Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems , livre ebook









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Hidden hunger is not about providing enough calories, it is about a lack of micronutrients, which has life-long consequences for the children who are mostly affected. This begins with physical and cognitive developmental disorders and continues with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases and the occurrence of obesity. The book compiles the contributions of the Fourth Congress on Hidden Hunger 2019 as original articles. The focus of the congress was the problem of malnutrition and overweight, which can coexist and is termed a “double burden”. Part of the book deals with the causes of malnutrition and the challenge of achieving an agricultural system that is more focused on food quality. Another part discusses the causes and intervention approaches to tackling childhood obesity, especially in connection with malnutrition. All in all, this publication is a summary of important work by highly renowned authors on the topic of the congress: “Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems: How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition?” Like its two predecessors, the book fills an important gap by summarizing the essential aspects for science, applied research, and politics at a high level.
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Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems
World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics
Vol. 121
Series Editor
Berthold Koletzko Munich
Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems
How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition?
Volume Editor
Hans Konrad Biesalski Stuttgart
33 figures, 17 in color, and 22 tables, 2020
_______________________ Prof. Hans Konrad Biesalski Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutritional Science University of Hohenheim Stuttgart (Germany)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: International Congress Hidden Hunger (4th : 2019 : Stuttgart, Germany), author. | Biesalski, Hans Konrad, editor.
Title: Hidden hunger and the transformation of food systems : how to combat the double burden of malnutrition? / volume editor, Hans Konrad Biesalski.
Other titles: World review of nutrition and dietetics ; v. 121. 0084-2230
Description: Basel ; Hartford : Karger, 2020. | Series: World review of nutrition and dietetics, 0084-2230 ; vol. 121 | Includes bibliographical references and indexes. | Summary: “This book presents as scientific papers the focus and discussions of the 4th International Congress Hidden Hunger held in March 2019, the topic of which is hidden hunger and the double burden of global malnutrition in all its forms. The global nutrition situation, its causes and possible solutions are presented from the perspectives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, politicians, economists, nutritionists, and agricultural scientists”-- Provided by publisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020026449 (print) | LCCN 2020026450 (ebook) | ISBN 9783318066975 (hardcover ; alk. paper) | ISBN 9783318066982 (ebook ; alk. paper)
Subjects: MESH: Food Supply | Malnutrition--prevention & control | Food Contamination | Food--economics | Nutrition Policy | Congress
Classification: LCC RA645.N87 (print) | LCC RA645.N87 (ebook) | NLM W1 WO898 v. 121 2020 | DDC 363.8--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020026449
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2020026450
Bibliographic Indices. This publication is listed in bibliographic services, including Current Contents ® and Index Medicus.
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Drug Dosage. The authors and the publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accord with current recommendations and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package insert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions. This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug.
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© Copyright 2020 by S. Karger AG, P.O. Box, CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland)
Printed on acid-free and non-aging paper (ISO 9706)
ISSN 0084–2230
e-ISSN 1662–3975
ISBN 978–3–318–06697–5
e-ISBN 978–3–318–06698–2
Biesalski, H.K. (Stuttgart)
Unravelling the Food-Health Nexus to Build Healthier Food Systems
Yambi, O. (Brussels); Rocha, C. (Brussels/Toronto, ON); Jacobs, N. (Brussels); International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food)
“Fit for Life” – German Perspectives on How to Tackle the Double Burden of Malnutrition: Healthy Start – Young Family Network
Eiden, H.-C. (Bonn)
Unlocking the Hidden Hunger Crises: The Power of Public-Private Partnerships
Schibba, I.; Ogden, K.; Smith, M.; Heneghan, E.; Terki, F.; Stevens, B. (Rome)
Addressing Hidden Hunger in School-Aged Children and Adolescents within the Context of the Food System
Carducci, B.; Oh, C. (Toronto, ON); Bhutta, Z.A. (Toronto, ON/Karachi)
Africa’s Changing Food Environments and Nutritional Effects on Adults and Children
Demmler, K.M. (London); Qaim, M. (Goettingen)
Fruits and Vegetables in International Agricultural Research: A Case of Neglect?
