Rule Breaker , livre ebook









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When the winners of today can be dethroned by a surprise new entrant tomorrow, how do you ensure you stay on top? The world has changed, and the leaders of the future are those who embrace disruption and make their own rules.

Rule Breaker
is a manifesto for a new wave of leadership. One that operates in flatter workplaces where command and control doesn't work, and where people are entrusted with powerful purpose that grows businesses and communities. Award-winning entrepreneur, Jackie Fast, details how we have got here and why a whole new generation of workers is moving away from traditional models of work. Rule Breaker shows you how businesses like Kylie Cosmetics, M.92 and Beats can tap into a purposeful and engaged community of talent, harnessing true diversity and collaboration.

To remain a highly successful leader in a future of radical change, you need to do more than fly the flag at the top of the podium supported by those beneath you. You must join the frontline and pave the way. Throw away the rule book, encourage rebelliousness, ask questions and lead by example.

    • Chapter - 00: Introduction;
  • Section - Part One: The Past;
    • Chapter - 01: Business unusual;
    • Chapter - 02: I built it in my bedroom;
    • Chapter - 03: ‘Move fast and break things’ is broken;
  • Section - Part Two: THE PRESENT;
    • Chapter - 04: Replacing the C-suite;
    • Chapter - 05: Earning the right to lead;
    • Chapter - 06: Complacency is not an option;
  • Section - Part Three: THE FUTURE;
    • Chapter - 07: The future is collaborative;
    • Chapter - 08: The future is here;
  • ]]>
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    Date de parution

