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Toronto homicide detectives Pratt and Ellis are brought in to investigate a series of hit-and-runs. Someone seems to be trying to kill random people using stolen cars. The detectives try to find any connections between the victims that might indicate something else at work. What they discover is beyond their wildest imagining.
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25 octobre 2016

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Rick Blechta
Copyright 2016 Rick Blechta
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmittedin any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recordingor by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, withoutpermission in writing from the publisher.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Blechta, Rick, author Rundown / Rick Blechta. (Rapid reads)
Issued also in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-1-4598-1010-5 (pbk.).- ISBN 978-1-4598-1011-2 (pdf).- ISBN 978-1-4598-1012-9 (epub)
I. Title. II. Series: Rapid reads PS 8553. L 3969 R 86 2016 C 813'.54 C 2016-900777-4 C 2016-900778-2
First published in the United States, 2016 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016931823
Summary : In this work of crime fiction, two Toronto police detectives investigatea series of hit-and-runs. ( RL 3.4)

Orca Book Publishers is dedicated to preserving the environment and has printed thisbook on Forest Stewardship Council certified paper.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programsprovided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Canada BookFund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia throughthe BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
Cover design by Jenn Playford Cover photography by Getty Images
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Affectionately dedicated to Joseph Angelo Minniti erudite legal mind, poet and loyalreader-as well as a heck of a great person
S taff Inspector McDonnell stuck his head out of his office. The squad room was emptyexcept for one desk. He sighed. This was going to be very unpopular.
Pratt! I need to talk to you.
He watched the older detective s shoulders slump. Pratt should have left a halfhour ago, but he only knew one way-do the job right. He needed to finish a report,period.
Mac returned to his office and read the email again.
Pratt said from the doorway, I m not going to like this, am I, Mac?
How do you know that?
The look on your face.
Mac knew Pratt could walk away from the job. Over the past year he d seemed closerto finally retiring-yet he stayed on. Mac was grateful.
One thing Mac had got very right was to team Pratt with young Ellis. Under Pratt swatchful eye, Ellis was showing signs of someday being as good as his mentor-as longas he kept himself out of trouble. Come to think of it, Pratt wasn t good at thateither.
Mac? Pratt prompted.
Sorry. Too many things on my mind.
It s that bad?
McDonnell sighed. We ve got another one. Sit. Please.
Pratt moved a chair forward and heaved his bulk onto it. You mean a hit-and-run?
Mac nodded. The first had taken place in downtown Toronto two weeks earlier. A businessmanhad been struck and killed in a parking garage late at night. The car used had beenstolen and later abandoned. Even though there was video of the crime, nothing usefulhad been learned from it. As a result, little progress had been made on the case.The victim had no known enemies, nothing in his life that would lead to murder.
Details? Pratt asked, taking out his flip notebook.
Mac spent about a minute running over what was known.
So pretty much the same as the last one, he concluded. Woman jogger this time,out with her dog in North Toronto. Hit from behind.
Any witnesses?
Besides the dog?
Pratt responded dryly, Dogs usually don t make good witnesses.
Mac laughed, then grew serious. They re not going to be happy upstairs, you know.
When are they ever?
I need you to jump on this. This new victim wasn t killed, although she s gravelyinjured. We need to find out what happened-as soon as we can.
I want him at the crime scene ASAP . You go to the hospital.
He s at the movies with his wife.
He s already stood her up-twice.
Mac chuckled. He was on his third wife. Then she shouldn t have married a cop.
Pratt got to his feet. I ll send him a text.
Keep me in the loop.
Don t I always?
No, you don t, Mac said to himself after Pratt had left, and someday that s reallygoing to cost you.
P ratt wasn t as upset as he d shown Mac outwardly. His big concern actually was his partner s wife. Ellis took his job seriously, perhaps too seriously, and leftJen alone far too often. It had actually been Pratt s idea that the couple have a date night.
Now this. Obviously, it couldn t wait. With reluctance he picked up his cell phoneand pressed the speed-dial key for Ellis.
Ellis didn t pick up. Maybe he d turned off his cell phone-for once. Pratt s messagewas brief.
Call me. Something s come up.
The call was returned seventy-three seconds later. This had better be good. Themovie just started.
Pratt sighed. We ve got another hit-and-run, very much like the one two weeks ago.
Oh man
If I could handle this alone for a few hours, I would, but I can t be in two placesat once.
Now Ellis sighed. Give me the details. I ll make Jen understand-somehow.
Ellis headed to the accident scene. Pratt got driven to Sunnybrook Hospital.

