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  • From two respected authors, researchers, and experts on the unexplained and paranormal
  • The definitive guide to werewolves in folklore and pop culture
  • Prior editions sold a combined 35,000-plus units
  • More than 250 werewolf and shape-shifter entries
  • Werewolf folklore has been a part of every society in the world … including in the modern world
  • Facts enhanced with compelling stories
  • Logical organization makes finding information quick and easy
  • Numerous black-and-white photographs
  • Thoroughly indexed
  • Authoritative resource
  • Publicity and promotion aimed at the wide array of websites focused on the paranormal,
  • unexplained, and supernatural
  • Promotion targeting more mainstream media and websites with a popular topic
  • Promotion targeting national radio, including Coast to Coast AM and numerous other late-night radio syndicates looking for knowledgeable guests
  • Promotion to local radio
  • Promotion targeting current events magazines and newspapers politics editors

  • Rusalki

    In the legends of the Slavic people we find that the spirit of a beautiful girl who used her physical charms to work wickedness and consequently was damned for her sins gets another chance to be even nastier when she crosses over to the Other Side. It is at that time that she may choose to become a Rusalka, a sultry shape-shifter who can appear along the riverbanks as an innocent young maiden, singing sweet, seductive songs to smitten young men—before she drowns them.

    Some Rusalki are a bit nicer to their victims. They first make love to the men they’ve seduced and permit them to die happy before they pull them into the water and drown them. In Bulgaria, the Rusalki, known as Samovily, are made up of the souls of unbaptized baby girls or of brides who died on their wedding night. They, too, get another opportunity to manifest as tempting shape-shifters who lure men to their watery deaths.
    Source: Larousse Dictionary of World Folklore. New York: Larousse, 1995.


    To be able to pass through the portal of the Great Mystery that will lead them into another dimension of time and space, shamans must seek the assistance and guidance of their spirit helpers, who appear in the form of their totem animals. To more effectively explore this spiritual dimension, shamans themselves may even assume the shape of their totemic animal and become, for a time, a wolf, a raven, an owl, or whatever creature has granted its power to their quest.

    Among the characteristics that we have come to associate with the shamans is their ability to enter into a kind of divine frenzy or ecstasy, very often achieved by the act of dancing and chanting. Once shamans have managed to separate themselves from mundane, ordinary existence, they enter a state of heightened awareness. To the observer, shamans lose their outward consciousness and become inspired or enraptured. While in this altered state of consciousness, they hear voices, see apparitions of spirits, and receive visions. Very often, they undergo a dramatic out-of-body experience, which enables them to perceive physical events actually happening great distances away from the place where they have undergone their trance state.

    In perhaps the majority of cases, those who become shamans have previously suffered a severe and sudden illness or accident that precipitated a near-death experience in which their spiritual essence left their physical body and traveled for a time to a higher spiritual plane. Many shamans have also been beset by other natural interventions in their lives, such as spells of fever or epileptic seizures.

    The shamans’ robes or costumes are covered with animal shapes and magical symbols. From the beginning of time, shamans have employed their animal totems to assist them in communicating with spirits, so the tradition of bedecking their robes with feathers, fur, claws, and the like has remained constant throughout the centuries. The robe of the shaman is, in essence, a spiritual microcosm, a reflection of the greater cosmic system that reaches beyond the stars. When shamans wrap their robes about them, they are allowing their spirits to step across the physical dimension and begin at once to establish contact with the world of spirits. The great ethnologist Ivar Lissner has observed that a shaman is one who knows how to deal with spirits and influence them: He is thus a magician. Every shaman is a magician, but not every magician is a shaman. A magician may also be a sorcerer. The essential characteristic of a shaman is his excitement, his ecstasy and trancelike condition. It is because so many scholars have applied the word shaman to the magicians of primitive tribes, who are usually sorcerers and nothing more, that the idea of shamanism has become so vague and distorted.
    Source: https://www.britannica.com/topic/shamanism.

    Spanish Inquisition

    The agents of the Spanish Inquisition decreed that there was only one way to kill a werewolf: behead it. Then, just to be certain, one must burn both the head and the body.

    Creeping up behind a werewolf with an axe with the intent of chopping off the beast’s head seems a decidedly injudicious method of attempting to kill the monster. What about a silver bullet? Curt Siodmak, the scriptwriter who wrote The Wolf Man (1941), claimed that he added a number of new details to the werewolf mythology, such as declaring that an object made of silver or a silver bullet was the only thing that could kill the beast. In addition, he composed the famous four-line verse about “Even a man who is pure at heart” becoming a werewolf if bitten by a lycanthrope, and the curse of the full moon signaling the transformation into man-wolf.

