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Forget the RenovationJust Add Inspiration If you want to jump-start your style and refresh your home without needing power tools and a winning lottery ticket, make Simple Decorating your go-to resource for can-do decor. Spark your makeover momentum with 50 no-fuss tips and discover how to get unstuck by embracing a style that is your very owntransform your spaces with simple color, window treatments, and furniture choiceslayer in personality and warmth with texture and patternsturn hard-to-love areas into favorite destinations with creative concealmentshighlight your family's story and lifestyle with accessories Whether you start with one tip or take these on as a challenge for the month, it's never been more fun (or possible) to create a home you can't wait to come home to. The Inspired Ideas collection is a series of books with easy tips and fun photos to inspire the areas of your life that matter most to you.
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28 mars 2017

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Praise for Simple Decorating
This book is brimming with decorating advice and inspiration you will want to test-drive in your own home after reading just the first few pages. Melissa helped me hone the style that works best for my family and lifestyle, and she shared so many real-life tips for decorating our home!
- LIZ FOUREZ, founder of , author of A Touch of Farmhouse Charm
Sometimes even the most creative people get stuck when it comes to decorating their own home. Melissa is full of simple, easy-to-execute ideas that will get those decorating wheels turning! Her words motivate and nurture, and you ll want to come back to them again and again as you tweak, collect, and arrange your way through the process of making a home you love.
- MARIAN PARSONS, Miss Mustard Seed (blog)
What People Are Saying About Love the Home You Have and The Inspired Room
Melissa shares how to be content and happy in our home, inspiring our home with the things we love and the people we cherish.
- ANN VOSKAMP, New York Times bestselling author of One Thousand Gifts
Melissa Michaels book The Inspired Room is full of smart, practical advice and packed with inspiration to spare. The photos are gorgeous and accompanied by helpful tips and details, and the writing lifts you up and makes you excited to dive into home decor headfirst!
- SHERRY PETERSIK, New York Times bestselling author of Young House Love
Melissa Michaels, how did you get into my every house-obsessed thought?
- JILL WAAGE, executive editor, Better Homes and Gardens Brand
I just love Melissa s approach to decorating to give yourself time to let the process of decorating happen in your home. Give yourself grace as well and enjoy the process.
- RACHEL DOWD, Sweet and Simple Home (blog)
The ideas and tips Melissa shares can be done by anyone, in any decorating style, and even on the tiniest of budgets.
- DIANE HENKLER, In My Own Style (blog)
Melissa is warm, down-to-earth, and exactly the kind of friend you want to come beside you to help turn your house into a home you can love and use to love others.
- MARY CARVER, author of Choose Joy
Melissa offers the cure to comparison every woman needs: contentment. She ll inspire you to have a home that s not only lovely but also a true reflection of what matters most to you.
- HOLLEY GERTH, author of You re Already Amazing
Cover by Nicole Dougherty
Cover image Irtsya / Shutterstock
Interior design by Faceout Studio, Paul Nielsen
Published in association with William K. Jensen Literary Agency, 119 Bampton Court, Eugene, Oregon 97404.
Copyright 2016 by Melissa Michaels
Published by Harvest House Publishers
Eugene, Oregon 97402
ISBN 978-0-7369-6311-4 (soft cover)
ISBN 978-0-7369-6312-1 (ebook)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Michaels, Melissa, author.
Title: Simple decorating / Melissa Michaels.
Description: Eugene, Oregon: Harvest House Publishers, [2016]
Identifiers: LCCN 2016023943 (print) | LCCN 2016024537 (ebook) | ISBN 9780736963114 (pbk.) | ISBN 9780736963121 ()
Subjects: LCSH: Interior decoration. | House furnishings-Psychological aspects.
Classification: LCC NK2115 .M464 2016 (print) | LCC NK2115 (ebook) | DDC 747-dc23
LC record available at
All rights reserved. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording, or any other-without the prior written permission of the publisher. The authorized purchaser has been granted a nontransferable, nonexclusive, and noncommercial right to access and view this electronic publication, and purchaser agrees to do so only in accordance with the terms of use under which it was purchased or transmitted. Participation in or encouragement of piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author s and publisher s rights is strictly prohibited.
