Mathemagic Puzzles And Brain Drainers , livre ebook









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Do you like to play head games? Do brain teasers tickle your mind? Well if yes then test your mathematical skills with Mathemagic Puzzles & Brain Drainers.Puzzles and Brain teasers are fun ways to get students enjoying and thinking about maths. The think smart puzzles in this book are designed to sharpen the creativity and problem solving skills and challenge and entertain the students likewise.The book is loaded with perplexing puzzles for every level from novice puzzlers to puzzle pros alike. Created by puzzle experts each page of this book features brain teasers for your grey matter to ponder. As a player you can choose from quick posers that take just a few minutes to solve or dive into huge logic puzzles that could take hours or even days to solve!This book will keep your brain cells nimble and your synapses firing with an assortment of logic number and visual puzzles including number crossword numbers puzzles logical puzzle sequential puzzles math puzzles classic logic games and many more head games. #v&spublishersContents:1. Questionsa) Puzzles to Puzzle You b) Test Your Brain Power! c) Brainteasersd) Mind, Maths and Logic Quizzese) Brain Drainersf) Math Riddles g) Logic Games and Riddles 2. Answersa) Puzzles b) Brainteasers c) Mind, Maths and Logic Quizzes d) Brain Drainerse) Math Riddlesf) Logic Games and Riddles
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15 novembre 2012

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© Copyright: ISBN 978-935-05727-2-6
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    Puzzles to Puzzle You
    Test Your Brain Power!
    Mind, Maths And Logic Quizzes
    Brain Drainers
    Math Riddles
    Logic Games and Riddles
    Mind, Maths and Logic Quizzes
    Brain Drainers
    Math Riddles
    Logic Games and Riddles
Publisher’s Note
After publishing a series of books on puzzles and quizzes, V&S Publishers has come out with this unique puzzle book on Mathematics, the Mathemagic Puzzles & Brain Drainers .
Since the year 2012 has been declared as the ‘National Mathematical Year’, this is definitely the ideal time to publish the book.
Mathemagic Puzzles & Brain Drainers contains different sections of Puzzles, Brainteasers, Mind, Maths and Logic Quizzes, Brain Drainers, Math Riddles and Logic Games and Riddles . In each of these sections, there are short, intelligent and interesting questions which will need a little exercise of your brains to solve them. The Answers to all the Questions have been given at the back of the book, section wise for your convenience.
The book is written in a simple, lucid and concise manner, and aims to develop and sharpen the logical, reasoning and mathematical skills of the readers, particularly the school and college going students.
The book contains brainteasing puzzles on simple principles of Mathematics like Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Trigonometry, etc. to sharpen your logical and mathematical skills.
Hence, pick up the book as fast as you can and enjoy the fun of solving these mind-boggling math puzzles and riddles.
Puzzles to Puzzle you

Puzzle 1
Mr Smith has lots of pound coins, ten boxes in all. Each box contains 100 pound coins, but one box contains coins which are all counterfeit and are slightly lighter, 1/16 of an ounce lighter to be exact.
The problem lies in the fact that they all look identical, the only way to tell them apart is to weigh them.
Mr Smith knows the correct weight for a box, but how many weighings are required to determine which box contains the counterfeit ones?

Puzzle 2
What number comes next in this sequence:
12 13 15 17 111 113 117 119 123 ==?==
Puzzle 3
You have the misfortune to own an unreliable clock. This one gains exactly 12 minutes every hour.
It is now showing 10pm and you know that is was correct at midnight, when you set it.
The clock stopped four hours ago, what is the correct time now?

Puzzle 4
The map below shows the street locations of a city. Position three police officers such that the entire length of every street can be seen by at least one officer.

Puzzle 5
Can you determine which number best completes this puzzle?

Puzzle 6
Using eight eights and addition only, can you make 1000?

