Learning Salesforce Development with Apex , livre ebook









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Learn to harness the power of the Apex language to build Salesforce applications Key Features a- Learn how to work with the Apex language a- Learn how to develop Apex Triggers a- Learn how to use SOQL and SOSL to retrieve data a- Learn how to write Object-Oriented Salesforce code a- Explore the best practices to deliver scalable and maintainable code Description This book covers the fundamentals of the Salesforce Apex programming language used by developers to build powerful applications in the cloud. In this book, you will learn how to work with the Apex language to build scalable applications that can interact with and update data from your users. We cover the language from the ground up, introducing programming concepts such as variables and control statements alongside clear and concise examples to help you understand the key concepts and features. Platform-specific features such as Apex triggers, SOQL and SOSL are covered in detail to help ensure you deliver robust and scalable solutions. Nuances and best practices for development are discussed along with how to effectively test your code to ensure that you can deploy it to users with confidence. Object-oriented programming in Apex is also covered in-depth to ensure that you can develop dynamic solutions and build for the future. The book also discusses and shows developers how to integrate with third-party solutions using REST APIs in Apex. By the end of the book, the reader will know how to start developing applications using Apex with confidence. What will you learn a- Learn how to declare variables in Apex. a- Understand how to work with collections in Apex. a- Use different control statements within Apex to control program flow. a- Learn how to use the built-in tools to test in Apex. a- Understand how to make callouts to external applications and data sources. Who this book is for This book is intended for those starting out with Apex, whether existing Salesforce Admins or those joining the Salesforce ecosystem with little professional prior programming experience, such as students. The reader is expected to have some basic familiarity with Salesforce as a platform, although key concepts are reviewed. Table of Contents 0. Introduction 1. An Introduction to the Salesforce Platform 2. What is Apex? 3. Variables in Apex 4. Collections 5. Control Statements 6. Apex Triggers 7. SOQL 8. SOSL 9. Defining Apex Classes 10. Apex Class Inheritance 11. Testing Apex 12. Callouts in Apex 13. Epilogue About the Author Paul Battisson is a 7x Salesforce MVP, holds numerous Salesforce certifications, is a Salesforce Certified Instructor and co-leader of the Leeds Salesforce Developer Group. He runs the CloudBites.TV website and YouTube channel, which has over 108k views of free training content for Salesforce admins, developers and architects. He is the COO of Cloud Galacticos, a UK based Salesforce consulting partner. Your Blog links: www.paulbattisson.com www.cloudbites.tv Your LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbattisson/
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03 septembre 2020

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Learning Salesforce Development with Apex