    03 mars 2021





    Poids de l'ouvrage

    1 Mo

    Praise for Rule Breaker
    ‘Breaking the rules has moved from being a risky thing to do to becoming a responsible thing to do. I have no doubt that positive, professional rule breaking is undoubtedly the next essential skill of the 21st century, and Rule Breaker is the definitive guidebook on how to it with the courage, ethics and imagination that could lead leaders to the breakthroughs we all need.’
    Sam Conniff Allende, author of Be More Pirate and Co-founder, Livity
    ‘What a white-knuckle ride! Jackie Fast has created a book which leaves you breathless. This book demonstrates with precise clarity both why and how we can ditch the conventional wisdom which serves us no longer. The pace of change has been fierce in this new era, reaching a crescendo in 2020. As leaders, we need to be equal to that change. Rule Breaker is your roadmap to delivering that change. The stimulating combination of personal experience and real-life case studies gives clear direction on how we can all adopt a growth mindset, be rebellious, be more agile and lead by example. When you put this book down, you feel you are letting yourself down if you don’t rush out immediately and make a difference. Truly inspirational and a must-read for all aspiring leaders in business, in public service, in society; in fact, in all walks of life. This book sets the leadership standard for at least the next decade.’
    John Stapleton, The Authentic Entrepreneur, Co-founder of New Covent Garden Soup Co and Little Dish
    ‘Bedtime reading this is not. This book will get your mind racing and entrepreneurial spirit rising as it not only confirms what you had been thinking about the world in which we live and operate but gives practical advice on what you can actually do about it. There is no guide for those who innovate. Until now, that is. Jackie Fast gives real advice drawn from personal experience and subjective analysis to help you navigate a fast-paced and changing world. To break the rules, you need to know the rules. This book will help you decide which ones to break and which ones to make. No one can predict the future. No matter how brilliant at your job you may be. But you can prepare for a world in which everything has changed by knowing your own mind. Jackie Fast will help you clarify your thoughts, gain confidence and give you a chance to achieve your potential. And there aren’t many books that can make that claim!’
    James Max, TalkRADIO presenter, Financial Times columnist and business adviser
    ‘Full of brilliant zesty stories, this book is captivating to read and leaves you ready to take on the world.’
    Bruce Daisley, former Vice President, Twitter, and bestselling author of The Joy of Work
    ‘Jackie Fast is an essential analyst of what makes leadership work, disruption effective and rule breakers prevail. Nobody who wants to understand the way the modern world works should miss this book.’
    Matthew d’Ancona, Editor and Partner, Tortoise Media
    ‘Jackie Fast traces the new perspective on business structures and rules brought about by the internet, fostering a new breed of entrepreneurs and leaders. Well researched and enjoyable, this is a playbook for how to achieve success in the new era by inspiring the inner rebel in you to go their own way. A must-read for anyone looking to do things differently!’
    Claude Littner, professor, entrepreneur and adviser to Lord Sugar, The Apprentice (UK)
    ‘This is not only a fresh, unique perspective on leadership, it is the perspective on leadership we need . Jackie Fast’s ability to recognize and convey what a modern leader is capable of leaves you nodding your head with an intense urge to underline every gem of information. Highly recommend!’
    Lauryn Evarts Bosstick, Founder, The Skinny Confidential
    ‘To be successful in the current climate, organizations need to be authentic. They need to have a point of view on the important topics affecting all of us. Why? Because people no longer want a transactional relationship with a company simply based on the buying of products and services; they want a more meaningful connection grounded in shared values and a purpose beyond profit. To make this transition, leaders must choose to do something different, something disruptive. In this thought-provoking book, Jackie Fast shows why the old rules need to be broken and how leaders can act now to build the type of organization their customers really want.’
    Jeff Dodds, Chief Operating Officer, Virgin Media
    ‘Chuck the old rules out. Leaders of the future are forging their own paths. Who better to explain the new dynamics of leadership than Jackie Fast, embodying the spirit of a renegade maverick. As the world shifts, what counts now is your ability to bet on yourself, think outside of the box and courageously inspire others to come with you. Sharing a set of lessons learned, and creating a much-needed playbook now, Jackie Fast will bring out the brave leader in you.’
    Lisa Winning, tech entrepreneur
    ‘There is far too little business journalism for business people. We’ve sadly settled for books about trading or “levelling up” or backwards-looking navel gazing. But Jackie Fast fixes the problem. Rule Breaker explores a seismic mind shift driving business in the 21st century, changing the way we think about business. She offers a Rosetta Stone to help us key into the next era of innovation, technology and even the future of business.’
    Cory Johnson, Managing Member, Epistrophy Capital
    ‘Filled with insightful stories on how businesses of the future are defying a history of old management tactics that no longer work. If you are wanting to make an impact, put this on your required-reading list!’
    Yao Huang, Founder, The Hatchery
    ‘An exciting and valuable book on how, in these times of rapid changes, leaders must redefine their role and draw on different sets of skills to be able to face the future. The biggest risk a leader is facing today is in fact not the lack of skills, but a complacent attitude about skills previously acquired that no longer fit the present world. Therefore, being a rebellious leader is not the prerogative of a few outliers; it should become the mainstream thought on how to shape a vision and inspire for change. Rule Breaker fosters the kind of constructive debate and fresh thinking that breaks the status quo and will enable this new type of leaders to face the challenges ahead.’
    Marina Tognetti, Founder and CEO, Myngle
    Rule Breaker
    Rebellious leadership for the future of work
    Jackie Fast
    For Hendrix Cash Huston who has changed my world for the better.
    Contents Praise for Rule Breaker Title Page --> Introduction Part One The Past 01 Business unusual Becoming a leader A new world needs new leadership A rebellious leader is within us all 02 I built it in my bedroom Necker Island, tech start-ups and the long journey back The democratization of big business It goes beyond influencer marketing 03 ‘Move fast and break things’ is broken The foundations of the internet were laced with LSD Computers for evil Greed is… gone? Part Two The Present 04 Replacing the C-suite Punk leadership drives the craft beer revolution New managers become new leaders The three core values of leadership 05 Earning the right to lead Are leaders born or bred? New rules to earn leadership 06 Complacency is not an option Embracing failure during my 15 minutes of fame Using data to avoid sandbagging Futureproof your skills and adapt to permanent change Goal setting in the context of evaluation Part Three The future 07 The future is collaborative Defying all odds Partnerships required to change the world Playing with Fyre Collaborate for good 08 The future is here Rule breakers will create change Driving purpose through rebellious leadership Collaboration and shared ownership Acknowledgements References Index
    List of Figure Figure 1.1  The most valuable companies of all time
    The world is changing. But you already knew that.
    You have likely spent countless hours reading and discussing how the world is changing. It is debated at the highest level in politics and played out on our screens during the 6 pm news hour. We are all obsessed with how the world is becoming vastly different from the world we used to know. But it is not the how part that you need to be preoccupied with. It is the why part of this shift that is particularly important to you. Why do so many diverse and distinct worldly events seem to have reached breaking point? Climate change, sexual harassment, gender and race inequality, global pandemics and democracy all seem to have arrived at a critical crossroads.
    If the situation seems precarious, it is. And while momentum is beginning to drive a semblance of change, the reality is that it takes a new type of leadership to create the transformation to a better world we all long for.
    Technology and social media have skewed our ability to clearly identify leadership for both better and for worse. We now see the flaws in leaders due to greater transparency in the media. We are disenchanted with the leaders we used to rely upon for inspiration. We are in desperate need for new leadership, new hope. And as our attention has shifted to our smartphones, so too has our search – inevitably leading us to our addictive social media feeds. However, the Insta-famous rise of influence has eroded our understanding of success and indeed true influence.
    But you cannot deny the power of meaningful connections. For all the faults that lie with social media and digital technology, there are significant opportunities when using these platforms for new voices to be heard. It is this ability, these new voices, which are sparking positive change in the future of work.
    As new leaders emerge in both work and life in general, one clear commonality they all have is that they broke all the rules. Rather than give in to the inertia of life confined by old playbooks, they have relied on instinct instead of sage advice to ac

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