Puzzle 7
After visiting my Great Aunt Anne, I travelled home in her old jalopy. The car was old and battered, it had a leak from the petrol tank, and I was stuck in second gear.
This meant that I could only travel along at a steady 30 miles per hour and managed a paltry 20 miles per gallon of fuel.
At the start of the journey I had placed exactly 10 gallons of fuel into the tank. I knew though, that the fuel tank lost fuel at the rate of half a gallon per hour. Just as I arrived home, the car stopped because it had run out of fuel and I had only just made it.
How far was it from my Great Aunt’s to my home?

Puzzle 8
Can you place the numbers 1 to 8 into the following grid. No two consecutive numbers can be directly next to each other either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Puzzle 9
Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right, one square at a time, adding up the numbers along the way, what is the largest sum which can be made once you have reached the top right corner?

Puzzle 10
At the local model boat club, four friends were talking about their boats. There were a total of eight boats, two in each colour, red, green, blue and yellow. Each friend owned two boats. No friend had two boats of the same colour.
Alan didn’t have a yellow boat. Brian didn’t have a red boat, but did have a green one. One of the friends had a yellow boat and a blue boat and another friend had a green boat and a blue boat. Charles had a yellow boat. Darren had a blue boat, but didn’t have a green one.
Can you work out which friend had which coloured boats?

Puzzle 11
A rope swing hangs vertically down so that the end is 12 inches from the ground, and 48 inches from the tree.
If the swing is pulled across so that it touches the tree, it is 20 inches from the ground.
How long is the rope?

Puzzle 12
Three men are buried in the sand all facing forwards with their heads above ground.
Each man has a hat placed on his head selected from a bag containing 3 red hats, and 2 black hats, and the men knew the possible hat choices.
The men cannot turn around to see the men behind them.
The man at the back is asked what hat he is wearing. He replies, “I do not know”. The middle man is asked what hat he is wearing. He also replies, “I do not know”. The man at the front is then asked what hat he is wearing. He replies, “I am wearing a red hat”.
How did he know?

Puzzle 13
Michael made a cake, in the shape of a perfect cube, for 64 guests at a recent party. The inside of the cake was sponge, and he iced the cake with red icing. He of course did not ice the bottom of the cake.
Michael cut each side of the cake into four equal pieces, making a total of 64 pieces of cake, each exactly the same size.
How many of the pieces of cake had at least 2 of their sides with icing?

Puzzle 14
Three people check into a hotel. They pay £30 to the manager and go to their room. The manager suddenly remembers that the room rate is £25 and gives £5 to the bellboy to return to the people. On the way to the room, the bellboy reasons that £5 would be difficult to share among three people, so he pockets £2 and gives £1 to each person. Now each person paid £10 and got back £1. So they paid £9 each, totalling £27. The bellboy has £2, totalling £29. Where is the missing £1?
Puzzle 15
How many squares, of any size, can you find on this chessboard which do not contain a Rook?

Puzzle 16
I have a machine which has four cogwheels in constant mesh. The largest cog has 168 teeth and the others have 49, 32 and 15 respectively. How many revolutions must the largest cog make before each of the cogs is back in its starting position?

Puzzle 17
Starting with the 6 in the bottom left corner, what is the highest total you can make, if you only move up or right, using the mathematical signs on the way?

Puzzle 18
Place the digits 1 to 8 into the grid. The numbers you can see are the totals for the surrounding numbers.

Puzzle 19
A woman had three old coins – a silver dollar, a quarter and a dime. Each coin was a little battered and had a piece missing. She found that exactly the same fraction had broken away from each coin.
What fraction of each was missing if the value of the remaining bits of coins was now exactly one dollar in total?
For this puzzle, it can be assumed that ½ of a coin is worth ½ of its value.
Puzzle 20
Can you fill the thermometers with mercury, such that the numbers outside the grid indicate how many cells in each row and column contain mercury.
Mercury always starts filling from the bottom of a thermometer and not every thermometer has to contain mercury.

Puzzle 21
Using the digits 1 to 9, create three 3-digit numbers. The second number is twice the first. The third number is three times the first.

Puzzle 22
In the illustration, we have a sketch of Sir Edwyn de Tudor going to rescue his ladylov

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