Write, Run and Deploy Apex Code with Ease

Paul Battisson
Copyright © BPB Publications, India
ISBN: 978-93-89898-18-7
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher with the exception to the program listings which may be entered, stored and executed in a computer system, but they can not be reproduced by the means of publication.
The information contained in this book is true to correct and the best of author’s & publisher’s knowledge. The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these publications, but cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage arising from any information in this book.
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Published by Manish Jain for BPB Publications, 20 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002 and Printed by him at Repro India Ltd, Mumbai
Dedicated to
Mum and Dad – for everything Amanda – for all your support and love in the crazy things I do
About the Author
Paul Battisson is a 7-time Salesforce MVP, Certified Salesforce Instructor, and has obtained 13 Salesforce certifications to date. He is the COO of Cloud Galacticos, a Salesforce partner in the UK, and runs the popular CloudBites.tv blog and associated YouTube channel with his videos achieving over 100k views. He has been working in the Salesforce ecosystem for over ten years and has experience in several languages and frameworks. He is the author of the course “Astronomical Apex Testing” and has spoken at over 50 different technology events worldwide.
I am very fortunate to have been able to work with a lot of people during my time in the Salesforce ecosystem, who have all made me a much smarter person. Thanks to the team at Cloud Galacticos for being an amazing bunch to work with that keep me on my toes. Phil Walton for friendship, beers, and a job. Neel Meghani for teaching a teenager and still working with him a lifetime later. A particular thanks to Carolina Ruiz, who fielded so many of my dumb questions when I first started working with Salesforce. I can happily say I would never have made it here today without her help and support, you are one of my best friends and an amazing teacher. Kerry Townsend for the great chats and being a sounding board for some of the ideas that lead to this book. Joe Ferraro, Jen Wyher, PK, Dave, and all the other Mavens team that pushed me to be my best during my time there. The many friends throughout the Salesforce world that have taught me a lot. To all my friends and family for your love and support over the years and putting up with me talking about that Salesforce thing. Lastly, thank you to BPB Publications for all the support and cooperation extended throughout for actualizing the project in time.
Over the 11+ years I have worked with Salesforce® I have had the pleasure of teaching a number of people how to develop applications using it. I wanted to try and write a book that can help either a point and click admin or developer new to the platform understand from the ground up how to program using Apex. I am a self-taught developer and this book aims to teach you Apex in what I believe is the best way possible given my experience. It is not a rehash of the developer guide but an attempt to provide a clear way to learn the Apex language to build applications on the Salesforce® Platform.
Topics covered in this book include the very basics of working with the platform, and it’s the underlying structure, how to define variables and manipulate data, through to triggers, OOP in Apex, and unit testing your code. Each chapter builds on the last, layering on knowledge to help you understand how the pieces of the language interact together and work to produce a complete application. The book also touches on best practices throughout to help the reader start their development on the right foot.
Readers with experience on the Salesforce® Platform will find the early chapters and concepts simpler; however, the book is targeted at any reader wishing to begin working in Apex. Chapters contain example code that covers concepts, with knowledge check questions at the end of the chapter to help reinforce key concepts. Over the book, you will learn the following:
Chapter 1 introduces the platform and multi-tenant cloud computing paradigm that underpins it. Salesforce’s unique database structure and required terminology are covered along with the available tools to a developer, and when they should be used. By the end of the chapter, the reader should have the available knowledge to understand the associated concepts.
Chapter 2 introduces the Apex programming language and how it compares to other languages that the reader may be familiar with. We discuss the unique elements of the language and how governor limits play a role in thinking about development on Salesforce. We then finish with a discussion of how and when Apex can be executed.
Chapter 3 guides the reader through defining variables within Apex. This includes the structure of a definition, the primitive data types provided within the language, as well as the concept of sObjects and how to work with them. The chapter finishes with a look at the Data Manipulation Language (DML) provided by Salesforce to allow interaction with the database.
Chapter 4 builds on chapter 3 by introducing the different types of collection within Apex and how they function. A detailed discussion of when they are best utilized, combined with how they relate to one another, is provided to help the reader make the most appropriate choices.
Chapter 5 discusses the different control statements within the Apex language to allow developers to build complex logic. The different assignment and calculation operators are discussed before a dive into the various branching logic options available. The chapter finishes with a discussion around the different types of iteration actions that be taken on a collection.
Chapter 6 introduces the concept of Apex triggers and the Save Order of Execution. Time is spent discussing how triggers operate, and the impacts of different trigger choices before a basic trigger is written using the knowledge that has been learned throughout the book thus far.
Chapter 7 details the use of the Salesforce Object Query Language, SOQL, and how a developer can utilize this to retrieve desired data from the database. The various filter options are discussed, and a more complex Apex trigger is constructed using this new information.
Chapter 8 covers the Salesforce Object Search Language, SOSL, in both its usage and comparison to SOQL, discussed in the previous chapter. Time is spent reviewing how the two compare, when to use each, and how to filter and manipulate the records returned from a SOSL search.
Chapter 9 introduces readers to Apex classes and how a developer can define classes and instantiate objects within the Apex language. How to define member variables, properties, and methods are all covered before a discussion of the correct use of constructors, overloading, and when to use inner classes.
Chapter 10 gives a detailed overview ofhow to handle inheritance within Apex to build more dynamic and object-oriented applications. The different inheritance options are discussed along with when they should be utilized by the reader to provide the needed functionality.
Chapter 11 discusseshow totest you Apex code in order to deploy it correctly. Time is spent discussing the format of a test as well as how to setup appropriate test data and assert on actions that have been taken.
Chapter 12 finishes the book with a discussion on making callouts within Apex to integrate Salesforce with other systems, a common requirement for the modern developer. In this chapter, the reader will interact with a custom web service to see how to make and test varying types of calls to an endpoint.
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