and practice. I desire the sermon-sculpting process to become second nature to you. I want you to be able to apply it without having to think about it. I suggest the following strategy to teach yourself this system.
Choose a biblical text you would like to preach in two months’ time. Dedicate two hours one day a week for the next seven weeks to apply this method of sermon preparation. Do one

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