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  • Previous editions sold a combined 800,000 units
  • 1,400 answers to common questions in plain English on all historical eras
  • Fully revised with more than 800 new questions and answers covering the innumerable discoveries and advancements over the last nine years since the previous edition was written
  • History made accessible with fascinating questions, richly illustrated text, colorful personality studies, and fun facts.
  • Written and aimed at general audiences
  • The first, best place to turn for an overview of history basics
  • Ideal as an authoritative reference for nagging questions
  • Ideal as a primer on Western history
  • Logical organization makes finding information quick and easy
  • Clear and concise answers
  • Numerous black-and-white photographs
  • Thoroughly indexed
  • Authoritative resource
  • Written to appeal to anyone interested in history, including students, teachers, and researchers
  • Publicity and promotion aimed at the wide array of websites devoted to history and education
  • Back-to-school promotion targeting more mainstream media and websites on a popular topic
  • Promotion targeting magazines and newspapers
  • Promotion targeting local radio looking for knowledgeable guests
    From the Origin of Humans to Today … All in One Volume!

    Highlights. Low lights. The twists and turns of social, political, and cultural history gathered in one fun and fascinating title! The Handy History Answer Book: From the Stone Age to the Digital Age takes a riveting walk through the ages, looking at the most important events of the past 5,000 years, including wars, disasters, pandemics, births, lives, and more. It supplies context to the past with a wealth of information on invention, philosophy, science, politics, culture, sports, business, law, media, and religion.

    A concise guide to all things historical, this feast of facts and compelling stories recounts the revolutionary ideas, acts, and inventions that changed the world. It surveys significant people, times, and events worldwide, with a special focus on U.S. history from its beginnings to the present. Fully revised and updated, this new edition of The Handy History Answer Book answers over 1,600 of the most frequently asked, most interesting, and unusual history questions, including …

  • What was the Stone Age?
  • Why was Julius Caesar murdered?
  • What are the origins of the religion of Islam?
  • Why is the COVID-19 pandemic so significant?
  • Why is the shamrock the symbol of St. Patrick?
  • What is the legacy of the Crusades today?
  • What are England’s royal “houses”?
  • Did Marie Antoinette really say, “Let them eat cake”?
  • When did people first migrate to North America?
  • Who are the Cajuns?
  • What is the Hubble Space Telescope?
  • What were the first political parties in the United States?
  • Who was Black Elk?
  • When did chain stores first appear?
  • Were the Nazi’s socialists?
  • How long have hurricanes been given names?
  • Who was Typhoid Mary?
  • What happened at Pearl Harbor?
  • What was the Bataan Death March?
  • What is NATO?
  • What is habeas corpus?
  • Who was Emmett Till?
  • Who was Genghis Khan?
  • What was the triangular trade?
  • Who is called the “Father of the Interstate System”?
  • Who is Bernie Madoff?
  • Who were the Wobblies?
  • What was the Beat movement?
  • Who is Ralph Nader??
  • What is the Occupy movement?
  • What is the strongest earthquake ever measured?
  • What happened on Apollo 13?
  • What is Gray’s Anatomy?
  • What is origin of Listerine®?
  • What is the problem with antibiotics today?
  • Who developed the first MRI machine? How does it work?
  • What are the Ivy League colleges?
  • Who were the Brothers Grimm?
  • Why does the Leaning Tower of Pisa lean?
  • What was the Motion Picture Production Code?
  • Which entertainers were in the Rat Pack?
  • Who wrote the first computer program?
  • What is unique about the Trump presidency?

    If “History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes” (as Mark Twain is reputed to have said) then The Handy History Answer Book is a lyrical and poetic treat. Clear, concise, and straightforward, this informative primer is a resource for brushing up on the events, terms, and history-makers many of us remember from school but can’t completely recall. Wide-ranging and comprehensive with nearly 250 illustrations, this information-rich tome also includes a helpful bibliography and an extensive index, adding to its usefulness. A perfect companion for history buffs of all ages.
    The Tribal Peoples of Europe

    Who were the Celts?