    In the centuries-old struggle with werewolves, the only record known of a silver bullet slaying a very dangerous predatory shape-shifter occurred during the reign of terror caused by the Beast of Gévaudan. According to Jean Chastel, one of several hundred armed men organized by the Marquis d’Apcher and the man given credit for slaying the monster, he had loaded his double-barreled musket with bullets made from a silver chalice blessed by a priest. In Chastel’s view, the bullets were fatal to a thing of evil such as the Beast because they had been made from a chalice that had held “the blood of Christ” during communion and had been blessed by a priest. The fact that the chalice was made of silver was probably incidental in Chastel’s view.

    Interestingly, in the alchemical tradition, silver represents the moon, the Divine Virgin, purity, and chastity. On some level of consciousness, the use of a silver object or bullet to squelch such an evil as a ravenous werewolf might have been apprehended by both Jean Chastel and Curt Siodmak. Perhaps, though, the most efficacious method to kill a werewolf remains separating its head from its body and burning both parts in a roaring fire.
    Source: https://www.history.com/topics/religion/inquisition.

    Skin Walkers

    To many Navajo tribespeople, a werewolf is called a “skin walker.” In the magic of the Navajo, Hopi, and Pueblo, the principal reason that a shaman might shape-shift into a wolf is for the purpose of traversing great distances in a much shorter time than he or she could walk the miles in human form. Those who cover themselves in the skin of a wolf are therefore known as Yee Naaldlooshii (those who trot about with it).

    In January 1970, four Gallup, New Mexico, youths claimed to have encountered a werewolf on their way to Zuni near Whitewater. All four swore that they saw a two-legged, hairy thing run alongside their car as they were going 45 miles an hour. When Clifford Heronemus later told reporters that he accelerated their vehicle to 60 mph and the creature still paced them, he got scared. The highway section where the werewolf appeared is full of sharp turns, and Heronemus was concerned that the car could skid off the road and they would be easy prey for the monster.

    According to Heronemus, one of the four finally got out a gun and shot it. “I know it got hit and it fell down—but there was no blood. It got up again and ran off. I know it couldn’t have been a person, because people cannot move that fast.”

    Heronemus and his three friends were convinced that they had been chased by a werewolf, and they said that they were going looking for the creature with a camera. If they could obtain a photograph of the werewolf, “people won’t think I’m half-cracked.”

    In 1936, anthropologist William Morgan wrote about the werewolf beliefs of the Navajo in Arizona and New Mexico, and he recorded one of his conversations with Navajo who told him that the Yee Naaldlooshii could run very fast. They could get to Albuquerque in an hour and a half, the anthropologist was informed. Morgan noted that in those days it took four hours to drive the distance by automobile.

    An Encounter with a Skin Walker

    Priscilla Garduno Wolf, an Apache medicine woman from New Mexico, told of her encounter with a skin walker when she was a teenager. In Sister Wolf’s own words:
    It was a beautiful day, and I was ready for the prom. I caught a ride with a friend, Molly, and the night went very well.

    However, at the end of the prom, Molly told me to catch a ride home with someone else, she was going to Alamosa with her boyfriend. I asked several people, but no one offered to take me home. I lived three miles from the school, and at that time all the roads were dirt.

    I had no choice but to walk home in my formal, holding my heels in my hands. The moon was shining, but it was still very dark.

    I wasn’t scared until I got close to the area where people claimed the Wolf Boy was buried. Grandpa said that the old people buried him there in the 1500s. Nearby, there was this huge tree that my grandfather had named the skin walker tree, because of sightings of Skin Walkers in that area.

    I wanted to walk back to my grandmother’s home, but I was scared that the Wolf Boy would appear to me, so I continued walking east toward my mother’s home.

    When I crossed the old bridge, I heard a noise coming from under it. I looked back, and I saw what appeared to be a calf walking toward me. I started to run, and it began to run, following me.

    It was about 300 feet to my mom’s home, and I took off running fast. The animal stood up on its hind legs and almost caught me. I could hear its loud breathing. It sounded not human or animal like, but different.

    I made it to my mother’s farm land, and the thing jumped across the fence. When I got to the door of the house, I banged so hard to wake up Mom. “Open up!” I kept yelling! “Something is chasing me.”

