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Fourteen-year-old Preston Craft is organizing a film festival for his school's film club when a crime occurs.

One of the films goes missing two days before the festival begins, Preston is convinced it was stolen and is determined to get it back. The only indication of the theft is a suspicious shadow that Preston noticed right before he discovered the film was gone—but Preston is legally blind and no one quite believes him. However, not unlike the gritty private eyes in the classic black-and-white films he adores, Preston refuses to give up. Can he solve the mystery based on such a shady clue?

This short novel is a high-interest, low-reading level book for middle-grade readers who are building reading skills, want a quick read or say they don’t like to read! The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.

Key Selling Points

  • Mere Joyce has written several books in the Orca Currents line, including Jelly Roll, which Kirkus called "a sweet success."

  • Enhanced features (dyslexia-friendly font, cream paper, larger trim size) to increase reading accessibility for dyslexic and other striving readers.

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Date de parution

30 janvier 2018

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The cover photo shows a theater with empty chairs and a glare reflecting on the top left corner.
Copyright Mere Joyce 2018, 2021
Published in Canada and the United States in 2021 by Orca Book Publishers.
Previously published in 2018 by Orca Book Publishers as a softcover ( ISBN 9781459816442) and as an ebook ( ISBN 9781459816459, PDF ; ISBN 9781459816466, EPUB ).
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Title: Shadow / Mere Joyce.
Names: Joyce, Mere, 1988- author.
Series: Orca currents.
Description: Series statement: Orca currents | Previously published: 2018.
Identifiers: Canadiana 20210167319 | ISBN 9781459833074 (softcover)
Classification: LCC PS 8619. O 975 S 53 2021 | DDC jc813/.6-dc23
Library of Congress Control Number: 2021934726
Summary: In this high-interest accessible novel for middle readers, blind filmmaker Preston Craft investigates the case of the missing movie reel.
Orca Book Publishers is committed to reducing the consumption of nonrenewable resources in the making of our books. We make every effort to use materials that support a sustainable future.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada, the Canada Council for the Arts and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
Cover photography by
Author photo by Jay Parson
Printed and bound in Canada.
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To Mom and Dad, for finally giving in and letting me buy that horror movie.
Chapter One
There is no greater place on earth than the cinema. I don t mean the big chain movie theaters with fancy seats and overpriced food. I mean the old cinemas. The kind that smell like butter and stale popcorn. The kind with threadbare seats. The kind with sticky floors. The kind with velvety panels barely clinging to the walls.
Vi holds my hand as we walk through the lobby of my favorite cinema, The Chestnut.
Tell me about the posters, I say as she guides me past the ticket booth and into the cinema s lobby. She doesn t have to guide me. I know this place almost as well as I know my own living room. But I always let Vi hold my hand. Her skin is soft and warm.
Same posters as last week, Preston, she laughs. Dracula Versus the Zombies , Sweet Tooth: The Untold Love Story of the World s Two Greatest Chocolatiers and Secret Agent Granny.
You re making those up. I nudge her, and she lets out a chuckle.
You ll never know, she teases.
Vivien Henry always teases me. If it were someone else, maybe I would be bothered by it. But Vi is one of the few people who knew me before I was blind. We met when we were babies. Our mothers are friends, and we ve grown up together. Besides, I can barely remember a time before I got glaucoma and lost my vision. So it doesn t bother me when Vi makes up fake movie titles and tries to pass them off as real films. I think it s actually pretty awesome. Vi s a serious girl usually. I m lucky to be one of the few people she jokes around with.
Come on, she says now, leading me past the concession stands. Mrs. Colander s waiting for us up in the booth.
Mrs. Colander is the teacher in charge of our school s film club. She s the one who helped us organize the amateur film festival The Chestnut will be hosting two nights from now.
Are the others here yet? I ask.
Janelle s babysitting, so she can t come, Vi says as we head into the theater. When we start up the stairs leading to the projection booth, she is moving so fast my arm is completely outstretched in front of me.
One stair at a time, Vi, I remind her. She stops and waits for me to catch up before she continues forward again.
