Business Plans That Get Investment , livre ebook









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Your business plan: turn ten minutes of attention into investment.

'David's book is an invaluable resource for any entrepreneur seeking to raise funding. Based on years of experience, David shows how to keep things short and clear!' -- Thomas Hellmann, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

'Anyone interested in this subject should read this book,' -- Tim Hames, Director General of BVCA (British Venture Capital Association)

The Business Plan is an essential tool for attracting an investor’s attention. They receive hundreds of plans every week and spend no more than ten minutes on each one before deciding if it is of further interest. This means that the plan needs to be a short, snappy document that conveys the facts about your business quickly and clearly.

David Bateman's template has developed through years of successful deals and in just 15 slides, with just a few sentences on each, it provides everything an investor needs to know. No more long business plans full of text – this is a 'one-size-fits-all' solution avoids confusion and keeps it simple but successful.

Business Plans That Get Investment is a clear and comprehensive guide to writing a plan that turns those ten minutes of investor attention into major investment deals.

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Part 1 – Laying the Foundations

Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Format
Chapter 3. Structure

Part 2 – Writing the Plan

Chapter 4. Application
Chapter 5. Executive Summary
Chapter 6. Opportunity
Chapter 7. Background
Chapter 8. USP
Chapter 9. Progress
Chapter 10. Market
Chapter 11. Route to Market
Chapter 12. Competition
Chapter 13. Management
Chapter 14. Business Model
Chapter 15. Financials
Chapter 16. Investment
Chapter 17. Exit
Chapter 18. Executive Summary Revisited
Chapter 19. Conclusion

Part 3 – Next Steps

Chapter 20. Getting Your Investment
Chapter 21. Conclusion
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Date de parution

30 avril 2016





Poids de l'ouvrage

1 Mo

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