    The Celts were an Indo-European people who by 500 B.C.E. had spread across what is now France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the British Isles, and by 200 B.C.E. they had expanded as far as present-day Bulgaria and Greece. When the Romans conquered much of Europe (about 300 B.C.E.), many Celts were absorbed into the Roman Empire. However, those Celts living in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, southwest England, and Brittany (in northwestern France) were able to maintain their cultures, and it is in these regions that people of Celtic origin still live today.

    Their society was divided among three classes: commoners, the educated, and aristocrats. They formed loose federations of tribes, raised crops and livestock, used the Greek alphabet to write their own language, and were among the first peoples in northern Europe to make iron. They never formed one united nation, however, so that when Roman armies swept across Europe, the Celtic tribes were overrun.

    How were the Gauls related to the Celts?

    The ancient Gauls were a Celtic people who occupied the country of Gaul (an area that today consists of France, Belgium, Luxembourg, part of Germany, and part of the Netherlands). The Gauls were led by priests called Druids.

    Over several centuries the Gauls fought the Romans, and then, under Julius Caesar, the Romans conquered all of Gaul with the defeat of the chief of the Gauls, Vercingetorix, in 52 B.C.E. Gaul became part of the Roman Empire. Very likely a million or more Gauls were killed or died of disease and famine under the conquest of Julius Caesar. Perhaps a million more were enslaved. Julius Caesar described the military campaign in his Commentāriī dē Bellō Gallicō (Commentaries on the Gallic War).

    Who were the Huns?

    The Huns were a nomadic central Asian people, who in the middle of the fifth century C.E. moved westward and conquered the local peoples. Unified by the ruler Attila the Hun in 434, the Huns gained control of a large part of central and eastern Europe. The Italian countryside was ravaged in the process, and many people sought refuge on the numerous islands in the Lagoon of Venice; the settlement later became the city of Venice. With the death of Attila in 453, the subjects of the Huns revolted and defeated them.

    Who was Attila the Hun?

    While Attila (c. 406-453) may have possessed some of the worthwhile qualities of a military leader, the king of the Huns was no doubt a ruthless and fierce figure. He is believed to have ascended through the ranks of the Hun army, coming to power as the leader of the nomadic group in 434. By this time, the Huns (who originated in central Asia) had occupied the Volga River valley in the area of present-day western Russia.

    At first, like his predecessors, he was wholly occupied with fighting other barbarian tribes for control of lands. But under Attila’s leadership, the Huns began to extend their power into central Europe. He waged battles with the Eastern Roman armies, and, after murdering his older brother and co-ruler, Bleda, in 445, went on to trample the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and northern Greece, causing terrible destruction along the way. As Attila continued westward with his bloody campaigns, which each Hun fought using his own weapons and his own savage techniques, he nearly destroyed the foundations of Christianity.

    But the combined armies of the Romans and the Visigoths defeated Attila and the Huns at Chalons (in northeastern France) in June 451, which is known as one of the most decisive battles of all time. From there, Attila and his men moved into Italy, devastating the countryside before Pope Leo I (c. 400-461) succeeded in persuading the brutal leader to spare Rome. (For this and other reasons, Leo was later canonized, becoming St. Leo.) Attila died suddenly—of natural causes—in 453, just as he was again preparing to cross the Alps and invade Italy anew.

    Who were the barbarians?

    The term refers to any of the Germanic tribes that, beginning about 400, repeatedly attacked Rome, eventually conquering it and dividing the territories of the Western Roman Empire into many kingdoms. The Germanic tribes included the Goths, the Vandals, the Franks, the Lombards, the Angles, and the Saxons.

    What is the origin of the word “barbarian”?

    The word comes from the ancient Greeks. It possibly referred to the language of people the Greeks did not understand: their language sounded to their ears like “bar…bar….”

    Who were the Goths?

    The Goths were divided into two groups: a western group known as the Visigoths and an eastern group known as the Ostrogoths. Thedoric (c. 454-526) became the ruler of the Ostrogoths in 493, and it was under his leadership that the group invaded northern Italy.

    In 378 the Visigoths rebelled against the Roman authorities. On horseback, they fought the battle of Adrianople (in present-day Turkey), destroying a Roman army and killing Rome's eastern emperor, Valens (c. 328-378). The Visigoths’ introduction of the cavalry as part of warfare determined European military, social, and political development for the next thousand years.