After exiting the elevator on the surgery floor, Pratt showed his identificationto a tired-looking woman at the nursing station, telling her why he d come.
The nurse stared at the badge. Homicide? You don t waste time, do you? The patientisn t even dead yet.
He ignored the attempt at levity. Can you bring me up to date?
There isn t much hope, but the surgical team is doing what it can.
When will we know the outcome?
The nurse shrugged. I ve been here long enough to know it doesn t look good.
Was the victim conscious?
That was greeted by a snort. She was lucky to be breathing.
Is there anyone waiting for news? Family? Husband? Boyfriend?
Husband. Darren Smith. Someone else is with him.
Where do I find them?
Waiting room. Know where it is?
The detective nodded. Please find me the moment anything changes. Okay?
He found four people in the waiting room. A couple was huddled miserably in the farcorner. Closer to the door were two men. One was staring at the floor. The otherwas texting. They were turned away from each other.
Which of you is Darren Smith?
The one staring downward raised his hand without looking up.
May I talk to you in the hall? When the second man also rose, Pratt added, JustSmith.
Away from the door, Pratt introduced himself, saying only that he was a detective, not a homicide detective.
How much do you know about the accident your wife was involved in?
Smith rubbed his face. Only what the policeman who came to my office told me. Basically,where and when and that they d brought Becky here.
So you were still at work?
Yes. Rebecca always arrives home ahead of me. She takes the dog for a quick run.When I get there, we have a late dinner or go out.
Does she always use the same route on her runs?
For her evening run with the dog, yes. Always the same.
So where she was found doesn t surprise you?
Smith shook his head. The school is at the far end of her run. She always swingsaround the playground, then heads home. He looked up, despair on his face. I wantthe bastard who did this caught and sent to prison.
That s why I m here. Next question. Who is your friend in the waiting room?
Curt? I work with him. He offered to come with me. Smith s shoulders slumped. Ican t take this.
You re all close friends?
Not really. He knows Becky from university, that s all.
I m sorry to have imposed at this time. We can talk again later. Would that be allright?
Smith shuffled back to the waiting room without answering.
T he accident scene was alive with flashing lights and a crowd of gawkers. Snow wasfalling again. Early April, and still winter wouldn t let go of Toronto.
As usual, Ellis got stopped at the yellow perimeter tape. Everyone knew Pratt. Veryfew knew Ellis. He was challenged nearly every time, and it was annoying. Pratt jokedit was because Ellis looked more like a reporter than a cop.
The sergeant finally raised the tape and let him through. Only after that did Ellisrealize he should have done that himself in the first place-just walked in.
Let it roll off your back , he told himself.
Four techs had been sent to the crime scene. Since they were still working it up,Ellis couldn t get as close as he wanted. But he knew one of the techs and calledhim over.
Hey, Stu! What can you tell me?
So the victim s dead?
Not as far as I ve heard.
Then why is homicide here?
Luck of the draw. So tell me what you know.
Our victim was running along the sidewalk by the schoolyard fence over there, apparentlywith her dog.
Any witnesses?
He shrugged. Don t know. Talk to Sergeant Lewis over by the tape. He s got men goingdoor to door.
They d moved a bit closer to the action. Casts of tire tracks in some mud were beingmade. Stu began taking photos again, pointing out the dog s tracks next to the victim s.
Ellis stayed around for a few hours. The night was cold, and the wind made it feelworse. The scene was too big to cover it all with tents. Snow fell steadily. Thecrime scene techs had to work fast. Ellis wandered around, talking and using hiseyes and cell-phone camera. By the time he packed it in for the night, he had a prettygood idea what had occurred.
Rebecca Smith hadn t stood a chance.
P ratt updated Mac from the hospital.
It s not looking good. I doubt I m going toget a chance to talk to the victim.
Mac wasn t happy. That s a real shame.
Afterward Pratt stood in the hallway for a moment. Should he grab something to eator go help Ellis?
He decided to give Ellis space. Let him learn the

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