101 More Amazing Brainteasers , livre ebook









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This is the second book from Jack Goldstein's 'brainteasers' series, aimed at everyone who enjoys solving a variety of puzzles. Contained within the book are over one hundred fun brainteasers for children and adults alike, covering subjects including numbers, words, logic problems, visual puzzles, lateral thinking and more. Each question is sure to have you scratching your head - until you reveal the answer... at which point you'll say you knew it all along!The brainteasers are separated into sections for easy navigation and will test every area of your brain whether you are old or young. Full answers and solutions are provided.
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13 décembre 2016

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2 Mo

101 More Amazing Brainteasters
Jack Goldstein

101 More Amazing Brainteasers
First published in 2016 by
Jack Goldstein Books
Digital edition converted and distributed by
Andrews UK Limited
© Copyright 2016 Jack Goldstein
The right of Jack Goldstein to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Any person who does so may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.
All answers within this book are believed to be correct at the time of printing. If you find an alternative answer or believe anything within this book to be wrong, please contact the publisher who will be happy to adapt future versions of this book.

This book is designed to be fun for all ages; sometimes the solution to a question might be easy for some and difficult for others, whereas other times a puzzle might stump everyone in the room! For some questions, there’s a bit of a trick involved - although most just need you to think hard; with a bit of persistence the answer will eventually come to you. Many of the puzzles in this book have been adapted from those dating back thousands of years - it is interesting to think that you might be thinking about one in exactly the same way that someone from ancient Greece or Rome did! The most important thing though is to have fun; whether you can solve every puzzle in seconds or you have to look up the answer for every single one, as long as you enjoy the experience then that’s all that matters. So get your thinking caps on and have fun...
Jack Goldstein
December 2016

What Is It? - Part 1
Each of these questions is a riddle; all you need to do is guess the common thing that is being referred to. Good luck! I hold two people together but only touch one. I’m tall when I’m young, but short when I’m old. I never ask questions yet I’m usually answered. The more of me there is, the less you see. I’m paid to shoot people and blow them up, yet I never cause any harm. The thing I am has wheels and flies, yet I never leave the ground. The one who made me doesn’t want me; the one who bought me doesn’t need me; the one who uses me doesn’t even know I’m there. I run up and down the stairs without ever moving. I’m often broken without being touched. I always go to bed with my shoes on.
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Easy When You Know How
Think a while before you answer these. Often the solution is all to do with reading the question carefully... The owner of a pet shop sold a parrot to a customer with the promise that it would repeat anything it heard. The customer tried and tried many different phrases to get the parrot to talk, but it wouldn’t. He returned it to the pet shop, and although the owner gave him his money back, he proved that he hadn’t lied. How? My friend has no superpowers, but he can jump higher than a lamp post. How? A young girl in the middle of an empty football pitch kicks a normal ball six metres away, and without using any tricks it comes straight back to her. How is this possible? A man is trapped in a room with just two possible exits, each one a door. The first leads to a room with a fire-breathing dragon who never sleeps and who kills everyone who dares come even near the door. The second leads through a hallway made very cleverly out of magnifying glasses so that anyone who steps into it is instantly burned to death by the rays from the sun. How does the man escape? What can travel around the world whilst staying in the same corner? A rope ladder is hanging over the side of a boat. There are ten rungs on it, each one spaced 40cm apart. The tide is rising at 20cm per hour. How long will it be before the bottom three rungs are covered? A sundial could be said to be the timepiece with the least number of moving parts. At the other end of the scale, what well-known timepiece has the most number of moving parts?

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