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Get ready to be the best-dressed in the room! Personal styling and life coaching come together in this action-filled guide to curating a closet that supports your goals and takes the stress out of getting dressed. Hollywood stylist-turned-entrepreneur Lauren Messiah helps you identify and clear the roadblocks that hold you back from putting the best (and best-dressed) version of yourself out into the world.Style Therapy is your thirty-day action plan to define and build your style week by week. You'll learn how to: Shop like a stylist and make your shopping trips quick, easy, and efficient.Find clothes that actually fit you, and end dressing room frustration forever.Choose the perfect outfit from your closet in five minutes flat.Keep your look fresh and your style up-to-date from season to season, without having to reinvent the wheel every few months. Slipping back into bad habits is no longer an option. This guide breaks down the process into manageable, helpful, and encouraging steps to help you redefine your personal style!
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Date de parution

27 avril 2021

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2 Mo

30-Day Style Therapy Checklist
Start Where You Are
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + Set Your Intention
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + Let s Get Motivated
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + Go Deep. Go Dark.
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + The Ripple Effect
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + Charging Through Challenges
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + Take Inventory
The 7-Day Selfie Challenge + Challenge Reflections and Aha Moments
Clear Your Path
Style Roadblocks: Other People s Opinions
Style Roadblocks: Body Confidence
DAY 10
Style Roadblocks: Money, Money, Money
DAY 11
Style Roadblocks: Confronting the Ghosts of Your Past
DAY 12
Your Style Roadblock Action Plan
DAY 13
Establishing Your 3 Words
DAY 14
Clean Out Your Closet
Style Awakenings
DAY 15
Goal Setting + Style
DAY 16
Virtual Shopping Spree
DAY 17
Your Style Type
DAY 18
Your Dream Life(style) + Vision Boards
DAY 19
Draft Your Dress Code
DAY 20
Closet Quickie
DAY 21
Create Your Shopping List
Your Signature Style
DAY 22
Shop Like a Stylist
Go Shopping
DAY 23
Your At-Home Fashion Show
DAY 24
Easy Outfit Formulas
DAY 25
72-Hour Keep-or-Return Rule
DAY 26
The Finishing Touches
DAY 27
Exiting Your Comfort Zone
DAY 28
Create Your Look Book
DAY 29
Celebrating Your After
DAY 30
Post-Challenge Reflections
Additional Resources
Dressing for Body Confidence
Wardrobe Tools and Essentials
Fabric Care
Do you love the way you look right now? Are you feeling like a ten on the confidence scale? If you ran into an ex-boyfriend, an old friend, or a client, would you be embarrassed because of your appearance?
Do you feel comfortable in your clothes or are you dying to get out of them by the end of the day? Or maybe you re a little too comfortable because they re baggy and oversized?
What s the state of your closet? Is that clothes chair in your bedroom stacked high with your failed outfit attempts? Have you recently experienced a closet meltdown ? You know, a wild outburst that would shock a toddler, because you can t find anything to wear.
Do you love everything in your closet or just a measly 20 percent?
I hope you didn t answer yes to any of these questions, but something tells me you did. Now I want you to envision your new reality.
You spring out of bed, fling open your closet doors, and feel inspired. You love everything hanging in your closet. The outfit possibilities are endless. You feel sexy, cool, and confident because you have the exact clothes you need for all of the important areas of your life.
This could be you.
I know getting dressed can be hard work. Sometimes picking out a stylish outfit gets so frustrating that it s easier to say, Style is dumb and superficial. People should like me for me. They should like you for you, but real life is more complicated than that.
In order for people to like you, trust you, spend money with you, or date you, they need to get to know you first. How you look and what you wear is like the trailer to a great movie: The world needs to be enticed by your trailer before they watch the movie.
Plus, word on the street is it takes less than seven seconds for a person to form an opinion about you. Seven seconds isn t enough time to win people over with your personality. Let s get real. People are judging you by your looks, and this may sound crazy, but this is good news.
The way you dress is 100 percent in your control, which means you get to change the narrative. You get to fully express your best and most powerful self through your personal style.
You get to start dressing like the woman you were meant to be right now. You can look (and feel) polished and put together, without looking like you tried too hard. But, more important, you can dress for the life you want. I ve dressed my way into career success, body confidence, and even into romantic relationships.
Style is a powerful tool that can change your life, and that s exactly what you re going to do over the next thirty days.
Confession Time
Believe it or not, I m a hard-core introvert. For as long as I can remember I ve struggled to express myself, speak up, and take up space in a room. People scared the crap out of me, and given the choice, I d hang out with a pet over a person.
At five years old I learned how to sew, and the world of style opened up to me. I found that when I dressed up, I felt confident, people would talk to me, and I could finally express myself.
Style gave me life.
I went to college and earned my degree in fashion design. I had visions of running off to New York to become a designer, but the universe had other plans. As it turns out, designers don t make very much money and I very much wanted to move out of my parents house. So I did what any fashion-obsessed, college-educated girl with no job prospects in sight does. I started working retail.
My retail job was one of the best things to happen to me because I realized design wasn t my calling; it was dressing people that brought me joy.
Cut to me at twenty-eight, working as a celebrity stylist in Hollywood. The glitz, the glamour, the fabulous people . . . didn t actually exist. To my surprise, working as a celebrity stylist was awful. The egos, the long hours, and the vanity of it all just wasn t for me.

