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Publié par
Date de parution
23 mai 2011
Poids de l'ouvrage
9 Mo
Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology, by Amy S. Paller, MD and Anthony J. Mancini, MD, gives you easy access to the practical, definitive guidance you need to expertly identify and manage all types of skin disorders seen in children. Continuing the legacy of Dr. Sidney Hurwitz’s beloved reference, it covers all pediatric dermatoses in a thorough, yet efficient and accessible way, enabling you to get the answers you need quickly and provide your patients with the most effective care. This edition brings you up to date on the latest classification schemes, the molecular basis for genetic skin disorders, atopic dermatitis, hemangiomas, viral disorders, bites and infestations, hypersensitivity disorders, collagen vascular disorders, bacterial and fungal infections, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and much more. A thousand full-color photographs help you to recognize the characteristic manifestations of every type of skin disease. Hurwitz remains the indispensable pediatric dermatology resource you need for optimal practice.
Publié par
Date de parution
23 mai 2011
Poids de l'ouvrage
9 Mo
Hurwitz Clinical Pediatric Dermatology
A Textbook of Skin Disorders of Childhood and Adolescence
Fourth Edition
Amy S. Paller, MD
Walter J. Hamlin Professor and Chair of Dermatology, Professor of Pediatrics, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University; Attending Physician, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Anthony J. Mancini, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University; Head, Division of Pediatric Dermatology, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, USA
SAUNDERS is an imprint of Elsevier Inc.
© 2011, Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
First edition 1981
Second edition 1993
Third edition 2006
Fourth edition 2011
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Hurwitz’s clinical pediatric dermatology : a textbook of skin disorders of childhood and adolescence. – 4th ed.
1. Pediatric dermatology.
I. Paller, Amy. II. Mancini, Anthony J., 1964- III. Hurwitz, Sidney, 1925–Clinical pediatric dermatology.
ISBN–13: 9781437704129
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
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Sidney Hurwitz, MD
After 15 years of practicing pediatrics and at 40 years of age, Dr. Sidney Hurwitz returned to Yale University School of Medicine to pursue a residency in dermatology, and subsequently, to embark upon a career dedicated to the advancement of research, knowledge and treatment of skin disorders in the young. During the next 25 years, Dr. Hurwitz became a legend in pediatric dermatology as Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine. He was a founder and President of both the Society for Pediatric Dermatology (U.S.) and the International Society of Pediatric Dermatology, and an author of more than 100 articles on childhood skin diseases and two single-authored textbooks, The Skin and Systemic Disease in Children , and Clinical Pediatric Dermatology , first published in 1981. According to Dr. Hurwitz, the first edition took six years of nights, weekends and holidays, and the second edition four years. He dedicated the texts to his family: wife, Teddy, and three daughters Wendy, Laurie, and Alison.
Dr. Hurwitz died of overwhelming viral pneumonia at the age of 67 in November 1995, during his tenure as Honorary President of the International Society of Pediatric Dermatology. In a tribute to him at their International Congress, it was noted: “Professor Sidney Hurwitz was truly a giant among men – a dedicated and learned physician, an outstanding clinician, a medical pioneer, noted author, exceptional teacher, and superb humanitarian. His contributions to medicine and mankind have left an indelible mark upon the world. He mentored and encouraged younger pediatric dermatologists. He single-authored the textbook Clinical Pediatric Dermatology , recognized throughout the world as ‘the classic’ in our field. He found great joy in the love of his family – and in the love of learning, teaching, writing, and sharing with colleagues. He embraced us all with his ready smile, his warmth, his affection, and his friendship. Sidney Hurwitz was a role model for all of us.”
Dr. Amy S. Paller was new to the field of pediatric dermatology when she met Dr. Sidney Hurwitz in 1980. It was Dr. Hurwitz who invited her to give her first lecture at the Society for Pediatric Dermatology meeting in 1983, and he served as President while Dr. Paller was Secretary-Treasurer to the new Section on Pediatric Dermatology of the American Academy of Pediatrics that they co-founded. As a leader in pediatric dermatology, he inspired her research into the knowledge and treatment of difficult and challenging pediatric skin diseases. Dr. Paller became the head of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago in 1988, following in the footsteps of her teacher and mentor, Dr. Nancy B. Esterly. She is currently Walter J. Hamlin Professor and Chair of Dermatology and Professor of Pediatrics at Northwestern University. True to the example set by Dr. Hurwitz, she has served as Secretary-Treasurer and then President of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology and President of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. She has been or is currently a Director for these organizations, as well as the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the Women’s Dermatological Society, the American Dermatological Association, and the American Board of Dermatology. As both an NIH-funded bench scientist and clinical investigator, in addition to her almost 30 years of practice in pediatric dermatology, Dr. Paller has contributed to the specialty through a busy international and national lectureship schedule and publication of almost 300 papers, 60 chapters, and four textbooks, among them Clinical Pediatric Dermatology. In common with Dr. Hurwitz, Dr. Paller relishes her years of working with young pediatric dermatologists. She has been honored for her mentorship skills and has helped to launch the careers of more than 80 pediatric dermatologists.
Dr. Anthony J. Mancini first learned of the field of pediatric dermatology as a fourth year medical student. As a pediatrics intern at Stanford, he was introduced to Dr. Alfred T. Lane, who would become his role model and primary mentor. After completing his dermatology and pediatric dermatology training, Dr. Mancini accepted a position at Children’s Memorial Hospital and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, where he ultimately became Head of the Division of Pediatric Dermatology in 2004. Following in the footsteps of his mentors, he has dedicated his career to pediatric and dermatology education, as well as patient care and clinical research. Dr. Mancini is currently Professor of Pediatrics and Dermatology at Northwestern, where he also directs the pediatric dermatology fellowship program, established in 1983 as the first fellowship program in the county. He is serving his second 5-year term as Secretary-Treasurer of the Society for Pediatric Dermatology, has served as an elected member to the Executive Committee of the Section on Dermatology of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and has held numerous posts within both the AAP and the AAD. Dr. Mancini, who lectures extensively at the national and international levels, has published over 140 scientific papers, abstracts and chapters, as well as 3 textbooks, including Clinical Pediatric Dermatology and the pediatric dermatology guide published by the AAP, for which he serves as Co-Editor. One of his greatest senses of accomplishment is that of mentoring his trainees in the fellowship program, including both U.S.-trained and international fellows who come from abroad, and the pediatric residents at his institution, who have recognized Dr. Mancini with the “Faculty Excellence in Education” award for 13 of the last 15 years. As such, he too embraces Dr. Hurwitz’s love of the specialty and his philosophy in the care of children with skin diseases.
It is fitting that Drs. Paller and Mancini, authors of the third and now fo