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01 mai 2003
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Date de parution
01 mai 2003
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32 Mo
Else Østergård
Woven into the Earth
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The Norse Greenlanders suddenly and enigmatically disappeared Else Østergård from South-Western Greenland where they had lived for almost 500
years until c. 1450.
Fortunately, however, the Greenlandic soil has preserved a unique Woven into the Earth
cultural heritage from the Norse settlers, and Woven into the Earth
contains a complete catalogue of Norse textile finds from the 28
sites excavated by Danish archaeologists in the past two hundred
The book tells the exciting story of one of the 20th century’s most
spectacular archaeological finds: the excavation of the Herjolfsnæs
graveyard in 1921 where – because wood has always been
extremely scarce in Greenland – bodies had been buried in multiple layers of
cast-off clothing instead of coffins. The occasional thaws had
permitted crowberry and dwarf willows to establish themselves in the
top layers of soil. Their roots grew through clothing and corpses
alike, binding them together in a vast network of fibres – as if the
finds had literally been woven into the earth.
ISBN 978-87-7288-935-1
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Woven into the Earth
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For Ib
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Woven into the Earth
Textiles from Norse Greenland
By Else Østergård
Aarhus University Press
This page is protected by copyright and may not be redistributedWOVEN INTO THE EARTH
Copyright: Else Østergård and Aarhus University Press 2004
2nd edition 2009
Cover: Jørgen Sparre
Photo: Hans Kapel, Herjolfsnæs
Map (p. 14) Copyright: Kort- og Matrikelstyrelsen (A.39-03)
Graphic design: Jørgen Sparre
Typeface: Sabon
E-book production: Narayana Press, Gylling.
ISBN 978 87 7124 437 3
The book is published with the fnancial support of:
The Beckett-Fonden
The Research Council for the Humanities
Folketingets Grønlandsfond
Engineer Ernst B. Sund’s Fond
Landsdommer V. Gieses Legat
Lillian and Dan Fink’s Fond
Letterstedtska Föreningen
Langelandsgade 177
8200 Aarhus N
Fax (+45) 87 15 38 75
Gazelle Book Services Ltd.
White Cross Hills
Hightown, Lancaster, LA1 4XS
United Kingdom
IS Distribution
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Bristol, CT 06010
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In 1921, in agreement with the Commission for the Management of Geological and
Geographical Research in Greenland, the National Museum in Copenhagen under
took the task of conducting archaeological research into Norse settlements in
Greenland. One of the Museum’s younger curators, Poul Nørlund, left the very same
summer for Ikigaat, which should, according to written sources, be identical to the
Norse settlers’ Herjolfsnæs. The place was not chosen by chance. Already from the
beginning of the 1830s the remains of wooden coffins, garments, small wooden
crosses and skeleton parts had been found at regular intervals along the coast at
Ikigaat. The finds had emanated from the churchyard, the south side of which was
well on the way to being engulfed by the fjord.
The results of Poul Nørlund’s archaeological excavations at Ikigaat were to
resound throughout the world. The unique finds of well-preserved garment parts
from the Middle Ages, which Nørlund and his colleagues had excavated from the
churchyard under very difficult working conditions, were the reason for all this
attention. Instead of being buried in coffins, many dead were wrapped in cast-off
clothes. This enabled garments for adults and children, hoods and skullcaps, liripipe
hoods and stockings, hitherto known only from West European medieval depictions,
to be brought to Denmark, and the well-preserved garments belong today to the
National Museum’s most treasured possessions.
With remarkable speed Nørlund had the Herjolfsnæs garment finds published in
‘Meddelelser om Grønland’. Each individual garment part was documented accord
ing to its appearance after final restoration. Dating was undertaken on the basis of
contemporary picture accounts. To this very day – more than 80 years after they were
found – the Herjolfsnæs garments and Poul Nørlund’s publication are still frequently
referred to in the archaeological literature, and it is precisely for this reason that this
new book on the Herjolfsnæs garments was considered necessary.
Much has happened with methods of preservation and examination of textiles
during the foregoing 80 years. The book not only uncovers new technical conquests,
meaning that we are presented with detailed information on the raw materials and
how they were dealt with from the first phase in the production process, where the
wool was collected, through to the point where a garment could be sewn from the
woven piece of cloth. Continuous preservation and day-to-day contact with the gar
ments has revealed some hitherto unnoticed and refined details in both the weaving
and sewing techniques of the Norse women. One cannot help being truly amazed by
their ability, especially when one considers the conditions under which they worked.
Cloth was produced from Greenlandic materials and in Norse Greenlandic tradi
tion, but the cut of the garments also shows quite clearly that they were not without
outside influence. In a wonderful way the Herjolfsnæs garments reflect that although
Norse Greenlanders lived so far away the place was described by some as the ‘End of
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the Earth’, the Norse settlers considered themselves to be part of medieval Western
Europe. In the same way the garments are also an important monument to Western
European medieval dress culture.
Jette Arneborg
SILA – The National Museum’s Center for Greenlandic Research
March 2004
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Author’s Preface
In 1994 the National Museums of Copenhagen and Nuuk worked out a research
programme entitled ‘Man, Culture and Environment in Ancient Greenland’, which
aimed at throwing light on developments in arctic hunter cultures as well as in the
Norse peasant culture: their mutual relations and their changing resource basis. The
programme was to cover the long time-span from the earliest Stone Age culture,
through the Eskimo Thule culture, to the Norse peasant culture in the southern part
of West Greenland. It was an interdisciplinary project, which included not only
archaeology and the natural sciences, but also history – especially Norse.
Climatic changes that had a considerable impact on resources changed the pat
tern of new immigration and settlement. Analyses of old as well as new finds that
emerged during the project’s development from 1995 and onwards were of great
importance. Examinations of textiles established connections to the North American
continent and to Europe, in that they revealed not only the origin of the materials
and techniques, but also the influence of new ideas.
Examinations of Norse textiles have provided exiting as well as unexpected
The project was predominantly financed by the Danish Research Council,
although financial support to the other scientists from Iceland and Canada, as well as
England and USA who participated in the project was provided by funds raised in
their own countries.
This book is the result of many years’ examination of the textiles from the archae
ological excavations in Greenland. The find of the clothing at the Herjolfsnæs church
ruins in 1921 meant that all later excavations were eagerly awaited in the hope that
yet another such spectacular find was possible. However, many of the textile frag
ments and tools which actually emerged also deserve attention, as they provide an
excellent supplementation to the clothing and add to our knowledge and under
standing of the Norse Greenlanders skills and craftsmanship.
In my work I have enjoyed the support and good will of many people. I especially
wish to express gratitude to my advisor Jette Arneborg Ph.D., M.A., who was most
helpful when I was in doubt about certain aspects of Norse life, and to the weaver
Anna Nørgård, who patiently listened and provided good advice in questions of tex
tile technology and who, through reconstruction, verified my measurements of the