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The nature gifts use different metals, minerals and crystals. Since from old days it has been used to heal and prosper people life . The book Octave Alloy Miracle Healing prevails the miracles use of metals & crystals to make human life healed and complete abundance.The book is written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.
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01 janvier 2021

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2 Mo

Octave Alloy Miracle Healing
Professor Sanjay Rout
Copy Right
The book written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal
Copyright ©2019, Professor Sanjay Rout (Author)
Publishing Right is with ISL Publications
All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
About the Author
Professor Doctor Sanjay Rout
Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout is an International Researcher, Innovator, Speaker, Author, Journalist and Policy Expert, Coach. He is well known and highly respective dignitary in the field of Research Development & Innovation work in major domain of Development Management, Policy Research, Public Policy, Business, Economics, Finance, Law, Social Science, Education, Technology and other Fields. He is Global Scientist (NCCHWO). Prof. (Dr.) Sanjay Kumar Rout has been distinguished Researcher, Startup Mentor Innovator, who consistently demonstrates his research work excellence in field of Research & development, Innovations with greater efficiency, productivity, and quality Innovations & research models., Health, Governance, Technology, Business Management & Academics. He had received many National / International Fellowship & Awards in several categories for his eminent work in Innovation, Management, Research, Sustainability, and Social Development. He had participated various National/international Summits/Conclave/Seminar/Workshop and published numerous research paper & books.
For his work he had been Honored by many organization as :
Top Future Thought Leader in Open innovation & Business World Innovator Award National Standing Researcher Award Out  Best Young Scientist Award  Best Speaker Award Top 50 Future Thought Leader in Data Privacy & Agile World  Best Global Scientist, Policy cum Journalist Award His academic credentials contain different achievements from renowned university /institutions likeNIT, IIM, IIT, University of Pennsylvanian, and University of Washington, Imperial College London, John Hopkins University & others. Including Several achievement’s, he holds three Ph.D.& one D.Sc (Higher Doctorate) as in his research career. He is an global certified professional from international acclaimed organization like Google,WHO, BCG,World Bank, Amazon,UNICEF, SAS,UN, European Union, IBM, Asian Development Bank, FAO, Cisco, IRCC,GoI,UNDP & others. And he had worked for various global projects in multiple thematic areas.
ISL Publications
Website https://innovationsolutionlab.weebly.com
ISL Publication is an Global firm working on Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Legal, Media, Consulting, Coaching, Technology, Academic, Social Development, Communication and Advisory Firm working on various Future Business Solution.
The Book Is Dedicated To All My Friends, Family, Parents And Almighty. Special Thanks To All the Reviewers, Designers and Technical Teams. For Whom All This Book Can Be Possible.
The book depicts all about current and future modern topics of development. This is an approach and perception of transformation in development. The book is for all cater to the audience throughout the globe.
Irecord deep sense of gratitude for my respected all my global Mentor’s, Friend and Innovators for all constant direction, helpful discussion and valuable suggestions for writing this book. Due to his valuable suggestions and regular encouragement. I would be able to complete this work and fulfillment of my dream. All my global friends helped me enough during the entire project period like a torch in pitch darkness. I shall remain highly indebted to all throughout my life. I acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude to my learned parents, who has been throughout a source of Inspiration to me in conducting the study. Who helped me at various stages of the study directly or indirectly. He also enlightened me to follow the path of duty. Special thanks to my son and spouse and almighty for their support in my work.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Introduction Chapter-I Chapter-II Chapter-III
Chapter-IV Chapter-V Chapter-VI Chapter-VII Chapter-VIII Chapter-IX Chapter-X Chapter-XI References
Page No
7-11 11-14 15-37 38-46
47-65 66-74 75-76 77-80 81-87 88-93 94-113 114-163 164-166
Whát ríngs á bell whenyóu cónsídergems? Numeróus índívíduáls máypícture lóvely, mínerál ártícles wíth smóóth cóuntenánces ín stándárd máthemátícál exámples. Óthers máy envísíón exquísíte crystál. Fórgemólógísts, the lógícál meáníngóf ágemgóes ríght tó the nucleár level. Ágem ís á stróngwhósepártícles áre órgánízed ín á "prófóundlyrequested" reháshíngdesígn. These exámples áre cálledprecíóus stóne frámewórks. Ín the event thát á mínerál hás íts íótás mástermínded ín óne óf them, át thát póínt thát mínerál ís á gem. Precíóus stóne Systems Áll míneráls structure ín óne óf sevengem frámewórks: ísómetríc, tetrágónál, órthórhómbíc, mónóclíníc, tríclíníc, hexágónál, ánd three-síded. Eách ís recógnízed bythe máthemátícál bóundáríes óf íts unít cell, the cóurse óf áctíón óf íótás reháshed áll thróugh the stróng tó fráme the precíóus stóne ártícle we cán see ánd feel. Fór ínstánce, án ísómetríc ór cubícprecíóus stóne hás á 3D squáre ás íts unít cell. Everyóne óf íts sídes áre equíválent lóngánd everyóne óf ítspóínts áre córrect póínts. Nótáble peárls ín thís frámewórk íncórpóráte precíóus stónes, gárnets, ánd spínels.
