You and Your Puppy , livre ebook









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First published in 1995, this authoritative book has helped nearly 40,000 families raise healthy, content pets. Packed with illustrations and photos, it explains how to keep puppies healthy, put them through basic training, correct behavior problems, and integrate them into family life.

Since the initial publication, coauthor Sarah Hodgson has become the media's favorite puppy expert—a dog trainer who writes for The New York Times, appears on the Rosie O'Donnell Show," the "Today Show," and other programs, and even helped Katie Couric choose a puppy."
About the Authors.

Acknowledgments for Sarah Hodgson.

Acknowledgments for James DeBitetto, DVM.


PART 1: Put Yourself in My Paws!

Chapter 1: A Puppy's Eye View.

Chapter 2: Doglish.

Chapter 3: Understanding Your Puppy's Personality.

PART 2: Training: First Day Through First Year.

Chapter 4: Equipment Essentials.

Chapter 5: The Teaching Lead.

Chapter 6: Special Considerations.

Chapter 7: Starting Off on the Right Paw.

Chapter 8: The Infant: 8 to 12 Weeks.

Chapter 9: The Terrible Twos: 12 to 16 Weeks.

Chapter 10: The Budding Adolescent: 16 to 24 Weeks.

Chapter 11: Puppy Puberty: 6 to 9 Months.

Chapter 12: The Trying Teen: 9 to 12 Months.

PART 3: Mister or Miss Manners.

Chapter 13: The Encyclopedia of Canine Etiquette.

Chapter 14: Beyond the Cooperative Canine.

PART 4: Your Puppy's Health.

Chapter 15: Preventive Health Maintenance.

Chapter 16: Fleas, Ticks, Worms, and Other Bugs.

Chapter 17: Household Dangers and First Aid.

Chapter 18: Puppy Pediatrics: A Glossary.


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21 avril 2008

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You Your Puppy
You Your Puppy
Training and Health Care for Puppy s First Year

James DeBitetto, DVM, and Sarah Hodgson
Copyright 1995 by James DeBitetto, DVM, and Sarah Hodgson
Howell Book House
Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, NJ
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
DeBitetto, James.
You and your puppy : training and health care for puppy s first year / James DeBitetto, DVM, and Sarah Hodgson.
ISBN: 0-7645-6238-X (paperback)
1. Puppies. 2. Puppies-Training. 3. Puppies-Health.
I. Hodgson, Sarah. II. Title.
SF427.D38 1995
636.7 07-dc20 95-12044
All photos except where credited are by Sarah Hodgson and James DeBitetto, DVM.
Medical illustrations are by James DeBitetto, DVM.
Manufactured in the United States of America
10 9 8 7
Our Reward