    The Visigoths moved into Italy, and under the leadership of their ruler, Alaric (c. 370-410), sacked Rome in 410, an event that signaled the beginning of the end for the Roman Empire. The Visigoths moved into Gaul and then the Iberian Peninsula (present-day Spain and Portugal). The city of Toledo was established as their capital. Roderick (or Rodrigo), the last Visigoth king, was defeated and killed in 711 during a battle with the Muslims (Moors), who invaded from northern Africa and the conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula.

    Who were the Vandals?

    Around the year 100 C.E. the Vandals had settled in what today is Poland. In time, they were threatened by the Huns, and so the Vandals moved west overrunning Gaul (present-day France), Spain, and northern Africa, where they eventually settled. In 455, led by the powerful King Genseric, the Vandals ravaged Rome. Their pillage was so thorough that the word “vandal” would be used to describe anyone who willfully destroys property.

    Who were the Franks?

    The Franks were yet another Germanic people. Their most important early king was Clovis I (c. 466-511). Under this cruel and cunning king, the Franks soon controlled much of Europe, including the land that is today France, Belgium, and Germany. (In case you have not guessed it, France is named after the Franks.) Under the influence of his wife, Clotilde, Clovis converted to Catholic Christianity. Soon, most of his people would also convert.

    Who were the Lombards?

    The Lombards, too, were a Germanic tribe who moved from the area that today is Germany, and then moved south into what today is Austria, and then into much of Italy. In 754, Pope Stephen II (714-757) appealed to the powerful Franks for help. Under the rule of Pepin III (called Pepin the Short; c. 714-768) the Franks defeated the Lombards. The northern region of Italy, Lombardy, is named for them.

    Who were the Angles and Saxons?

    The Angles were a Germanic tribe that settled in England, where they joined the Saxons (also a Germanic-speaking people). Together they became known as Anglo-Saxons. The name “England” comes from the older name Englaland meaning “Land of the Angles.”

    Who were the Vikings?

    The Vikings, also called Norsemen, were fierce, seafaring warriors who originated in Scandinavia (today the countries Norway, Sweden, and Denmark). Beginning in the late 700s they raided England, France, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Russia, and Spain. They also reached Greenland, Iceland, and even North America long before the Europeans. (Ruins of a Norse settlement were found on the northeastern coast of Newfoundland, Canada.) The Viking raiders were greatly feared.

    What was the importance of Viking ships?

    The Viking ship was designed to sail on open oceans on rough seas, yet the boats had a shallow draft, which meant they did not go that deep into the water and could sail in shallow waters. Thus, not only could Vikings raid and plunder coastal settlements and cities, they could also go up rivers and raid cities far from the coast. All major cities were built on rivers. For example, the Vikings in 845, led by the chieftain Ragnar, sailed 120 ships over 200 miles up the Seine River to attack and plunder Paris.

    The Vikings converted to Christianity around the year 1000, about the same time that the kingdoms of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden were established. Under the Danish leader Canute, Vikings conquered England in 1016 and ruled it as part of Denmark until 1042.

    Who were the Normans?

    The Normans were Vikings who in the mid-800s invaded northern France, ousting the Franks. The region came to be known as Normandy. In 1066, the Norman duke William (the Conqueror; 1027-1087) sailed across the English Channel, and in the Battle of Hastings defeated the army of king Harold Godwinson to claim the English throne.
    About the Author




