Books & Bones & Other Things , livre ebook









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Books tell stories about our lifeworld. In this book Jan Coetzee invites us to critically inquire into the aims, the content, and the context of the stories contained in a collection of old books from an old world. Without opening these old texts and without converting the original print on the pages to meaning and message, Coetzee brings the books into a dialogue with each other. Together with accompanying sculpted and/or found objects these books take on a new, broader function. By gathering them in one volume they attain a different character and tell us more than what the individual books ever could.
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Date de parution

01 juillet 2018

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Poids de l'ouvrage

47 Mo

Jan K. Coetzee
C o n t r i b u t o r s Asta Rau Wil l em BosHoF F JonaH S ack Kim Ber man KeitH Di etr i cH Eli z a Kentr i dge
JaN K . C o E t z E E
C o n t r i b u t o r s A s t a R a u Wi l l e m B o s H o F F Jo n a H S a c k Ki m B e r m a n K e i t H D i e t r i c H E l i z a K e n t r i d g e
Books and Bones and Other Things
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Copyright © 2020 Sun Bonani Scholar and the Author(s)
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First edition 2018
978-1-928424-14-7 (Print) 978-1-928424-15-4 (electronic PDF)
'The Bookworks' photographed by Stephen Collett
Set in Segoe UI 10/16
Cover design, typesetting and production by Sun Bonani Scholar
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For Asta
îs îs aN EXcEptîoNa pubîcatîoN îNkîNg aRt, îstoRy aNd umaN îNtERactîoN. “T As potogRapER, I am dEEpy împREssEd wît tE îmagERy tat JaN CoEtzEE as cREatEd as îustRatîoN. As a coNsEquENcE, tE book tRaNscENds a mEREy acadEmîc appRoac to a moRE aEstEtîc oNE.” Roger Ballen
South African-based American photographer best known for his images that exist in a space between painting, drawing, installation and photography. His works includeOutland(2000, revised in 2015),Shadow Chamber(2005), Boarding House(2009),Asylum of the Birds(2014) and most recently,Ballenesque: A Retrospection(2017).He also created acclaimed short îlms such asI Fink You Freeky, as well as sculpture installations. Some of his recent installations were at Paris’Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature(2017), Australia’s Sydney College of the Arts (2016)and at the Serlachius Museum in Finland (2015).
t’s îg tîmE tat socîoogîsts VENtuRE bEyoNd tE coNiNEs o acadEmîc socîoogy “I aNd tat îs EXacty wat JaN CoEtzEE as doNE îNBooks and Bones and OtHer hings. PaRt aRt îNstaatîoN aNd paRt socîoogîca RElEctîoN, E sows ow îstoRîca tEXts îNtERact wît oNE aNotER aNd takE oN dîfERENt mEaNîNgs îN tE coNtEXts îN wîc tEy aRE REad. A pEasuRE oR aNyoNE îNtEREstEd îN tE socîoogy o kNowEdgE aNd tE matERîaîty o EVERyday îE.” KatHy Davis
Senior Research Associate, Sociology Department, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam and long-standing editor of The European Journal of Women’s Studies. An award-winning author of best-selling sociological texts,the most recent beingDancing Tango: Passionate encounters in a globalizing world.
d tEXts, ouNd objEcts, scuptuREs aNd aN autobîogRapîca gazE – aN împREssîVE “O aNd îNNoVatîVE accouNt o REcoNstRuctîNg tE Sout ARîcaN îEwoRd sEt îN cooNîaîsm aNd apaRtEîd. PoîgNaNt guîdE to utuRE quaîtatîVE tîNkîNg.” homas S. Eberle
Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of St.Gallen,former Vice-President of the European Sociological Association,and former President of the Swiss Sociological Association.
Roug a NaRRatîVE appRoac to umaN îVEs, tîs book REVEas aN îNtERpay “T bEtwEEN symboîc aNd matERîa objEcts. KNowEdgE, bEîEs, îdEoogîEs aNd cutuRa pattERNs aRE EmbEddEd îN books, aRtEacts, objEcts aNd aRt. WEN tEsE books, aRtEacts aNd objEcts aRE sEt îN Vîsua aNd symboîc juXtaposîtîoN to oNE aNotER aNd pREsENtEd to tE VîEwER as aRtwoRks, a spacE opENs oR tEîR îNERENt bEîEs, îdEoogîEs aNd cutuREs to bE coNtEstEd. ScoaRs îN EpîgENEtîcs wî ENjoy REadîNg tîs book, wîc tEs ow socîEta bEaVîouRs afEct pENotypîc caNgE, aNd vice versa.” Giampietro Gobo
Professor of Sociology and Methodology, University of Milan.
ooks and Bones and OtHer hingsa uNîquE coEctîoN o objEcts coNtaîNs B aNd tEXts, caîNg oR tE appREcîatîoN aNd ascîNatîoN o stoRytEîNg aNd stoRy wRîtîNg. JaN CoEtzEE’s socîoogîca EyE oR tE sîgNîicaNcE o mEmoRy aNd tE împîcatîoNs o aRtEacts oR mEmoRy, îs saRp wEN E sEts out to EXcaVatE sEdîmENtEd ayERs o socîa REaîty. Hîs NaRRatîVE îs pERsoNa, îNsîgtu aNd îNtRîguîNg. A îgy REcommENdEd stoRy.” Katarina Jacobsson
Professor of Social Work and Sociology, Department of Social Work, Lund University, and the President of the Swedish Sociological Association.
uRRîcuum, tE EmîNîst tEoRîst MadEEîNE GRumEt oNcE saîd, îs tE coEctîVE “C stoRy wE tE ouR cîdREN about ouR past, ouR pREsENt aNd ouR utuRE. IN oNE sENsE, tE tuRmoî îN Sout ARîcaN socîEty – aNd REcENty uNîVERsîty campusEs îN paRtîcuaR – as to do wît tosE uNtod stoRîEs, uNEaRd stoRîEs, aNd uNtRoubEd stoRîEs sattEREd by tE tRaNsîtîoN Rom apaRtEîd to dEmocRacy. I caNNot tîNk o a moRE accompîsEd scoaR o stoRîEs, oR tE NaRRatîVE study o îVEs, taN JaN CoEtzEE wo îN tîs gRouNd-bREakîNg book dEmaNds a REckoNîNg wît a tosE stoRîEs, o ouRsEVEs aNd otERs ENtaNgEd îN tîs post-1994 daNcE. hîs attEmpt at EXcaVatîNg tE ‘kNowEdgE îN tE boNEs’ îs tRuy aN EXcEptîoNa pîEcE o scoaRsîp by CoEtzEE aNd aN outstaNdîNg sEt o autoRs aNd soud bE REquîREd REadîNg Not oNy oR socîoogîsts but stoRy-tEERs aNd -îstENERs acRoss tE dîscîpîNEs. It îs tE cuRRîcuum wE dEspERatEy NEEd.” JonatHan D. Jansen
Former Rector and Vice-Chancellor at the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa andauthor ofKnowledge in the Blood(2009),How to îx South Africa’s Schools(2014),Making Love in a War Zone(2018) and several other books.
NdERstaNdîNg îE EXpERîENcEs aways goEs tRoug somE kîNd o NaRRatîVE “U îNtERpREtatîoN about tE sE. hE autobîogRapîca jouRNEy NaRRatEd îN tîs book aNd tE autoR’s aRtwoRks kEENy REsoNatE wît cuRRENt tRENds îN coNtEmpatîVE REsEaRc.” Krzysztof Konecki
Professor of Sociology, University of Łodz, the President of the Polish Sociological Association andactively working in the îeld of meditation as epistemology.
aN CoEtzEE appEaRs bEoRE us as aN aRtîstîc socîoogîst oR socîoogîca aRtîst. Hîs “J coEctîoN o books wîtîN a book, wîc E as tuRNEd îNto aRtîstîc tREasuREs by combîNîNg tEm wît otER aRtEacts, sows us îN a REmaRkabE way ow compEX mEaNîNg aNd îts pRoductîoN aRE. By îNkîNg tîs woRk to îs bîogRapy CoEtzEE îustRatEs tE powER o sEmîosîs.” CHristopH Maeder
Professor of Visual Sociology, University of Teacher Education, Zurich, and former President of the Swiss Sociological Association.
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