Treat me with respect, teach me your rules and train me with patience.
Let me know what pleases you, for if you don t, my unbridled enthusiasm may place unnecessary and stressful demands on you.
There is not an animal on the planet that could offer you the same unconditional devotion that I can, if you show me the path to your heart.
Through my puppy hood I may test you, but only because I am a puppy.
Persist, for I will remember your structure as I grow into doghood.
Do not take advantage of me.
Though I have many needs, I cannot speak.
Be my leader, my keeper, my friend and my voice.
Your efforts will be our reward.
Sarah Hodgson
About the Authors
Acknowledgments for Sarah Hodgson
Acknowledgments for James DeBitetto, DVM
PART 1: Put Yourself in My Paws!
Chapter 1: A Puppy s Eye View
Chapter 2: Doglish
Chapter 3: Understanding Your Puppy s Personality
PART 2: Training: First Day Through First Year
Chapter 4: Equipment Essentials
Chapter 5: The Teaching Lead
Chapter 6: Special Considerations
Chapter 7: Starting Off on the Right Paw
Chapter 8: The Infant: 8 to 12 Weeks
Chapter 9: The Terrible Twos: 12 to 16 Weeks
Chapter 10: The Budding Adolescent: 16 to 24 Weeks
Chapter 11: Puppy Puberty: 6 to 9 Months
Chapter 12: The Trying Teen: 9 to 12 Months
PART 3: Mister or Miss Manners
Chapter 13: The Encyclopedia of Canine Etiquette
Chapter 14: Beyond the Cooperative Canine
PART 4: Your Puppy s Health
Chapter 15: Preventive Health Maintenance
Chapter 16: Fleas, Ticks, Worms, and Other Bugs
Chapter 17: Household Dangers and First Aid
Chapter 18: Puppy Pediatrics: A Glossary
About the Authors
James DeBitetto, DVM, is the owner and director of the Country Home Veterinary Clinic in Bedford Hills, New York. He is a 1985 graduate of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, and a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association, and the New York State Veterinary Medical Society. Dr. DeBitetto is also a concert violinist. He and his wife, Donna, share their lives with Myles, a Labrador Retriever.
Sarah Hodgson, director of Simply Sarah, Inc., has taught dog-training classes for 14 years. During that time, she has built on her love of writing-completing several training books and serving as a corresponding columnist for The New York Times. Sarah received her BA in biology with an emphasis on animal behavior from the State University of New York at Purchase. The greatest influence on Sarah s training methodology came from Job Michael Evans, a former Monk of New Skete. In addition to hiking in the countryside with her own dogs, Hope and Shayna May, Sarah enjoys participating in public events and media appearances to raise canine awareness.
Acknowledgments for Sarah Hodgson
So many people to thank. Wow! Where to start? Three men. Three women.
First the women. Moira Hoff. Mo. You added dimples to every page of this book. It would not be the same without your input. Tina Balch-a great artist with the tolerance of a saint. Dominique Davis-my editor. Thank you all.
Now the men. Sean Frawley. Seymour Weiss. Jim DeBitetto. You all believed in me. This vision could not have become a reality without you. Super guys.
I have a place in my heart and in my head for all the trainers who started before me, watched me grow, and influenced my work with theirs. Job Michael Evans, Mordecai Siegel, Carol Benjamin, Robin Kovary, Larry Berg, Micky Niego, Arthur Haggerty, Barbra Giella, Debbie Feliziani, Sidney Mihls, Jack Shultz, and Liz Teal. I hope I didn t forget anybody. You ve all been great!
A wave, a hello, and a thank you to all the veterinarians, pet supply stores, groomers, and breeders who send me warm-hearted people seeking help in their relationship with their dogs. I m glad I can help.
Thanks to all my clients who from the start of my practice cheered me on. It s nice to have so much support. Thank you for that and for following through with my suggestions. I m sorry I can t list all of you.
A special thanks to everyone who helped and endured my photo shoots. I wish I could list all of you too, but my space is limited.
Finally, to the one person who lifted me up when I was just a chick, Job Michael Evans. Your belief in me and your guidance were like a nest in this wild and windy world. I m not sure I was ready to fly. Though I miss you still, your song is forever impressioned in my heart.
Acknowledgments for James DeBitetto, DVM
A book of this magnitude requires the help of many people. First, I d like to thank my coauthor, Sarah Hodgson, for her unyielding energy and breadth of knowledge of the dog world. I would like to thank my editor, Dominique Davis, for her skillful editing and for all the energy that she put in to making this book so valuable for puppy owners. I d like to thank my publisher, Sean Frawley, and all the wonderful people at Howell Book House. Next, I d like to thank my staff at Country Home Veterinary Clinic: Katie, Penny, and Jacqueline, for their patience and for putting up with me for the two years this book was in production. A special thanks to my groomer, Pam Koerner, for her help in the grooming section and for the use of her beautiful puppies in a few of the photo shoots. A sincere thanks to Arlene Oraby, a dear friend, for teaching me the written word and for her enormous help with editing the manuscript. Her endearing and generous devotion to the Great Pyrenees is appreciated by many.
I d like to thank a longtime friend, Joanne DeLuca-Isola, for her expert advice on graphic arts and for the immeasurable support she always gives. Also, thanks to all my clients who let me photograph their puppies and whose good questions prompted us to write this book. A dear thanks to the late Job M. Evans who was such a positive influence in the dog world and who gave us invaluable guidance at the very beginning of this project.
Perhaps most of all I d like to thank my parents and family for their support through the years, with a special thanks to my wife, Donna, because without her, none of the last 10 years would have been possible. She has helped me in every aspect of my life, including this book; I love her so. Finally, thanks to my 10-year-old Labrador, Myles, my best friend, to whom my part of the book is dedicated.
If you re searching for the one book that will walk you through the first year of your puppy s life, look no further. This book has it all. In it you ll learn about puppy personalities. Training. Health care. It s fun, informative, and easy to understand. Read on-you and your puppy will be glad you did!
The authors, one a veterinarian and the other a dog trainer and behavior specialist, believe that the best dog-owner relationship begins with the well-t

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