Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy , livre ebook









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In The Supreme Court and Constitutional Democracy John Agresto traces the development of American judicial power, paying close attention to what he views as the very real threat of judicial supremacy. Agresto examines the role of the judiciary in a democratic society and discusses the proper place of congressional power in constitutional issues. Agresto argues that while the separation of congressional and judicial functions is a fundamental tenet of American government, the present system is not effective in maintaining an appropriate balance of power. He shows that continued judicial expansion, especially into the realm of public policy, might have severe consequences for America's national life and direction, and offers practical recommendations for safeguarding against an increasingly powerful Supreme Court. John Agresto's controversial argument, set in the context of a historical and theoretical inquiry, will be of great interest to scholars and students in political science and law, especially American constitutional law and political theory.
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Date de parution

15 octobre 2016

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2 Mo

The Supreme Court and ConstitUtional Democrac y
The Supreme Court and Constituional Democrac y
John Agresto
Corne Unîversîty Press . Ithaca and London
Copyright©by Cornell Ûniversity Press1 984
AlL rights reserved. Éxcept For brieF Quotations in a review, this booK, or parts thereoF, must not be reproduced in any Form without permission in writing From the pubLisher. or inFormation, address CorneLL Ûniversity Press , 1 2 4 oberts PLace  thaca, ew orK  4850.
irst published 1 984 by CorneLl Ûniversity Press. Published in the Ûnited ingdom by CorneLL Ûniversity Press, td . , ondon .
nternational Śtandard Book umber 080 1 4 1 6 2 3Ă ibrary oF Congress Catalog Card umber 83459 2 8
Printed in the Ûnited Śtates oF America
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For my parens, and he memory of heirs
THe lîmîts of Judîcîa Power
Judîcîa ReVîew and the Rîse of Constîtutîona GoVernment
The Growth of Judîcîa Power
From judîcîa ReVîew to judîcîa Suremacy
"From Thîs Court There is No Aea
Te promîse and Perîs of an ActîVe Court
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