    Mom made it to the door. I pushed her aside and shut the door, and we locked it. She shut the lights off so no one could look in the house. My baby brother Adam was sleeping, and after a while I lay down. I was so worn out from running. I heard someone turning the knob of the door—and opening it! I could hear what sounded like the footsteps of a horse moving from room to room toward me.

    All of a sudden it was next to my bed. I screamed for Mom to turn the lights on, but she was having a hard time getting up. It was like she was in a daze. I felt the Skin Walker’s hand on me, touching my face and throat! His smelly breath and loud breathing were right next to me.

    The monster was [a] tall and skinny half human and half something that looked like a cow. His hands were rough and hairy, and he had long nails. I couldn’t breathe! I screamed again and asked God to help me. It scratched my neck, and I was bleeding.

    When Mom managed to turn on the light, it vanished.

    Mom saw three scratches on my neck and said it was the devil that had left his claw marks on me. We got up and checked the door. It was still locked, but the door hadn’t mattered to the Skin Walker.

    By morning the scratches were gone, just vanished. I wrote two stories years later that I called “The Devil’s Claws” and “The Skin Walker.”
    Sources: “Battle of Palo Duro Canyon, Texas.” http://tripsintohistory.com/2013/05/23/battle-of-palo-duro-canyon-texas/. 2016.
    Coleman, Loren. “Werewolves of the Southwest.” Strange Magazine 7, April 1991.
    Guie, Heister Dean. Coyote Stories. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1990.
    Haskell Institute. Myths, Legends, Superstitions of North American Indian Tribes. Lawrence, KS, 1995.
    Kelleher, Colm & Knapp, George. Hunt for the Skinwalker. N.Y.: Paraview-Pocket Books, 2005.
    “Malicious Myths: The Were-Hyena.” https://inthedarkair.wordpress.com/2015/10/26/malicious-myths-the-were-hyena/. 2016.
    O’Brien, Christopher. Stalking the Tricksters. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2009.
    Redfern, Nick. Chupacabra Road Trip. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2015.
    Redfern, Nick. “Searching for California’s Skinwalkers.” http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/10/searching-for-californias-skinwalkers/. October 27, 2015.


    In the ancient traditions, there were two basic ways by which a person became a werewolf—and they both involved sorcery. Either one deliberately sought to become a shape-shifter by employing a number of spells, invocations, and secret rituals so that he might have the power and strength of a lycanthrope to perform nefarious deeds—or one was cursed by a powerful sorcerer who used his magic to turn his victim into a werewolf to live the life of the damned. In other words, there were voluntary and involuntary werewolves.

    The notion that a victim of a werewolf attack became himself a lycanthrope because of a bite or a scratch from the beast is largely the invention of motion pictures, quite probably beginning with The Wolf Man (1941). In all of the accounts of werewolf attacks throughout Europe in earlier times, we never read of the victims returning as lycanthropes. If the thousands of victims of the Beast of Le Gévaudan had returned as werewolves, all of France would have been overrun by an army of conquering lycanthropes. In point of actual fact, the victim of a werewolf attack is almost always mangled, mutilated, and murdered—not merely bitten and “infected” with the werewolf curse.

    Sorcery involves the manifestation of supernatural powers granted by spirits who have been summoned by a skillful magician or sorcerer. Many believe that such manipulation of psychic energy can only manifest evil spirits, who seize such an opportunity to enter the physical dimension in order to work evil against humankind and the true God of the universe. The French jurist Jean Bodin insisted that only Satan can change the shape of one body into another—and only God grants him that power in the elemental world.

    Those who voluntarily became werewolves through sorcery did so most frequently through the use of special ointments, the wearing of the magical wolf belt, and the chanting of various spells and invocations to summon the demonic beings that would implement the shape-shifting process. Those who involuntarily became werewolves were the victims of such incantations, curses, and the sinister work of demons summoned to do the evil work of sorcerers who had given themselves to the Dark Side.
    Source: Spence, Lewis. An Encyclopedia of Occultism. New Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1960.

    UFOs and Werewolves

    It may come as a surprise to many to learn that one of the world’s most famous monsters—Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere—is a shapeshifter. As controversial as it may sound, reports of strange, unidentified apes that have the ability to take on numerous guises—all around the planet, never mind just in the United States—abound.

