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Companies planning to expand their export business base or to enter international markets for the first time need to focus their strengths and match them with market opportunities.

The process of interaction, integration between people, companies, governments and nations is driven by international trade and investment, which in turn is aided by technology and innovation. A company’s success is likely to be founded or reinforced by innovation which will need to be protected and supported by expert advice or partnerships. Global Innovation offers encouragement to innovators, advice on essential preparation for exporters and export strategy including a five-point approach to identifying priority markets.

The book is spilt into three parts:


The book also includes details of priority markets for export such as United States, France, Japan, Germany, China and more. With foreword by Chris Southworth, Secretary General, ICC United Kingdom and contribution from key industry experts such as Coventry University, Basck, BExA, Patentgate, TAIO, and Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply to name a few, this is an indispensable guide for business to expand their goods, services, process and IP’s into the global market.

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30 juillet 2020

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1 Mo


University of Buckingham Press, 51 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6HJ |
Contents Jonathan Reuvid
The right of the above author to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data available.
Print: 9781787198609
Ebook: 9781787198593
Set in Times. Printing managed by Jellyfish Solutions Ltd
Cover design by Simon Levy |
All characters, other than those clearly in the public domain, and place names, other than those well-established such as towns and cities, are fictitious and any resemblance is purely coincidental.
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Global Innovation
Editor: Jonathan Reuvid, University of Buckingham Press
Chris Southworth, Secretary General, ICC United Kingdom
The Editor
List of Contributors
1.1 Space, Health and Energy - How Multi-Sectoral Collaboration Is Fuelling Innovation
Dr Barbara Ghinelli, Harwell Science Innovation Campus
1.2 Business Growth through Industry-Academia Interactions
Dr Brian More, Coventry University
1.3 Brand Strategy for Scale-ups - Protect your Voice
Simon Reeves and Natalia Korek, Basck
1.4 Grants and Incentives within the UK
Olaf Swanzy
1.5 An Overview of the Updated R D Tax Claim Regime
Mark Graves, Julia May, May Figures Ltd
1.6 R D Tax Credits - Totally Brilliant - But Not Just a Walk in the Park
Terry Toms, RandDTax
2.1 Verifying that Patents Remain in Force
Margit Hoehne, patentGate
2.2 Starting Out in Exporting
Marcus Dolman and Susan Ross, BExA British Exporters Association
2.3 Understanding Incoterms and their Usage
Jonathan Reuvid
2.4 Business without Barriers
Glynis Whiting, TIAO
2.5 Export Credit and Banking
Jonathan Reuvid
2.6 Procurement and Supply Chain Developments
Duncan Brock, Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS)
3.1 WTO Rules and UK Trade Post-Brexit
Jonathan Reuvid
3.2 Priority Markets - Research and Strategy
Jonathan Reuvid
3.3 Opportunities for Exploiting Technology in China
Dominic Schiller, Equipped 4 (IP) Ltd
I Germany
II The United States of America
III Netherlands
IV France
V China
VI Japan
VII South Korea
VIII Hong Kong
Contributors Contacts
Global Innovation comes at an interesting time for UK industry. Companies all over the world are facing two unavoidable challenges; climate change and digitisation. Both are disrupting the way we trade; whether that is how global value chains or business processes operate or how companies interact with customers.
What is a certainty is that innovation will be critical in finding sustainable solutions to the issues we all face. Those companies that can adapt and respond with new solutions to the everchanging world around us will be those more likely to succeed, just like those companies trading into international markets will be more resilient than those that don t.
At the same time, the UK is about to embark on the largest upheaval of trade relations in over a generation, which will quite likely last a generation before the process is finished. Where the UK will be at the end of the process is hard to predict, except to say it won t be where the country is today. The UK is leaving the EU at a time when power and size are increasingly the levers being used to exert influence on the trading system, and the UK is going it alone when other countries are busy strengthening ties with neighbouring countries and regional trade blocs.
There will be no room for past grandeur or overinflated sense of privilege. The UK will need to be pragmatic and agile whilst playing to strengths in order to find new ways to work in partnership to really capitalise on the opportunities. The ability to innovate and reinvent itself is at the heart of what makes the UK so successful as a country and often what sets UK industry apart from most of the rest of the world. This book provides a timely toolkit that combines everything you need to know about how to promote innovation with a helpful framework on how to trade and where some of the opportunities are.
