Mastering PL/SQL Through Illustrations , livre ebook









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Learn advanced techniques and best practices of Angular programming for building enterprise web applicationsKey Featuresa- Get familiar with the core concepts of Angular.a- Discover best practices, tips, and tricks while working with Angular.a- Learn how to architect data driven web applications.a- Explore methods to pass data between components in Angular.a- Learn how to deploy and secure your Angular application.DescriptionAngular is a Single Page Application (SPA) development framework open-sourced by Google. The Angular framework is written in TypeScript language, which enables a web developer to write JavaScript code in Object-Oriented fashion. TypeScript makes it easier to build a client-side web application with classes, interfaces, generics, inheritance, and other Object-Oriented features. TypeScript compiler takes care of transpiling these features into native JavaScript. Angular is a framework that comes with Dependency Injection, HTTP communication, Forms, and other features out of the box.This book will leverage on your prior programming knowledge to learn Angular. Microsoft .Net stack, C#, Windows Forms, WPF, ASP.NET have been widely used for developing desktop and web applications. We shall be referring to concepts from these technologies with Angular whenever applicable; thus having prior experience would be a great advantage. This book takes you from the basics of TypeScript language to building modular and robust enterprise web applications and deployment.What will you learna- Learn how to orchestrate complex Angular applications.a- Get to know more about Dependency Injection in depth.a- Learn how to build template and dynamic forms in Angular.a- Learn how to use Angular routes in an application.a- Learn how to communicate with backend services using HTTP.Who this book is forThis book is for readers who want to learn Angular. Having a basic Object-Oriented programming knowledge, programming experience with C#.Net/Java, and hands-on web development experience would be an added advantage.Table of Contents1. Typescript - the underdog2. Hello, Angular!3. Building small and simple4. Data Binding and Pipes5. NgModule - in depth6. Dependency Injection and Services7. Building forms8. Communication within Components9. Consuming HTTP Resources10. Routing Angular application11. Deployment and toolsAbout the AuthorBalram Chavan is a software professional having 11+ years of relevant experience working in cross domains. He has been awarded with GitHub Developer Program Membership for his contribution to open source world. He also contributes to multiple technology blogs and forums. Balram has also published many npm.js packages for Angular framework.Your LinkedIn Profile:
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15 septembre 2020

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Mastering PL/SQL Through Illustrations

From Learning Fundamentals to Developing Efficient PL/SQL Blocks

Dr. B. Chandra
Copyright © BPB Publications, India
ISBN: 978-93-89898-484
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher with the exception to the program listings which may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they can not be reproduced by the means of publication.
The information contained in this book is true to correct and the best of author’s & publisher’s knowledge. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these publications, but cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from any information in this book.
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Published by Manish Jain for BPB Publications, 20 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 and Printed by him at Repro India Ltd, Mumbai
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About the Author
Dr. B. Chandra is an Adjunct Professor at the School of IT, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi since Jan 2017. She served the computer Science Group of the Department of Maths, IIT Delhi as a senior professor till June 2016. During her tenure she was the Head of the Department for three years and was deeply involved in the curriculum of M.Tech program in Maths and Computing. She was the chief data scientist at Sprinklr Solns for more than a year from August 2016 and subsequent to this as a consultant at Netomi till recently. Her specialization areas include Databases, Distributed databases and Machine Learning. She has immense experience in teaching Database Management course at IIT Delhi apart from teaching other courses in computer science for more than 25 years for a large number of students. The topics covered in the database course included SQL, PL/SQL, Distributed databases apart and basics of databases. She has guided a number of PhD students in these areas at IIT Delhi. She has published more than 100 research papers in reputed International journals in the areas mentioned above. She has authored three books. She is a senior member of IEEE Computer society.
She has been a Visiting Professor for a year with the Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA and for a year at Penn State University, University Park, USA. She has also been a Visiting Scientist at NIST, Maryland and INRIA, France.
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About the Reviewer
Ram Gupta has over twenty-five years of experience in the software industry. He has served in leadership roles at Silicon Valley technology companies such as Oracle, Yahoo!, and several technology startup companies. His experience encompasses leading the development and management of numerous large-scale systems in the areas of cloud services, enterprise business, eCommerce, media management, social networking, search marketing, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Ram is an alum of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, where he obtained a Master of Technology degree in Computer Applications.
I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. P. K. Kalra, Head, Computer Services Centre, IIT Delhi and Prof. Preeti Ranjan Panda, Head, School of IT, IIT Delhi for their valuable support which enabled me to write this manuscript.
I express my gratitude to Mr. Ram Gupta, who has served ORACLE, Yahoo and other companies at Silicon Valley in leadership roles, for reviewing the manuscript in spite of his busy schedule. I wish to thank him for his highly valuable suggestions.
I thank the team BPB publications for bringing out this book in a short span of time and with dedicated effort.
I am thankful to my husband. Dr. Ashok Mittal and my daughter Dr. Priya Mittal for all the encouragement given to complete this manuscript.
PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language extensions to the Structured Query Language . PL/SQL can be easily integrated with SQL which is the most popular database language. PL/SQL adds procedural constructs to SQL for overcoming the limitations of SQL and is completely portable. PL/SQL is now a technology present in most Oracle servers and products.
The book extensively covers both the fundamentals and advanced topics in PL/SQL which makes it a unique read both for beginners and developers/ database administrators who want to master PL/SQL. The best part of the book is that it contains practical examples for every concept in PL/SQL. Illustrative PL/SQL blocks using database tables have also been provided in the book.
Chapters 1 covers the fundamentals of PL/SQL in detail. Chapters 2 and 3 give an in-depth description of control statements and different kinds of loops in PL/SQL with number of illustrations. Chapter 4 gives a vivid description of CURSORS in PL/SQL and CURSOR FOR loops. Processing of Explicit and Implicit cursors have been described. The role of cursor attributes has been illustrated through various PL/SQL blocks using database tables. Different types of REF cursors have also been illustrated.
In Chapter 5 it has been explained how to raise exceptions, reraise exceptions and raise exception through PL/SQL blocks using database tables. Predefined Exceptions have also been discussed in this chapter. RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR for displaying user-defined error messages with error numbers and associating a name to Oracle defined error using PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT has been described in depth. Chapters 6 and 7 cover subprograms in depth. Creation of Functions, Procedures and the corresponding invoking blocks have been illustrated. In addition, different calling notations in Functions and Procedures have also been explained with examples.
Chapter 8 gives complete details of creation of Triggers before or after a DML operation INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on database tables. Chapter 9 illustrates the creation of packages, creation of package body and execution using database tables. Collections in PL/SQL have been described in depth in chapter 10 with number of examples for creating INDEX-BY table, NESTED table and VARRAYS. Creation of INDEX -BY table of INDEX-BY table and INDEX-BY table of NESTED table has also been explained through PL/SQL blocks.
Appendix I gives the steps for requesting a workspace on Oracle APEX and for executing a PL/SQL block. Appendix II gives the description of seven databases and their corresponding tables. This appendix also gives the sample data for each of the database tables. Appendix III gives the commands for creation of database tables and insertion of sample records in each of the tables.
The book is an outcome of the author’s long experience in teaching courses at IIT Delhi and especially the course on Data base Management Systems. The author’s research contributions added value to this manuscript.
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