Harry Potter - The Ultimate Quiz Book , livre ebook









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The magical world of Harry Potter and his friends (and enemies!) is one that is host to a wealth of wonderful information. Over seven books, J K Rowling has introduced us to a fantastical place where I am sure many of us would love to live - despite the risks of coming across dark wizards or scary beasts!This book contains 400 questions to test the knowledge of any Harry Potter fan. From questions even a muggle should know all the way through to trivia that would test Dumbledore himself, this is an excellent way to enjoy the wizarding world even more. These quiz questions are generally based on the world as told to us in the books, rather than the series of films, as the two are sometimes quite different! Perhaps you will read this book - newly updated and revised for a third edition - on the bus home after a long day at work or school, or maybe you will test your friends and family to see if they are as much of a magical expert as you are.
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02 avril 2014

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Title Page
Unofficial & Unauthorised
Jack Goldstein

Publisher Information
This third digital edition published in 2014 by
Andrews UK Limited
The right of Jack Goldstein to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998
Copyright © 2012, 2014 Jack Goldstein
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Any person who does so may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
Disclaimer: All questions in this book were gained from common and reputable sources in print and on the internet. The book benefits from international fair use provisions set aside in law. The author is grateful to J K Rowling for creating the wonderful world of Harry Potter which has allowed this quiz book to be written. If any detail within this title is found to be incorrect, the author will be happy to publish a corrected version.

The magical world of Harry Potter and his friends (and enemies!) is one that is now host to a wealth of wonderful information. Over seven books, J K Rowling has introduced us to a fantastical place where I am sure many of us would like to live - despite the risks of coming across dark wizards or scary beasts!
This quiz aims to add one more bit of fun to that world, by testing the reader’s knowledge. These questions are generally based on the world as told to us in the books, rather than the series of films, as the two are sometimes quite different!
Perhaps you will try this quiz - newly updated and revised for a third edition reprint - on the bus home after a long day at work or school, or maybe you will test your friends and family to see if they are as much of a magical expert as you are. Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy answering these questions as much as I did writing them.
Good luck with the quiz!
Jack Goldstein
April 2014
Follow Jack Goldstein on Twitter @GoldsteinBooks
Visit Goldstein Books at www.jackgoldsteinbooks.com

The Questions
Harry - Part 1 When is Harry’s birthday? Where does Harry live? Who brought Harry to the Dursley’s as a baby? What is the shape of the Scar on Harry’s head? What animal did Harry talk to at the zoo? What was Harry’s father’s first name? And his mother’s? What special gift did Harry get on his first Christmas morning at Hogwarts? What animal is produced by Harry’s patronus spell? Who did Harry share his first kiss with?
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Hermione - Part 1 What is Hermione’s middle name? What animal is Hermione’s patronus? Who does Hermione attend the yule ball with? What device did Hermione use to fit in her extra classes? What is the name of Hermione’s pet cat? What effect did the densaugeo spell have on Hermione? In which subject did Hermione not get an outstanding grade O.W.L.? What spell does Hermione use on Neville in the first book? What profession are both Hermione’s parents? In which month is Hermione’s birthday?
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Ron - Part 1 What colour is Ron’s hair? What is Ron’s middle name? How many siblings does Ron have? What does Ron get from his mum after using the flying car to get to school? What did Ron buy Harry for his 13 th birthday? What did Ron try to repair his wand with? Which character does Ron play in the game of chess in the first book? True or false: Ron is pure-blood? Which animal is Ron most scared of? What quidditch position does Ron play?
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Hogwarts - Part 1 What does the Hogwarts motto Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus mean? What object decides which houses the students will go into? What colour is the Slytherin banner? Who - or what - is Peeves? What are the creatures that pull the Hogwarts carriages called? What is the password to the Gryffindor common room in Harry’s first year? Which four animals are on the Hogwarts coat of arms? In Harry’s first year at Hogwarts, whose name is the first to be called out for sorting? How many items are there on Filch’s list of forbidden objects? What is the password to open the prefects’ bathroom?
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The Wizarding World - Part 1 What are the three different forms of wizarding currency? Who guards the wizarding prison of Azkaban? What is the name of the wizard’s hospital? Who greets you at reception there? And who founded it? What is the name of the wizard high court of law? Name the main wizarding newspaper. What is the name of the all-wizard village children can visit (with permission from their parents)? And what do the Harry, Ron and Hermione buy to drink there? From what material is a remembrall made?
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Beasts and Animals - Part 1 What is Fluffy guarding in the first book? And what puts Fluffy to sleep? What is the name of Neville’s toad? What is the name of the Weasley family’s owl? What is the name of the hippogriff in the third book? And when he is given a new name, what is it? What sort of dog is Fang? What creature is hiding in the Chamber of Secrets? The blood of which creature kept Lord Voldemort alive in the first book? And at what age does this creature grow its horns?
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Quidditch - Part 1

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