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Learn to secure your personal data & reclaim your online privacy! KEY FEATURES a- Understand your cyber risk exposure by calculating your Privacy Score a- Improve your Privacy Score with easy-to-follow recommendations a- Different recommendations for different levels of expertise - YOUR choice! a- An 'interactive' book with inline QR code references for further learning! a- Instantly applicable recommendations that show immediate results! a- Gamification of recommended actions to incentivize best practice behaviors. a- Quantifiable* improvement by the end of the book! DESCRIPTION This book intends to be a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to take control of all your digital footprints on the internet. You will begin with a quick analysis that will calculate your current Privacy Score. The aim of this book is to improve this Privacy Score by the end of the book. By the end of this book, you will have ensured that the information being leaked by your phone, your desktop, your browser, and your internet connection is minimal-to-none. All your online accounts for email, social networks, banking, shopping, etc. will be made secure and (almost) impervious to attackers. You will have complete control over all of your personal information that is available in public view. Your personal information belongs to you and you alone. It should never ever be available for anyone else to see without your knowledge and without your explicit permission. WHAT WILL YOU LEARN a- How to safeguard your privacy online a- How to secure your personal data & keep it private a- How to prevent your devices from leaking your private info a- How to prevent various websites & services from 'spying' on you a- How to 'lock down' your social media profiles a- How to identify threats to your privacy and what counter-measures to take WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR Anyone who values their digital security and privacy and wishes to 'lock down' their personal data will find this book useful. Corporate IT departments can use this as a reference book to design data security practices and training modules for employees. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Prologue 2. Internet and Privacy 3. Android Devices 4. Apple iPhones 5. Smartphone Apps 6. Smart Devices & IoT 7. Desktops - Operating Systems 8. Desktops - Software Applications 9. Desktops - Browsers 10. Services - Email 11. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) 12. Networks: Connectivity, & Internet 13. Operational Security (OPSEC) 14. Epilogue 15. Bonus Chapter: Useful Tips and Tricks
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03 septembre 2020

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My Data My Privacy My Choice

A Step-by-Step Guide to Secure Your Personal Data and Reclaim Your Online Privacy!