Sorry, she says. She gives my hand a squeeze, and my whole arm tingles. So Janelle s not coming. And Nico s never been on time for anything in his life.
I smile. She s right about Nico. He is always stumbling into class well after the bell rings.
I can hear the sound of nails clacking on a keyboard when we enter the projection booth.
The typing stops. Hello, Mr. Craft.
Hey, Mrs. Colander, I say, feeling my way over to a seat against the back wall of the small room.
Vi stands beside me. Her foot bumps against mine, but I don t think she notices.
My mom hooked the laptop up to the projection system before she left this afternoon, she says to me. Mrs. Colander just tested it. When we hit Play on the laptop, the movies appear on the big screen.
Vi s parents bought The Chestnut before she was born. They divorced when Vi was eight, but they still run the theater together. Vi and I grew up in this cinema. It s the best spot for the film festival. I still can t believe Vi s mom gave us permission to use it on Friday night.
Okay, so I think everything s ready to go for Friday, Mrs. Colander says. She begins typing again, her long fingernails loud against the keyboard. I m just finishing up my report for Principal Saunders. I ll email it to myself, and then I ll be ready to go. Are you sure you don t need anything else from me?
No, we ve got it covered, Mrs. Colander, Vi says in the sweet voice she always uses with authority figures.
All right, well, I ll leave you to it, Mrs. Colander says. She finishes with the computer. Then her chair scrapes against the floor as she stands up.
Thanks again for letting us help out, Vi says.
Not a problem. I can hear the smile in Mrs. Colander s voice. Thank your parents again for letting us use the theater. It s a great venue for our film festival.
I will. Need me to see you out?
No, I m good. Good night, you two. Have fun screening the films.
Definitely, I say, waving a hand in the air even though Mrs. Colander s already walking down the stairs. Her footsteps fade as she reaches the first floor and then trails through the lobby. Suddenly it s just Vi and me.
Tonight we re going to watch all the films that will be played on Friday. We need to make sure there are no sound issues or problems with the files. As far as I m concerned, it s the perfect way to spend a Wednesday night. I love watching movies. It doesn t matter if I can t really see them. I don t have to. There s a lot to a movie besides the actual picture. There s music. There s dialogue. There s witty humor, tense sound effects and well-placed shrieks. Besides, I m not totally blind. I mean, I guess technically I am. But I can still detect light. I know when there s an absence of light too. And I can make out shadows. So I know when movies are shot in the day or the night. I can even tell if a scene s been shot on a busy road with headlights shining off traveling cars.
I watch movies in my own way. I love watching movies in my own way.
And I love watching movies with Vi.
Should we go down and start screening? she asks. She s closer than I realized. Her shampoo smells like candy apples. I breathe it in. I nod.
Yeah, let s get started.
Vi helps me back down the steps to the main theater. I sit in the back row while she returns to the booth to dim the lights and start the videos Mrs. Colander uploaded onto one of the school s laptops. There are five films in the festival this year. Each film runs around fifteen minutes. Which means for the next hour and fifteen minutes, I get to sit in a dark theater next to Vi.
It s not like Vi s my girlfriend or anything. But on a night like this, I think maybe she could be. If the movie s music is just right. If the dialogue is swoony and romantic. If a jump scare catches her off guard and sends her curling into my side for comfort.
The cinema can do it all. It can turn ordinary friends into something much more.
And right now, me and Vi have an entire cinema to ourselves.
A door in the lobby rattles. I jump, glad I m not holding a bag of popcorn.
Hey, somebody let me in!
I almost groan out loud. I forgot about Nico.
So much for the perfect night.
Chapter Two
I make my way back to the lobby to let Nico in. I ve memorized the route. Even if I hadn t, I ve got my white cane to help me navigate.
When I get to the lobby doors, Nico is still slamming his fists against the glass.
The zombies are coming, man! Hurry up! he yells. My life depends on it.
I grin, twisting the lock on the door. Nico rushes in like he really is being chased by zombies. He slams the door shut and falls against it, panting.
Too close for comfort, man, he says through exaggerated breaths. Next time I might not make it.
If you were ever on time for anything in your life, maybe you wouldn t have to worry about being locked outside with the zombies, I tell him.
What can I say? I m a busy guy. There s just not enough of me to go around.
Yeah, that must be it, I mutter.

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