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Date de parution
27 août 2013
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Date de parution
27 août 2013
Nombre de lectures
RaspberryPi Programming Genius
Howto Learn Python Easily & Manage Your Own Project
By:Jason Scotts
Tableof Contents
Publishers Notes
Chapter 1 - An Overview of Raspberry Pi
Chapter 2 - Raspberry Pi- Python- What is it and What are the Benefits?
Chapter 3 - The Basics of Python Technology
Chapter 4 - Other Gadgets That Can Be Used With Raspberry Pi Python
Chapter 5 - Using Raspberry Pi to Create an LED Indicator
Chapter 6 - Raspberry Pi Python- Graphical User Interfaces
Chapter 7 - Raspberry Pi- How to use Pygame
Chapter 8 - Networking with Raspberry Pi Python
About The Author
Publishers Notes
This publicationis intended to provide helpful and informative material. It is not intended todiagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or condition, nor isintended to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solelyon the contents of this book. Always consult your physician or qualifiedhealth-care professional on any matters regarding your health and beforeadopting any suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.
The author andpublisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss orrisk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly orindirectly, from the use or application of any contents of this book.
Any and allproduct names referenced within this book are the trademarks of theirrespective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed,or approved this book.
Always read allinformation provided by the manufacturers’ product labels before using theirproducts. The author and publisher are not responsible for claims made bymanufacturers.
© 2013
Manufactured inthe United States of America
This book isdedicated to my parents who always encouraged me to live the dream.
Chapter 1- An Overview of Raspberry Pi
When Raspberry Pi, thecredit-card-sized single-board computer developed by the Raspberry PiFoundation in the UK was launched, the concept of multi-purpose, lightdistribution platforms for promotion of teaching of basic computer science inschools was born. At present, Element 14/Premier Farnell and RS Componentscompanies license sales of Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi Foundation worksactively toward innovation and integration of new hardware and softwareupdates.
Raspberry Pi is programmed in Pythonprogramming language. One of the most standard programming codec’s available,Python is used to create compatibility in operating systems, infrastructure andsoftware programs used by Raspberry Pi. Python is a programming language thatis fairly easy to learn. By creating classes of scripted code, concepts can beexpiated in summary form so that programming results are accessible to conductcommands on the spot.
Online programming communitiesdedicated to creation of new software application as system (SaaS) are acentral part of the knowledge sharing world Python programming for Raspberry Piand its open source transformation. The Raspberry Pi platform supportsintegration with all of the major operating systems available in digitalcomputer board based devices on the market, including is a cross-platformapplication Linux frameworks.
Raspberry Pi is a Broadcom BCM2835system on a chip (SoC) with an ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHz processor and VideoCore IVGPU. The current Raspberry Pi system is 512MB, upgraded from 256 megabytes ofRAM. At present, the Raspberry Pi Foundation offers Arch Linux ARM and Debiandistributions for download.
Visual diagram of API connections inthe Raspberry Pi utilizes Linux kernel-based operating systems. Raspbian is theDebian-based free operating system used to optimize Raspberry Pi hardware. Theboard’s GPU hardware is accessed by way of a firmware image or binary blob;loaded into the GPU when booted from the SD-card. The firmware image is closedsource at present.
The processing functions within theboard’s application software source run-time libraries to access an open sourceAPI driver, inside the Linux kernel. Video applications employing 2D and 3Dapplications, OpenMAX and OpenGL ES use OpenVG and EGL. The board’s new proofof concept SD card image reinforces the preliminary operating system. The imagecan run in QEMU which enables Raspberry Pi to be mirrored on other platformarchitecture.
System Software
Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix softwareapplication is the one of the most recent developments for Linux distribution.The 2012 release was part of an ongoing effort in App exchange to upgradeefficiencies in the operating system. Systems software also includes SlackwareARM version 13.37. Free VideoCore driver code runs the Raspberry Pi ARM, isanother example of open source multimedia SoC software available to the public.
Operating Systems
Raspberry Pi is compatible with anumber of standard operating systems running that are ported or in the processof port integration. Operating systems compatibility includes cross platformapplications frameworks developed for solely for Raspberry Pi's integration ofLinux distribution.
Multi-purpose distributions inMoebius offer light ARM HF. Application of Moebius in Raspberry Pi isostensible as it is small enough for 1GB SD memory.