Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch Pupil Book Year 6 , livre ebook









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Scratch teaching and learning made easy thanks to up-to-date, classroom-tested methodologies. Draws on the expertise of Code-IT and HIAS.
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31 janvier 2023

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9 Mo

Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch
Pupil Book - Year 6
A research informed scheme of work by Phil Bagge HIAS Computing Inspector/Advisor Part of the HIAS Teaching Primary Programming from Scratch Series
Published in 2023 by University of Buckingham Press, an imprint of Legend Times Group
51 Gower Street
London WC1E 6HJ
Copyright Phil Bagge 2023
Published by arrangement with Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service (part of Hampshire County Council)
All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission.
Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, copied or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, now known or hereafter invented, save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988, or under terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the publisher.
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
ISBN 978-1-91505-4-289
Introduction Progression
Introducing New Concepts
1 Simple Procedures
2 Nested Loops
3 Variables
4 Placeholder Variables
Programming Module that uses Simple Procedures
5 Basic Procedures
Programming Module that uses Simple Procedures and Nested Loops
6 Nested Loops with Procedures
Programming Modules that use Variables (all types)
7 Variable Fun
8 Ada Lovelace (Combines variables, conditions and loops) Has a procedure option
9 Predict the Score (Combines, variables, conditions and loops) Has a procedure option
Programming Module that uses Placeholder Variables
10 Placeholder Variables

Book resources can be downloaded from https://computing.hias.hants.gov.uk/course/view.php?id=5

This book is a complete scheme of work for teaching primary programming using Scratch in Year 6 for 10-11 year olds.
Part of a Series
It is part of a five-book series. Three other books include projects for other year groups.
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Year 3
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Year 4
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Year 5
If you are interested in the methodology and research-informed practice behind this series as well, as well as a wealth of other insights gained from teaching block-based programming for thousands of hours, then this will be an informative read:
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch - Research-Informed Approaches .
It includes permission to photocopy the pupil worksheets and answer sheets for your class and school. These are clearly marked.
It includes links to example code, project templates and slides to introduce new programming concepts.
There is a clear, research-informed progression through the series, and the graphic on the next page on a grey background shows which programming concepts are introduced in this book.
Pedagogy in a Few Paragraphs
Introduction to Programming Concepts Away From Code
Pupils are taught key programming concepts away from programming to lower cognitive load and make it easier to transfer these ideas from one programming language to another.
Paired Programming
Pupils are encouraged to work in same ability pairs for some parts of the projects, because this has shown to be particularly helpful for pupils working within or below the expected outcomes.
Pupils are encouraged to read and understand code before they create their own code. We use the PRIMM method in this book.
Modify (change)

Each project provides time and stimulus to be creative in code within the zone of proximal development provided by the taught concepts and explored projects. In other words, it has reasonable projects that can be created independently or with minimum teacher support.
Key knowledge is introduced in the concept introductions and reinforced in each of the activities.
Revisiting Learning
It is important to revisit prior learning, so some modules have questions and activities which revise learning from Year 4 on loops and conditions in Year 5.
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment is baked into every stage of the PRIMM process, providing a wealth of data to determine progress.
If you have used earlier versions of these resources on the code-it website, then you will enjoy the new project assessment grid that combines pupils self-assessment and quick teacher assessment, ideally within the lesson.
Pupils self-mark to help them see how they have progressed, reducing teachers workload and enabling teachers to concentrate on the pupils that might need more support.
Hints Tips
Every pupil s resource also includes a copy of the resource annotated with extra information to further teachers programming knowledge, hints and formative assessment opportunities in case pupils are stuck, and tips to adapt or support whole class teaching.
Many of these extra hints and tips will not be needed, but the more informed the teacher is the better quality learning opportunity pupils will have.
Yellow highlighted hints and tips are whole class suggestions
Lilac highlighted hints and tips are information to help teachers extend their programming knowledge and sometimes explain why something has been included.
Green highlighted hints and tips are suggestions to help the teacher support individual pupils stuck on a specific question.
Can We Start Here?
If pupils have never programmed with Scratch before a basic introduction project, Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Year 3 is a must.
I would also recommend a single module of count-controlled loops and one on indefinite loops found in
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Year 4
I would also recommend covering conditions using Making Choices and one of the gaming modules found in
Teaching Primary Programming with Scratch, Year 5
Many of the projects include revision questions to remind pupils about prior learning.
Committed to Improvements
HIAS, Hampshire s Inspection Advisory Service, is committed to developing and improving these resources. We recognize that primary programming is still its infancy in comparison with other subjects, and that new research and primary practice will refine and improve teaching and learning in this area. All royalties earned from this series will be used to write more computing books and revise these resources as needed.

Photocopiable resource for pupils

Teacher Hints Tips on the same photocopiable resource


Variables are used to store information to be referred to and changed in a computer programme or algorithm
Have a name and a value
Algorithms and programs read the name but act on the value
Values can be changed during the algorithm or programme
When writing the value of a variable, we call it assigning

Always name a variable after the data that it stores or the task that it does
Avoid naming variables with spaces; use teamScore (camelCase) or
user_name (underscore)
Avoid using the same name as a procedure

Year 6 Algorithm Programming

Variables Algorithm

Simple Procedures
Have a name
Are called or run by the name
Can be run many times in a programme
Found in My Blocks in Scratch
In Scratch has define first
Always name a procedure after the task that it does
Avoid naming procedures with spaces
Avoid using the same name as a variable

Procedures are a set of instructions bundled together to complete a part of a program

CHAPTER 1 Simple Procedures
Introducing Simple Procedures
These slides can be downloaded from the HIAS website https://computing.hias.hants.gov.uk/course/view.php?id=51 .
They are designed to be delivered to the whole class before pupils move on to using the basic procedures module.
They can also be delivered to a small group or pairs of pupils if they are working independently through resources.
Slides are provided in PDF and PowerPoint formats, and teachers who purchased the book are authorised to adapt the resources within their school or on closed learning platforms such as Seesaw, Google Classroom or Teams, as long as they are not shared outside the school community.
Extra hints and tips on usage are provided alongside each slide on the following pages.
Pupils will need whiteboards and pens or paper and pencils.
Knowledge Summary
There is a sheet that summarizes the knowledge gained through these slides and provides a space for pupils to write their own algorithm and flow of control. It can be found on page 11.

Remind pupils what has been learnt in past years and say they can use this understanding when they come to make things independently. Can they remember the projects they created?

Define what a procedure is before we unpick it in the following slides. Note name and groups of instructions.

We train our dogs to carry out simple procedures.
These tasks are called by using a single word, in this case beg triggers a complex set of commands that the dog knows.

The beg procedure can be used with your dog as many times

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