Obviously, this realization bummed me out because I thought I d finally found my calling, so I did some soul-searching. This is where my love for personal development was born. I read every book, went to every seminar (hey, Tony Robbins), and hired coaches to help make sense of my life.
Then my aha moment arrived.
I loved dressing people (just not celebrity people). I loved the internal and external results I experienced when I dug deeper into my psyche. What if I took what I learned as a Hollywood stylist, combined it with what I found on my personal development journey, and then applied it to everyday people?
Boom! A calling was born.
Do the Work
Style Therapy is a workbook designed to help you discover yourself and your authentic sense of style. In other words, your signature style.
Notice how the word workbook is underlined? I did that on purpose. I wanted to emphasize the work aspect of this book.
I m not your average stylist, you see. I m not here to tell you exactly what to wear and dress you up like a little paper doll. My job is to serve as your guide through the most epic style journey you ll ever go on.
Over the next thirty days you are going to tap into the depth of your freaking soul and develop a sense of style that is unique to you.
When we go shopping and get dressed, an internal dialogue kicks in. What comes to the surface are old stories centered around money issues, body issues, low self-esteem, and relationship issues. That nonsense, coupled with a lack of basic styling principles, is the thing preventing you from looking your best and pursuing your true potential.
Enough is enough. It s time to look like you, only better. That means choosing the right clothes, sure. But it also means choosing new words to describe yourself, what you want to accomplish, and how you want to be perceived.
This is going to involve some work on your part. When I challenge you to do something, do it. When you are prompted to write, write.
Do the work. Get the results. Period.
Building Your Signature Style
I have a fun little formula that I d like you to keep in mind as we go through this process. It summarizes how all the daily exercises come together:
Character + Body Confidence + Goals = Your Signature Style
I m talking about looking at who you are on the inside. Your interests, priorities, tastes, and day-to-day life are the foundational building blocks of your personal style. Yes, we re going for a style transformation, but the underlying result is to have you looking and feeling even more like yourself.
Body Confidence
You ll make a commitment to work with your body exactly as it is right now! We all have to put on clothes, we all have to live in our bodies, and we all deserve to be seen. I know from experience that changing our relationship with clothing can truly shift the way we feel about ourselves-and that includes our bodies!
You ll start to visualize how you want to grow and translate that vision into clothes that help you step into that role. Maybe you ve already accomplished so much, but sense that you aren t living up to your full potential or aren t being perceived for your full worth. Style is an incredibly powerful tool in shaping the narrative.
Signature Style
A signature style is the ultimate expression of self-awareness. It s the outer manifestation of your inner work. By the end of this process, you ll be putting together outfits that serve your day-to-day life, boost your self-confidence, and support your aspirations-woo hoo!
A wise man once said, Started from the bottom now we re here.
That wise man was Drake.
You ve got to admit: He makes an excellent point. Where you start doesn t necessarily dictate where you re going. I mean, he started at the bottom, and now he s Drake. Not a Drake fan? Fine. Look at Oprah. She started with less than nothing, and now she s freaking Oprah!
Now let s get stylish with it.
Take any modern-day style icon, and then take a gander at photos of them before they were stars. They started from the bottom too.
Week 1 is about creating your own before picture. You ll also uncork the underlying motivation that is going to drive your style transformation. So, whether you re a style train wreck, in need of a little tune-up, or taking your style to the next level, your style icon status awaits you.
Style Your Mind
Is there anything more satisfying than looking back at how far you ve come?
My mind goes straight to the disgusting shared college

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