Anderson, J.R. (Armidale, NSW); Birner, R. (Stuttgart)
Gender Discrimination: Contribution to the Burdens of Malnutrition in Communities in Buea, the South-West Region of Cameroon
Njieassam, E.S.; Comfort, E.M. (Buea)
The Importance of Food Supplements for Public Health and Well-Being
Coppens, P. (Brussels)
From Individual Nutrients to Sustainable Nutrition
de Groene, E.M.; Dötsch-Klerk, M. (Wageningen)
Market-Driven Food Fortification to Address Dietary Needs
Detzel, P.; Klassen-Wigger, P. (Lausanne)
The Double Burden of Malnutrition Calls for Better Diet Quality Worldwide
Krawinkel, M.B. (Giessen)
Food Insecurity, Social Inequity, and Sustainability
Berry, E.M. (Jerusalem)
Programming towards Improved Nutrition: Welthungerhilfe’s Approach to the Prevention of Malnutrition – In All Its Forms
Mogge, M.; Welte, S. (Bonn)
The Role of Food Systems in Shaping Diets and Addressing Malnutrition: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Agenda
Hemrich, G. (Rome)
The Impact of Global Development Pathways on Food Security and Diet Quality: Results of a Global Economic Model
Korovin, V.; Zernov, A.; Boysen-Urban, K.; Brockmeier, M. (Stuttgart); Boysen, O. (Dublin)
The Double Burden of Malnutrition in Bangalore, India
Mittal, N.; Vollmer, S. (Göttingen)
How the Smart Food Concept Can Lead to the Transformation of Food Systems and Combat Malnutrition: Different Approaches in Africa, Globally, and a Case Study from Myanmar with Lessons Learnt for Creating Behavior Change in Diets
Diama, A. (Bamako); Seetha, A.; Kane-Potaka, J. (Patancheru); Htut, T.T. (Yangon); Jalagam, A.; Kumar, P. (Patancheru); Omonlola, N.W.; Tabo, R. (Bamako)
Food Taxation and the Double Burden of Malnutrition
Jensen, J.D. (Frederiksberg)
Nutrition Labeling for Foods: Which Approaches Are Useful?
Schneemann, B.O. (Davis, CA)
Seed Village Program: A Practical Approach for Combating Malnutrition and Nutritional Security in an Arid Zone
Singh, D.; Choudhary, M.K.; Meena, M.L.; Kumar, C. (Pali)
The Challenge of Food Security and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Burundi Case Study
Megerle, H.E. (Rottenburg am Neckar/Bujumbura); Niragira, S. (Bujumbura)
The Push, Pull, and Enabling Capacities Necessary for Legume Grain Inclusion into Sustainable Agri-Food Systems and Healthy Diets
Vasconcelos, M.W.; Gomes, A.M.; Pinto, E.; Ferreira, H.; Vieira, E.D.F.; Pimenta, A.S.; Santos, C.S. (Porto); Balázs, B.; Kelemen, E. (Budapest); Hamann, K.T. (Hoersholm); Williams, M. (Dublin); Iannetta, P.P.M. (Dundee)
Influence of Social Inequalities on Dietary Diversity and Household Food Insecurity: An In-Depth Nutrition Baseline Survey Conducted in Madhya Pradesh, India
Sarkar, A.; Sabharwal, V.; Qualitz, G.; Bader, N. (New Delhi)
The Nutrition and Health Communication Education Program and For Accurate Science Project of Sabri Ülker Foundation: Initiatives from Turkey
Mutuş, B.; Erdin, S.; Şen, N.; Arca, D.M.; Hacaloğlu, S. (Istanbul); Besler, H.T. (Mersin)
Author Index
Subject Index
Published online:
Biesalski HK (ed): Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems. How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition? World Rev Nutr Diet. Basel, Karger, 2020, vol 121, pp VII–IX (DOI:10.1159/000507525)
The 4th International Congress Hidden Hunger, entitled “Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems: How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition?” was held from February 27 to March 1, 2019, in Stuttgart. The global meeting of members belonging to the scientific community, representatives from politics, government, and the media, as well as members of civil society organizations, advocacy groups, and private and public sector bodies, was organized by the University of Hohenheim together with the Society of Nutrition and Food Science (SNFS). The main sponsor of the congress was the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. It was chaired by Hans K. Biesalski, Former Head of the Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition and Former Director of the Food Security Center (FSC) at the University of Hohenheim, as well as Regina Birner, Chair of Social and Institutional Change in Agricultural Development, Institute of Agricultural Sciences in the Tropics at the University of Hohenheim.
The contributions of the 2nd [ 1 ] and 3rd Congress [ 2 ] have already been published in the series “World Review of Nutrition a

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