    There is absolutely no doubt that Rendlesham Forest, in the English county of Suffolk, is most famous for a series of sensational UFO encounters that occurred across the period of December 26-29, 1980. Multiple military personnel, from the nearby twin-bases of Royal Air Force Benwaters and Royal Air Force Woodbridge, reported seeing strange lights in the sky—their accounts can be found in an official U.S. Air Force document of January 13, 1981, titled “Unexplained Lights.” It was written by Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt, the Deputy Base Commander at Bentwaters. Other saw UFOs beaming lights down to the weapons-storage areas—which were the secret home to nuclear weapons. `There are even accounts of some of the airmen seeing small, humanoid figures with cat-like eyes—aliens, perhaps. It’s a far less known fact, however, that Rendlesham Forest has its very own shapeshifter. Its name is the Shug Monkey. Like most shapeshifters, it is a creature which terrifies all those who encounter it.

    “Sam Holland,” whom I spoke with in 2001, encountered the Shug Monkey as he walked his little dog through the woods back in 1956. Holland described the monster as a veritable chimera: part monkey, part dog, and part bear. That it had a length of around ten feet demonstrates it was no normal, or even known, animal. Fortunately, neither Holland nor Harry the dog were harmed by the lumbering creature, which, after briefly glaring at the petrified pair, vanished into the woods.

    A near-identical animal was seen seven years later in the same stretch of forest by a woman named Peggy Cushing; the only difference—a very significant difference—being that the animal suddenly changed into the form of a hideous, bat-winged gargoyle, and which soared off into the dark skies above! Notably, Cushing said that as the beast changed in shape, there was a shimmering effect surrounding it.

    Adding yet another component to the story is an account which comes from monster-hunter Jonathan Downes. He is the director of the British-based Center for Fortean Zoology, and someone who accompanied me on my 2004 expedition to Puerto Rico in search of the legendary Chupacabra; a story I told in my 2015 book, Chupacabra Road Trip. Downes described, in his 2008 book, Island of Paradise, how in 1996 an old girlfriend of his had shown him a very interesting piece of film footage of unidentified paw prints found in a certain area of muddy ground in Rendlesham Forest, a year or two earlier. They closely resembled the prints of a cat; but of what variety no-one could say. What could be said, however, is that they were far bigger than the kinds of prints that would be left by even the largest lion, tiger or leopard. Of course, there is nothing roaming the wilds of the United Kingdom of such a size. Or, at least, there shouldn’t be any such beast on the loose. There have, however, been multiple encounters in Rendlesham Forest with what have become known as “Alien Big Cats,” or “ABCs.” But, not even they can boast of being the size of the animal that left the prints studied by Jonathan Downes.

    Moving on, we have the saga of “Tom Potter,” a local man who was witness to a large monkey-like animal seen in Woodbridge in the early hours of a 1987 morning. I met Potter in December 2000, and right in the heart of Rendlesham Forest, when a 20th anniversary party to celebrate the 1980 UFO landing was held there. As Potter drove to work at around 4:30 a.m., and as he passed the fringes of Rendlesham Forest, he caught sight of a creature that was not dissimilar to a chimpanzee. In fact, that is exactly what he thought the creature was, as he slowed his vehicle to a near-halt and watched it amble along the road at a leisurely pace. That is, until it suddenly stopped and turned to look at Potter; whose vehicle, at the time, was moving at a speed of barely a couple of miles per hour. According to Potter, the “chimpanzee” dropped onto its four-limbs, was briefly lit up by a white light, and took on the form of a sleek and shiny black cat. It then suddenly raced into a nearby field and was not seen again.

    The idea that Rendlesham Forest could be home to numerous unknown animals—such as Sam Holland’s ten-foot-long beast, Tom Potter’s “chimp-cat,” and Peggy Cushing’s nightmarish gargoyle—is absurd. In all likelihood, and particularly so when one takes into consideration the testimony of Cushing and Potter, we are dealing with a creature which is not limited to one physical form. A supernatural chimera, one might justifiably suggest.

    An intriguing and thought-provoking afterword: with multiple animal forms seen roaming around Rendlesham Forest—and for decades—what does all of the above say about the famous UFO encounter of late December 1980? While it is not impossible that extra-terrestrials—from a faraway star system—may have touched down in the woods all those years ago, the more logical answer to the riddle is that the UFO events were also the result of shapeshifting, but on this occasion the phenomenon chose to take on the form of E.T. Which begs an even more thought-provoking question: “into what form will the shapeshifting intelligence of Rendlesham Forest turn into next?”
    Source: Redfern, Nick. The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy: A Close Encounter Exposed as a Top Secret Government Experiment. Lisa Hagan Books, 2020.

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