Data Preprocessing with Python for Absolute Beginners , livre ebook









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Are you looking for a hands-on approach to learn Data Preprocessing techniques fast?Do you need to start learning Python for Data Preparation from Scratch?This book is for you.This book is dedicated to data preparation and explains how to perform different data preparation techniques on a variety of datasets using various data preparation libraries written in the Python programming language. It is suggested that you use this book for data preparation purposes only and not for data science or machine learning.For the application of data preparation in data science and machine learning, read this book in conjunction with dedicated books on machine learning and data science.This book explains the process of data preparation using various libraries from scratch. All the codes and datasets have been provided. However, to download data preparation libraries, you will need the internet. In addition to beginners to data preparation with Python, this book can also be used as a reference manual by intermediate and experienced programmers as it contains data preparation code samples using multiple data visualization libraries.What this book offers... The book follows a very simple approach. It is divided into nine chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the basic concept of data preparation, along with the installation steps for the software that we will need to perform data preparation in this book. Chapter 1 also contains a crash course on Python. A brief overview of different data types is given in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 explains how to handle missing values in the data, while the categorical encoding of numeric data is explained in Chapter 4. Data discretization is presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 explains the process of handline outliers, while Chapter 7 explains how to scale features in the dataset. Handling of mixed and datetime data type is explained in Chapter 8, while data balancing and resampling has been explained in Chapter 9. A full data preparation final project is also available at the end of the book. In each chapter, different types of data preparation techniques have been explained theoretically, followed by practical examples. Each chapter also contains an exercise that students can use to evaluate their understanding of the concepts explained in the chapter.Clear and Easy to Understand SolutionsAll solutions in this book are extensively tested by a group of beta readers. The solutions provided are simplified as much as possible so that they can serve as examples for you to refer to when you are learning a new skill.Topics Covered:What Is Data PreparationPython Crash CourseDifferent Libraries for Data PreparationUnderstanding Data TypesHandling Missing DataEncoding Categorical DataData DiscretizationOutlier HandlingFeature ScalingHandling Mixed and DateTime VariablesHandling Imbalanced DatasetsA Complete Data Preparation PipelineProject 1 - Data PreparationProject 2 - Classification ProjectProject 3 - Regression ProjectClick the BUY button and download the book now to start learning Data Preprocessing Using Python.
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21 mars 2020

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© Copyright 2020 by AI Publishing
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First Printing, 2020
Edited by AI Publishing
Ebook Converted and Cover by Gazler Studio
Published by AI Publishing LLC
ISBN-13: 978-1-7347901-0-8
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Table of Contents
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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. What is Data Preprocessing?
1.2. Environment Setup
1.2.1. Windows Setup
1.2.2. Mac Setup
1.2.3. Linux Setup
1.3. Python Crash Course
1.3.1. Writing Your First Program
1.3.2. Python Variables and Data Types
1.3.3. Python Operators
1.3.4. Conditional Statements
1.3.5. Iteration Statements
1.3.6. Functions
1.3.7. Objects and Classes
1.4. Different Libraries for Data Preprocessing
1.4.1. NumPy
1.4.2. Scikit Learn
1.4.3. Matplotlib
1.4.4. Seaborn
1.4.5. Pandas
Exercise 1.1
Exercise 1.2
Chapter 2: Understanding Data Types
2.1. Introduction
2.1.1. What Is a Variable?
2.1.2. Data Types
2.2. Numerical Data
2.2.1. Discrete Data
2.2.2. Continuous Data
2.2.3. Binary Data
2.3. Categorical Data
2.3.1. Ordinal Data
2.3.2. Nominal Data
2.4. Date and Time Data
2.5. Mixed Data Type
2.6. Missing Values
2.6.1. Causes of Missing Data
2.6.2. Disadvantages of Missing Data
2.6.3. Mechanism Behind Missing Values
2.7. Cardinality in Categorical Data
2.8. Probability Distribution
2.9. Outliers
Exercise 2.1
Chapter 3: Handling Missing Data
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Complete Case Analysis
3.3. Handling Missing Numerical Data
3.3.1. Mean or Median Imputation
3.3.2. End of Distribution Imputation
3.3.3. Arbitrary Value Imputation
3.4. Handling Missing Categorical Data
3.4.1. Frequent Category Imputation
3.4.2. Missing Category Imputation
Exercise 3.1
Exercise 3.2
Chapter 4: Encoding Categorical Data
4.1. Introduction
4.2. One Hot Encoding
4.3. Label Encoding
4.4. Frequency Encoding
4.5. Ordinal Encoding
4.6. Mean Encoding
Exercise 4.1
Exercise 4.2
Chapter 5: Data Discretization
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Equal Width Discretization
5.3. Equal Frequency Discretization
5.4. K-Means Discretization
5.5. Decision Tree Discretization
5.6. Custom Discretization
Exercise 5.1
Exercise 5.2
Chapter 6: Outlier Handling
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Outlier Trimming
6.3. Outlier Capping Using IQR
6.4. Outlier Capping Using Mean and Std
6.5. Outlier Capping Using Quantiles
6.6. Outlier Capping using Custom Values
Exercise 6.1
Exercise 6.2
Chapter 7: Feature Scaling
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Standardization
7.3. Min/Max Scaling
7.4. Mean Normalization
7.5. Maximum Absolute Scaling
7.6. Median and Quantile Scaling
7.7. Vector Unit Length Scaling
Exercise 7.1
Exercise 7.2
Chapter 8: Handling Mixed and DateTime Variables
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Handling Mixed Values
8.3. Handling Date Data Type
8.4. Handling Time Data Type
Exercise 8.1
Exercise 8.2
Chapter 9: Handling Imbalanced Datasets
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Example of Imbalanced Dataset
9.3. Down Sampling
9.4. Up Sampling
9.5. SMOTE Up Sampling
Exercise 9.1
Final Project – A Complete Data Preparation Pipeline
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Data Preparation
1.3. Classification Project
1.4. Regression Project
From the Same Publisher
Exercise Solutions
Exercise 2.1
Exercise 3.1
Exercise 3.2
Exercise 4.1
Exercise 4.2
Exercise 5.1
Exercise 5.2
Exercise 6.1
Exercise 6.2
Exercise 7.1
Exercise 7.2
Exercise 8.1
Exercise 8.2
Exercise 9.1
§ Book Approach
The book follows a very simple approach. It is divided into nine chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the basic concept of data preparation, along with the installation steps for the software that we will need to perform data preparation in this book. Chapter 1 also contains a crash course on Python. A brief overview of different data types is given in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 explains how to handle missing values in the data, while the categorical encoding of numeric data is explained in Chapter 4. Data discretization is presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 explains the process of handline outliers, while Chapter 7 explains how to scale features in the dataset. Handling of mixed and datetime data type is explained in Chapter 8, while data balancing and resampling has been explained in Chapter 9. A full data preparation final project is also available at the end of the book.
In each chapter, different types of data preparation techniques have been explained theoretically, followed by practical examples. Each chapter also contains an exercise that students can use to evaluate their understanding of the concepts explained in the chapter. The Python notebook for each chapter is provided in the reso

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