Rohit Srivastwa
Copyright © BPB Publications, India
ISBN: 978-93-89845-181
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher with the exception to the program listings which may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they can not be reproduced by the means of publication.
The information contained in this book is true to correct and the best of author’s & publisher’s knowledge. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these publications, but cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from any information in this book.
All trademarks referred to in the book are acknowledged as properties of their respective owners.
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Published by Manish Jain for BPB Publications, 20 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 and Printed by him at Repro India Ltd, Mumbai
Dedicated to
Everyone who respects their privacy and wants to live a safe life online
The COVID-19 pandemic has made “virtual,” the new reality, and we are now living in an age where the internet is no longer a novelty but a necessity. What began as a rather complicated way to send simple messages from one machine to another has now evolved into a behemoth that allows us to do all kinds of things – simple AND complicated – often, at the mere touch of a button. We have rapidly progressed from sending each other little packets of text to doing almost everything – communicating, shopping, relaxing, creating, sharing, spreading – on the internet.
However, this evolution has extracted a high cost from us. Every username and password combination that we create on the internet is a tiny peephole into our lives. The notion of privacy exists only as long as these peepholes remain unknown to outsiders. The more peepholes we create, the more vulnerable we make ourselves to all these outsiders, who will relish any opportunity to sneak a free peek into our lives.
Consider this, the website “Have I Been Pwned” ( ) contains a record of more than 9.5 billion accounts from 440 websites that were ‘hacked’ by miscreants. DeHashed ( ) contains 12.5 billion “compromised assets” from “all corners of the internet.”
There is a genuine chance that one of those accounts could belong to you. If you are the kind of person who reuses their password across multiple websites and doesn’t change passwords very often, then all your accounts are suddenly open to invasion. From merely having one leaked account, your entire online presence suddenly went under threat.
The early users of the internet merely had to contend with fundamental problems such as transmission and display of data. Today, the average internet user transmits several pieces of PII – personally identifiable information – to remote servers, often without realizing it. Were this information to get leaked or intercepted, it could represent a significant threat to our well-being. The need to ensure the security of our online identities and the privacy of our online data should, therefore, be considered paramount in this day and age.
That’s where Rohit Srivastwa’s years of expertise with cyber-security and digital privacy comes in handy. With his book, “My Data, My Privacy, My Choice,” Rohit offers a clear and well-laid path to extricate yourself out of the mess that is maintaining the privacy of your online identities.
Rohit guides you, the reader, carefully, with step-by-step instructions that take you from understanding the problem to solving the problem. The solutions (wonderfully named #RohitRecommends) are structured carefully in a four-tiered structure ranging from Basic to Expert, with each subsequent level providing a stronger layer of security and better privacy for your online identity. Each level of recommendation is self-sufficient (to a degree), and there is no compulsion to follow recommendations at a level that you find difficult to comprehend.
Rohit has also introduced a gamification framework to incentivize the adoption of these recommendations by assigning ‘points’ to each recommended action. As you go through the book, you collect points, and the final tally gives you an idea of your PrivacyScore. The higher the level of recommendations followed, the better your PrivacyScore will be.
Another unique aspect of the book is its interactive, cross-media capabilities. Instead of relegating relevant reading to the usual ‘References’ section, the book uses smartly-placed, contextual QR codes that you can scan to acquire additional knowledge of the subject without ever leaving the page of the book that you are on!
Rohit Srivastwa strives to make the subject of online privacy and cybersecurity easy to understand and implement for everyone. He has succeeded in creating a framework that makes it easy for everyone to implement a degree of control over their online data and reclaim their online privacy.
Lt. Gen Rajesh Pant, PVSM, AVSM, VSM (Retd.), PhD National Cyber Security Coordinator - PMO Govt of India, New Delhi
The thing about the internet is that it is a wonderful place, BUT there are some not-so-wonderful people on it…
“My Data, My Privacy, My Choice!” by Rohit Srivastwa makes it easy to explore the wonders of the internet while ensuring that you avoid bumping into these not-so-wonderful people! I felt that the gamification of recommended actions (#RohitRecommends) ensured that I, as the reader, was substantially incentivized actually to follow the recommendations set out. By the end of the book, I could see a clear difference in my browsing habits, and I could _feel_ my network traffic heaving a sigh of relief!
Rohit Srivastwa has written a superb guide with valuable information on every page written in easy-to-understand language. I highly recommend it for those who are looking to get started on the journey to securing their online identity and reclaiming the privacy of their digital data
- Brijesh Singh, IPS Former Inspector General of Maharashtra Cyber
As our physical and digital world merge, we need to go in for certain lifestyle changes so as to protect ourselves from digital threats and safeguard our privacy continuously as technology shapes our every-day lives. While various learning platforms, scholarly articles on the internet, online courses, watching Youtube, podcasts, blogs, etc. can help create awareness and learning amongst us, however, it is an excellent book that is the best way to get in-depth knowledge which is the most helpful. With years of experience in the cybersecurity and privacy domain, Rohit Srivastwa, as a first-time author, has shared his in-depth knowledge in a clean, understandable, lucid, and practical manner. Rohit has cleverly weaved the concepts of gamification with the educational objective of making awareness and learning more appealing while motivating users by providing insightful suggestions neatly categorized into basic, intermediate, advanced, and expert - thus nudging you to improve your baseline continuously.
Pick up “My Data, My Privacy, My Choice” and take action today so that you can embark upon your digital adventure confidently and enjoy your journey!
- Dr. Sanjay Bahl, Director General Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In)
About the Author
Rohit Srivastwa is a serial entrepreneur, a recipient of Microsoft MVP award in the domain of “Enterprise Security,” and a multifaceted professional with experience in Cyber Security, Enterprise Security, Enterprise IT, Secure Digital Transformation and Cyberwarfare. He is also actively involved in advising several Military agencies, Law Enforcement, Corporate, and Government bodies of different countries in these fields.
He is a well-known Security Evangelist and Founder of India’s first-ever hackers’ conference and community named “ClubHack.” He has had a bunch of start-ups in the past, with the last one acquired by QuickHeal Technology Ltd in 2016.
A teacher at heart, Rohit has designed the entire MTech program in Information Security that is being currently offered by Pune University. He is also a visiting faculty at several A-grade institutions such as IITs, IIMs, Symbiosis, etc. He is a liaison member at, where his responsibilities include liaising between CERTs of different countries and companies.
He has been featured in many technical shows and news panel discussion related to cyber warfare and cybersecurity. Rohit is also a renowned speaker and has spoken in many events across the globe, including TEDx, Microsoft Digital Crime Convention, among others.
Current Roles Founder, ClubHack Labs Virtual CISO, Various Large enterprises Advisor, Science & Technology Park, Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India Mentor and Advisor, Several Cyber Security Start-ups Charter Member, TiE
You can tweet the author @rohit11 and also follow his security and privacy recommendations on twitter using #RohitRecommends
This book would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my family, specifically, my lovely wife, Stuti, and my sons. I know I have missed a few important moments over these last several months, but I promise I’ll make it up to you soon!
To my mentors in the industry whose

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