Dynamics of Church Leadership (Ministry Dynamics for a New Century) , livre ebook









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A survey of the essential elements for exercising pastoral leadership in an era of change.
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01 novembre 1999

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© 1999 by Aubrey Malphurs

Published by Baker Books
a division of Baker Publishing Group
P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287

Ebook edition created 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means for example, electronic, photocopy, recording without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

ISBN 978-1-4412-3173-4

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

Title Page
Copyright Page
Series Preface

1. Pastors and Their Character
Knowing Who You Are
2. Pastors and Their Leadership
Understanding What You Do
3. Pastors and Their Churches
Answering the Core Ministry Questions
4. Pastors and Their People
Relating to the Congregation, Staff, and Board
5. Pastors and Change
Developing a Theology of Change
6. Pastors and Culture
Developing a Theology of Culture

Appendix A: Core Values Audit
Appendix B: Core Values Statement
Appendix C: Vision Statement
Select Bibliography
Other Books by Author
Series Preface

The purpose of the Ministry Dynamics series is to provide both experienced and beginning pastors with concise information that will help them do the task of ministry with efficiency, fruitfulness, and joy.
The word ministry means “service,” something that Jesus exemplified in his own life and that he expects us to practice in our lives. No matter what our title or position, we are in the church to serve God’s people. The word dynamics is not used as an equivalent of “power” but as a reminder that nothing stands still in Christian ministry. If it does, it dies. True biblical ministry involves constant challenge and change, learning and growth, and how we handle these various elements determines the strength and success of the work that we do.
The emphasis in this series is on practical service founded on basic principles and not on passing fads. Some older ministers need to catch up with the present, while newer ministers need to catch up on the past. We all can learn much from each other if only we’re honest enough to admit it and humble enough to accept each other’s counsel.
I began pastoring in 1950 and over the years have seen many changes take place in local church ministry, from bus ministries and house churches to growth groups and megachurches. Some of the changes have been good and are now integrated into God’s work in many churches. But some ideas that attracted national attention decades ago now exist only on the pages of forgotten books in used-book stores. How quickly today’s exciting headlines become tomorrow’s footnotes! “Test everything. Hold on to the good” (1 Thess. 5:21).
An ancient anonymous prayer comes to mind:

From the cowardice that shrinks from new truth,
From the laziness that is content with half-truths,
From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,
O God of truth, deliver us!

Our desire is that both the seasoned servant and the new seminary graduate will find encouragement and enlightenment from the Ministry Dynamics series.
Warren W. Wiersbe

“According to the weather channel, it’s around ten degrees outside, but this ought to warm you up some,” Pastor Steve Morris said as he poured some hot coffee for Pastor Bob Smith. The two men were sitting in comfortable overstuffed chairs in Steve’s spacious new church office. Steve, in his late forties and the more experienced pastor, had volunteered his time and expertise to mentor Bob, pastor of Grace Family Church.
“There’s so much I would like to share with you,” Steve continued. “I’ve learned a great deal over the past twenty years here at Northpoint Community Church. You’ll have to let me know if what I outline today is more than you bargained for.”
Pastor Bob shook his head. “I’m sure it won’t be,” he said. “I need all the help I can get.” Bob was determined to make this fourth pastorate in nine years a success. He wanted to avoid the mistakes he had made in the three small churches he had previously pastored. When the opportunity had come for his small church to be paired for a year with the much larger Northpoint through a teaching church network, he and his membership had been excited by the possibilities. Pastor Steve was well known as a natural and gifted leader of a church that had in twenty years grown from 150 to 1,500 members through an unusually balanced combination of evangelism and transfer growth. Pastor Bob and his people knew they would benefit from the association with a man who had had an extraordinary impact on the community for Christ.
“I thought we’d begin,” Steve said, “by getting to know each other and planning some of our meetings over the next year. Why don’t you begin? Tell me about your life before coming to Grace.”
“Well, nine years ago I graduated, with no pastoral experience, from seminary. The school emphasized academics, and most of my training took place in the classroom. Since then I have pastored three small, struggling churches, and it doesn’t take a mathematical genius to figure out that at all three my tenure was short-lived. Now I’m in my first year at Grace and realize that I need someone to help me develop my leadership skills and capabilities as a pastor, and that’s why I’m here.”
Steve smiled and encouraged Bob to continue. “Tell me a little about Grace.”
Bob began to relay facts about Grace that he had only recently learned himself. “Ten families planted Grace Family Church in the 1950s as a traditional, independent work that had pulled out of a denomination that the founders felt had gone liberal.”
Steve sighed. “That’s not the best way to start a church,” he said.
“No it’s not, but it worked for Grace, because it grew to over 450 people within its first ten years of existence. But after twenty years of fruitful ministry, the founding pastor left because of some problems with the board. Since his departure, the church has steadily declined to its present size of 100 to 120 mostly elderly people and has gone through eight pastors with an average of two to three years tenure, excluding the first who stayed four years.”
“Whew!” Steve leaned forward. “That’s not an encouraging situation!”
“No it’s not,” Bob agreed. “But I believe that God has called me to be a pastor, and I plan to hang in there until I die or they run me off!”
The two men chuckled. Then Steve said, “You know, Bob, your situation isn’t at all uncommon. You’re not alone. Numerous pastors and churches across denominational lines all across North America find themselves in a similar situation. I would estimate that 70 to 80 percent of the churches in this area of the country are plateaued or in decline.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Bob said. “I’ve begun meeting periodically and informally with a group of pastors, and most of them are ministering under the same or similar circumstances.”
Bob paused and seemed to be studying the Northpoint logo on his coffee mug. When he began speaking again, he chose his words carefully. “I have to admit I frequently wrestle with discouragement and occasionally with bouts of depression, but my main concern is my family.” Bob glanced at Steve and then looked away. “It’s been particularly difficult for my wife, Jill. She worries about the impact that this church is having on our two kids. When they were younger, they were happy anywhere. Their needs were met in whatever Sunday school they were in. But now they’re approaching adolescence, and Jill questions whether our church will be able to provide an adequate program for them as they mature. We have many wonderful older people who long to see our church reinvent and relive life as it was in the 1950s. They envision ministry the same way they did then. We don’t have much of a youth program now, and the few teens we have seem to disappear into the woodwork when they graduate from high school. Jill fears that without a vibrant youth ministry, our kids could emotionally and spiritually walk away from the church and, in time, the faith. That’s very frightening.”
“It sure is,” Steve agreed. “But I believe your leadership can bring your church into the new millennium in time to minister to the needs of your children.”
“I sure hope so, Steve. I’m counting on you to help me do it.”
Steve nodded thoughtfully, then got up to get the coffeepot. After refilling both mugs, Steve sat back down and said, “I have to ask you a difficult question. Are you sure that you belong in the ministry and that God has wired you to be a point pastor?”
“That’s a fair question,” Bob responded. “I have taken a spiritual gifts inventory and spent some time going through an assessment program. Because of the results of those and my experience, I have no doubts now that God has directed me into pastoral ministry.”
“That’s important,” Steve said, “because if you had come to some other conclusion, we might not have a need to meet any further. And that would have been okay because the church of Jesus Christ needs godly laypeople as well as professionals.
“Okay, Bob, let’s talk about what you see as your ministry strengths and weaknesses.”
“Well, I love to preach and teach the Scriptures. Ever since I first came to faith on a college campus, I have had a thirst for studying and learning the Bible. As my knowledge grew, my college church invited me to speak on occasion in an adult Sunday school class. Eventually they asked me to become its teacher. I discovered that I’m a reasonably good communicator at least that’s what people tell me. I really

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