1 Design Your Life First
2 Discover Your Style
3 DIY: Craft an Inspiration Board
4 Create a Style Wish List
5 Change Your Style on a Budget
6 Mix and Match to Get Your Look
7 Let Your Story and Home Evolve
8 Draw Inspiration from Favorite Places
9 Set the Mood for Your Senses
10 Discover 8 Ways to a Happy Home
11 Take Your Cues from the Seasons
12 Inspire the Atmosphere You Want
13 Lighten Up
14 Listen to Your Home
15 Create Visual Flow Room to Room
16 Set the Scene with Paint
17 Define Space and Style with Rugs
18 Maximize Your Windows
19 Select Curtains for Effect
20 Embellish with Architectural Details
21 DIY: Design a Personalized Map Wall
22 Designate a Purpose for a Room
23 Inspire Your Rooms, Inspire Your Life
24 Think in Threes
25 Unite a Room with Repetition
26 Invent Mini Destinations
27 Rearrange for a Whole New Look
28 Shake It Up with Unexpected Furniture
29 Everything Needs a Home
30 Direct the Eye with Focal Points
31 Hide Distractions with Everyday Concealers
32 Select Decor-Friendly Storage Solutions
33 Design Cozy into Large Rooms
34 Streamline Small Spaces
35 Embellish Your Furniture
36 Introduce Texture with Intention
37 Transform a Space with Pillows and Throws
38 Balance with Contrast
39 Play with Patterns
40 Lean Objects for Ease and Beauty
41 Layer Your Linens
42 Warm Up with Wood
43 Make a Statement
44 Beautify Real Life
45 Collect 7 Simple Decor Accessories
46 Go on a Treasure Hunt
47 DIY: Create Sentimental Art
48 Display with Dimension
49 Decorate with Natural Elements
50 Fill Your Home with Gratitude
About the Author
is for real life-including the chaos of change. This book was created during our move from one home to another. Images from the two houses will give you a chance to see tips, accessories, and furniture in different settings and seasons. So, welcome to these imperfect and real spaces! They offer the decorating lessons I ve learned through the years. As you consider ideas for your home, remember that imperfection doesn t have to feel like a limitation-it can be a creative opportunity to make the most of what you have and love.
Do you ever find yourself in a decorating slump or just plain ol STUCK? Whether you spend hours drooling over your favorite rooms on Pinterest or feel so frozen you don t even know what to look for, I created this little guide to give you a gentle nudge toward a home you ll love.
Feeling confident in your own style and with your decor choices might take time. It helps to start with the courage to experiment and the inspiration to spark your ideas. If you don t know your style or the mood you re after, you can end up with a hodgepodge of items that individually seemed like good ideas but altogether just don t work. You might have hand-me-downs to sit on, an empty space still waiting for inspiration, or a room full of pieces you love. No matter what your starting point is, if you know how to mix and match elements together, you can make your unique design statement and a home that is exactly how you dream it should be.
The truth I share every day on The Inspired Room blog and will express in these pages is that you don t have to start with a dreamy house, nor do you have to spend a fortune to make what you have more beautiful. A magazine or Internet image of a room that catches your eye is often a Photoshop-enhanced presentation of a well-designed corner with curated items all set up for the perfect shot. While a beautiful photo can inspire us and we might even capture magazine cover looks, what really matters in our home is how it feels to be there. A home is a place to dwell. It s a sanctuary that can invite us to be ourselves. Our home should be a comfortable haven, with rooms and spaces we enjoy being in.
Every part of your home can be an authentic reflection of what you love, arranged in a livable, pleasing, and lovable space for your family to gather. So let s explore how you can simply create a beautiful place that you can call home in every sense of the word.
Feeling confident in your own style and with your decor choices might take time.
It helps to start with the courage to experiment and the inspiration to spark your ideas.
If you pick up a design book or magazine, you will often find that each one represents a specific style, with tips and photo illustrations for how to achieve that look. You may even find quizzes to identify your style or definitions of various looks to choose from. Yet a home is so personal!
While it can be helpful to have terms to describe your signature look, I don t think you actually have to choose a style, especially one that has its own label in a book or in the design world. In fact, to have a truly personal style, there has to be something a bit unexpected about it. Something previously undefined. Something that is all you.
You will define your style by living it first. Your life experiences and personal preferences should inspire the look and feel of your home. Perhaps like me, your faith and family are priorities. What motivates your decisions, and what passions impact your life? These are elements you can incorporate into your home. No one will share your exact style because there is only one you! Your style will ebb and flow through each changing season of your life, springing from your unique personality and reflecting the joy you find in living. So go ahead and create a style that has no official desig

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