    01. Exploring History

    02. Ancient Civilizations in the West

    03. Ancient Civilizations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands, and the Americas

    04. Middle Ages to the Industrial Revolution in Europe

    05. Exploration and Colonization

    06. War and Conflict

    07. Religion and Religious Movements

    08. Philosophy

    09. Science and Invention

    10. Medicine and Disease

    11. Government and Law

    12. Politics and Social Movements

    13. Economics and Business

    14. The Great Disasters

    15. Culture and Recreation




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    01 septembre 2020

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    Photo Sources
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    Why Study History? Interesting Ways to Study History Human Origins
    Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages Ancient Egyptian Culture Ancient Greek Culture Ancient Roman Culture The Tribal Peoples of Europe The Rise of Islam
    Setting the Stage for the Middle Ages The Middle Ages Monasticism Medieval Literature and Architecture The Crusades England Religious Struggles in the Middle Ages The Renaissance
    The Ottoman Empire The Habsburgs England France French Revolution Other Important Developments The House of Windsor The European Union
    Empires of Mesoamerica and South America The Maya Empire The Aztec Empire The Inca Empire Discovery of the New World Colonial America
    Colonialism American Revolution The U.S. Constitution War of 1812 The American Party System The American Presidency American Immigration
    The Antislavery Movement The Civil War Reconstruction
    The Sioux Uprising President Andrew Johnson The Battle of Little Bighorn The Spanish-American War Assassinations Immigration The Eary Twentieth Century
    World War I The Era between the World Wars The Spanish Civil War The Rise of Nazi Germany American Forces in Europe The War in the Pacific World War II Ends The Holocaust
    The Korean War The Vietnam War Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter Grenada Persian Gulf War
    Early Twenty-first Century The Great Recession The 44th and 45th Presidents of the United States
    The Russian Revolution The Soviet Union The Cold War The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan Vladimir Putin
    Famous Asian Rulers History of China Ancient Chinese Religion Philosophical Taoism Confucianism Religion in China Today Conflict in China in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries The Independence of India
    Ancient Philosophy Medieval Philosophy Modern Philosophy Philosophy and Government
    Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Basic Christian Beliefs Islam Other Important Religions
    Ancient Law International Law U.S. Law and Justice Famous U.S. Trials
    Economics Money Trade and Commerce Natural Resources The Industrial Revolution: 1700s to 1800s Mail Order and Stores Business Corruption and Failures
    Civil Rights Women s Rights The Birth Control Movement Roe v. Wade
    Nationalism The Solidarity Movement in Poland Apartheid in South Africa U.S. Populism, Progressivism, and the Labor Movement Counterculture, Consumerism, and the Environment The Antislavery Movement Today LGBTQIA Rights Other Recent Movements
    Fine Art Renaissance Art Baroque Art Rococo and Romantic Painting Impressionism Modern Art Photography Architecture
    Music Dance Theater
    Written Language Education Folktales Literature The Early Days of Movies Early Radio and Television
    Famous Ancient Explorers Circumnavigation of the Globe Exploration in the Twentieth Century Space: The Final Frontier Modern Explorers of a Different Type
    Volcanic Eruptions Earthquakes Tropical Storms and Hurricanes Tornadoes Floods Blizzards Fires Accidents and Technological Failures Disasters on Ships Aircraft Disasters Space Disasters Industrial Accidents Global Warming and Climate Changes Mass Extinction
    Early Medicine The Roots of Modern Medicine Fighting Germs Women Leaders in Medicine New Discoveries in Medicine Epidemics Psychology and Mental Health Issues in Medicine Today
    Natural History Invention Transportation Communication

    I NDEX
    Welcome to this journey through history! I have written The Handy History Answer Book in a clear and straightforward style that does not assume the reader has extensive prior knowledge of history. The first chapter, History Basics, explores the importance of knowing history and gives you, the reader, many suggestions on how to learn history in a way that keeps it interesting. The first half of the book then follows history in the normal chronological way, starting with the prehistoric past, then moving on to the ancient past and working up to the modern world and current events.
    Because so much has happened in human history across the globe, I have made some choices on what to cover. Thus, The Handy History Answer Book will focus mostly, though not exclusively, on the events in the ancient Mediterranean world, then Europe, and then the United States.
    The three opening chapters are The Ancient Mediterranean to Middle Ages Europe, The Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe, and Empires, Kingdoms, Dynasties, and Nations. You will learn about Vandals and Vikings and crusades and cathedrals. The journey then shifts to North America with the chapters The First Americans, European Colonies and the Early United States, and The American Civil War. Readers will learn about early Native peoples, such as the mound builders; the conquests of the Europeans; the birth of the United States; and the war that nearly destroyed it.
    The next chapters investigate the American story from the mid-1800s, through the 1900s, and up to the present. Events in the Uni

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