There has never been a more important time to be well informed on trade. If there is one thing, we have all learnt over the last three years of public debate, it is how little we know about trade and how much we take for granted. That is clearly not a sustainable position. Today trade touches every walk of life, and if we are to deliver global solutions to the big challenges of the day like climate change and digitisation we need to be working side by side with the developing world to stand any chance of long-term success. If there is one country in the world right now, with the right skills, networks and resources to play a major role in the task ahead, it is the UK.
Chris Southworth
Secretary General, ICC United Kingdom
Global Innovation is a call to arms for British exporters of goods as the UK enters a pivotal period of resetting its international trading relations post-Brexit. Whatever the outcome of the current negotiations on trading terms with the EU, the challenges are considerable and need to be viewed against the changing status of the UK as a global exporter and importer over the last 20 years.
In 1999 the value of UK goods exported was 267 billion and of goods imported 310 billion, with a trade gap of 43 billion. The UK ranked 5 in both world exports and imports behind the US, Germany, Japan and France. In 2018 the UK exported 482 billion against 674 billion of imported merchandise; the trade gap had widened to 192 billion. Thankfully, the UK has maintained its healthy surplus in services trade, reported at 104.6 billion in 2018 and reducing the net trade deficit in sterling to 47.8 billion. More seriously, as a global exporter of merchandise, the UK s ranking has slipped to 10 while maintaining its status as an importer at 5. In exports China now ranks first before the US, with the Netherlands, South Korea, Hong Kong and Italy also outperforming the UK. The value of Germany s merchandise exports, in third place, is now 3.2 times that of the UK (2.3 times in 1999).
Three factors contributing to this decline are: the reduction in the UK s competitive manufacturing sector, the rise in low-cost manufactures from Asia and, since 2016, an element of inertia generated by the uncertainties of exiting from the EU into the unknown. Established exporters and those embarking on export need to be aware of the problems and plan how to address the opportunities.
Instead of focusing on those markets only where the UK has been most successful, exporters now need to broaden the list of priority targets to include high-growth import markets where they have less or minimal traction. This book contends that the key to successful exporting is innovative offerings which supplement the traditional solid attractions of high quality, excellent delivery and after-sales service, and competitive pricing and payment terms. Innovation in research, processes and end-products has long been a UK strength and can be marketed more aggressively with government support.
The first of the book s three parts is devoted to innovation and contains chapters highlighting the benefits of partnering with research establishments and universities to generate innovative offerings with contributions from Harwell Science and Innovation Campus and Coventry University.
An article from Basck emphasises the importance of a strong brand strategy and is supplemented by chapters from Olaf Swanzy identifying the grant funding that may be available for UK companies and from May Figures and RandDTax identifying the tax allowances and rebates that may be available for research and development and how they may be claimed.
Turning to the fundamentals of export trading, the second part of the book, intended as a primer for the less experienced and new exporter, opens with a chapter from patentGate emphasising the necessary actions for maintaining patent integrity in advance of market entry followed by advice from BExA on how best SMEs may start out as exporters.
Further chapters discuss the merits of connecting with Chambers of Commerce and other enablers via the Taio IT platform to break down barriers and provide briefings on the critical features of Incoterms, export credit and banking.
For many UK companies, their exports derive from their position in an international supply chain, and a further chapter from CIPS indicates the shape of things to come in procurement and supply.
Research into the most promising market opportunities for exporters starts with an appreciation of how the WTO regulates world trade and where the UK could stand after conclusion of its trade deal with the EU. Moving on to identification of priority markets, developing a strategy for enhancing exports into established territories and establishing footholds in unfamiliar markets where the UK presence is weak, the next chapter pinpoints the standing of leading British product groups in comparison with its competitors.
A shortlist of 15 priority markets is established where the greatest opportunities for nurturing existing exports lie. In the Appendix that follows the import patterns of each of the 15 countries is analysed in tabular form, ag

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