The ísómetríc gem frámewórk hás three tómáháwks óf the very length thát cróss át 90º póínts. Then ágáín, á tríclíníc precíóus stóne hás áll sídes óf váríóus lengths ánd nóne óf íts póínts áre córrect póínts. These máthemátícál váríetíes meán tríclíníc precíóus stónes cán táke ón numeróus unpredíctáble shápes. Nótáble jewels ín the tríclíníc frámewórk íncórpóráte lábrádóríte ánd turquóíse.
Nóne óf the tómáháwks ín the tríclíníc frámewórk cróss át 90º ánd áll áre váríóus lengths.
Nón-Tránslucent Sólíds
Á few ítems máy háve áll the eármárks óf beíng gems tó the unáíded eye, hówever óutwárd áppeáránces cán be mísdírectíng. Fór gemólógísts, the nucleár structure óf the ártícle ís the decídíng váríáble. Nót áll ártícles wíth custómáry máthemátícál cóuntenánces áre precíóus stónes, nór áre ón the whóle stróng máteríáls gems.
Nebulóus Sólíds
Gláss, fór ínstánce, hás á nón-glásslíke, fórmless nucleár structure. Ín spíte óf the fáct thát glássmákers cán empty ánd sólídífy gláss íntó máthemátícál shápes, íts nucleár structure stáys unáltered.
Pólycrystállíne Sólíds
Wáter thát sólídífíes íntó á sólítáry enórmóus snówfláke ís, truth be tóld, á precíóus stóne. Ít tákes shápe ás ít cóóls, freezes, ánd trávels thróugh the áír.
Nótwíthstándíng, wáter thát sólídífíes íntó á 3D squáre ín yóur cóóler's íce pláte ísn't á gem. Íce 3D shápes, rócks, ánd básíc metáls áre ínstánces óf pólycrystállíne máteríáls. They máy cóntáín numeróus tránslucent ítems. (Ón áccóunt óf íce shápes, they máy cóntáín genuíne íce precíóus stónes). By ánd by, yóu cán't depíct the whóle íce blóck ás hávíng á unífórm tránslucent structure.
Cryptócrystállíne ór mícrócrystállíne rócks cómpríse óf tíny gems, át the sáme tíme, ónce móre, thóse stónes cóme up shórt ón á unífórm glásslíke structure. Sóme cryptócrystállíne máteríáls, fór exámple, chálcedóny, díscóver use ás díámónd máteríáls ín ádórnments ór órnámentál ítems.
The Begínníngs óf Precíóus stónes
Móst gems háve cómmón begínníngs. They cán shápe thróugh ínórgáníc methóds, fór exámple, geógráphícál cycles ínsíde the eárth. Óthers structure thróugh náturál cycles ínsíde lívíng ánímáls. Fór ínstánce, sóme humán kídney stónes cómpríse ín píece óf weddellíte gems.
Reseárch fácílítíes cán líkewíse máke gems fálsely. Fór ínstánce, cubíc zírcóníá, án engíneered peárl máteríál, structures wíth á cubíc gem structure when zírcóníum ánd zírcóníum díóxíde áre superheáted. The subsequent máteríál usuálly díscóvers use ás á jewel ímpersónátíón ór símulánt.
By vólume ánd weíght, the bíggest cónvergences óf gems ín the Eárth áre essentíál fór íts stróng bedróck. Precíóus stónes fóund ín rócks regulárly ránge ín síze fróm á smáll ámóunt óf á míllímeter tó á few centímeters óver, álbeít íncredíbly enórmóus gems áre át tímes fóund. Stártíng át 1999, the wórld's bíggest reálízed nórmálly háppeníng precíóus stóne ís á gem óf beryl fróm Málákíálíná, Mádágáscár, 18 m (59 ft) lóng ánd 3.5 m (11 ft) ín wídth, ánd weíghíng 380,000 kg (840,000 lb).
Á few gems háve frámed by mágmátíc ánd tránsfórmátíve cycles, ófferíng ínceptíón tó huge másses óf tránslucent stóne. By fár móst óf vólcáníc rócks áre sháped fróm líquíd mágmá ánd the level óf crystállízátíón relíes básícálly upón the cóndítíóns under whích they set. Such
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