Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria , livre ebook









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Efter 451 (Chalcedon-synoden) kom syrisk-sprogede kirker til at reprAesentere det ikke-ortodokse. Forud gik 150 ar, hvor kirkesproget i Syrien nok primAert var grAesk, men hvor en sproglig, kulturel og kirkelig mangfoldighed, af og til spAendinger, gjorde sig gAeldende - ikke mindst nar de bibelske skrifter skulle oversAettes og fortolkes. Denne periode og de meget forskelligartede kilder til forstaelse af den (pa grAesk, syrisk, latin og armenisk) har vAeret genstand for en stor del af Henning Lehmanns forskning - i denne bog i form af 15 artikler fra arene 1969-2008.
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15 août 2008





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7 Mo

Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria
STUdENTs OF THE BIblE in 4th and 5th Century Syria
Ί῍Έ῜Ί ῗ῎ ῔῍ΈῚῑ῏, Ίῑῌ῍῔ῑ῏ῐ῜Ί Έῌ ΊῡῚῑΈΉῑΊ῕Ί
b yh e n n i n g L e h m a n n
a a r h u S u n i v e r S i t Y p r e S Sa |
Students of the Bible in 4th and 5th Century Syria © The author and Aarhus University Press 2008 Layout and cover: Jørgen Sparre
ISBN 978 87 7934 991 9
Aarhus University Press Langelandsgade 177 DK-8200 Aarhus N
Fax 00 45 89 42 53 80
Published with grants from Carlsbergfondet
hOsàNNà A Philological Discussion in the Old Church
The Spirit f God upon the Face f The Waters The Sources of St. Basil’s and St. Augustine’s Comments on Gen 1,2c
SEVERIàN OF gàbàlà New Identiîcationsof Texts in Armenian Translation
aN iMPORTàNT tExT pREsERVEd IN mS vEN. mEkH. nO. 873 DàTEd a.D. 1299 (Eusebius of Emesa’s Commentary on Historical Writings of the Old Testament)
SEVERIàN OF gàbàlà Fragments of the Aucher Collection in Galata MS 54
tHE SyRIàc tRàNslàTION OF THE old tEsTàMENT – as Evidenced around the Middle of the Fourth Century (in Eusebius of Emesa)
tHE QUEsTION OF THE SyRIàN BàckGROUNd OF THE eàRly aRMENIàN CHURcH ONcE àGàIN Some Methodological Remarks
What Translators Veil and Reveal Observations on two Armenian Translations of one Greek Homily
tHE nOblE aRT OF abbREVIàTING in the Light of some Texts aributed to Severian of Gabala
The So-Called “Absurd” Punctuation in John 1,3-4 Neglected Witnesses of the Old Church
What was Theodoret’s Mother Tongue? – Is the Question Open or Closed?
SEVERIàN CENTO nO. 2 IN mS gàlàTà 54
gREEk àNd SyRIàN under the Aspects of some Syrian Seats of Learning
iNdIcEs Biblical texts Patristic and medieval names and sources Modern writers Abbreviations
1. Subject, title, and context This book is concerned with three bishops from Syria, viz. Eusebius of Emesa (ca. 300 – ca. 359), Severian of Gabala (? – aer 408), and Theodoret of Cyr-RHUs (cà. 393 – cà. 466). iN THEIR lITERàRy àcTIVITy THEy àlTOGETHER cOVER àbOUT 100 yEàRs – FROM THE sEcONd qUàRTER OF THE 4TH cENTURy UNTIl THE bEGINNING of the second half of the 5th century. As bishops, of course, their main re-sponsibilities were of an ecclesiastical nature. However, we shall be more cONcERNEd WITH THEIR ROlEs às REPREsENTàTIVEs OF sEàTs OF lEàRNING OR scHOOl traditions, but it should be mentioned at the very outset that they hardly dREW àNy sHàRP dIsTINcTION bETWEEN WHàT bElONGEd TO ScHOOl àNd WHàT belonged to Church. It should also be emphasized that the state of research is characterized by a fairly great variation in the scholarly approach of each OF THE THREE àUTHORs.  Their “language of oce” was no doubt Greek. Eusebius and Severian probably had Syriac as their mother tongue, whereas Theodoret’s vernacu-lar, as will be argued below, was Greek. Generally speaking, they all have some connection with the School of Antioch; since, however, this “school”, as has been shown most convincingly, was not “monolithic”, and, as will be true of any “school”, was not “identical” in form throughout the years of 350, 400, and 450, respectively, this “identication” maybe contains far more open questions than denite answers. It is therefore a basic point that the THREE àUTHORs sHOUld EàcH bE cONsIdEREd ON THE bàckGROUNd OF THEIR TIME àNd context in history, both theologically speaking as well as in terms of culture, làNGUàGE ETc.  tHE REàsON THàT THIs cOllEcTION OF àRTIclEs dàTING FROM 1969 TO 2005 (2008) Hàs been given the title “Students of the Bible”, is the fact that we shall mainly be cONcERNEd WITH THE Wàys IN WHIcH THE THREE bIsHOPs àPPROàcHEd THE BIblE. tHE state of research, however, compels us to include questions on the transmission
S t u D e n t S o f t h e B i B L e i n 4 t h a n D 5 t h C e n t u r Y S Y r i a
of their wrien texts, and other elements that might throw some light over their theology and exegesis – or on very elementary questions about dening and understanding their literary remains, all of which must be answered, before a full evaluation of their roles in the history of learning, religion and politics càN bE MàdE.
2. STàTE OF REsEàRcH tHE sTàRTING POINT OF My sTUdIEs INTO THE THREE SyRIàN bIsHOPs Wàs à cOllEcTION of homilies transmied in Armenian. I gave a provisional account of some of my ndings in a communication at the Patristic Conference at Oxford in 1967 (published in 1970, not included here), and in my bookPer Piscatores(1975) it was shown that eight of the homilies (I-VIII) belonged to Eusebius, the rest (iX-Xiii) TO SEVERIàN. i àRGUEd THàT IT Wàs POssIblE IN sOME càsEs TO dIscERN THE text of Eusebius’ Syriac Bible; this was an important argument for his author’s right, but, obviously, it was not a criterion that lent itself easily to the inves-tigator, as the texts were only transmied in Latin and Armenian. In fact, the VERy INTRIcàTE qUEsTION OF THE TRàNsMIssION OF eUsEbIàN TExTs Is ONE OF THE MàIN REàsONs FOR UsING THE WORd “sIdElIGHT” IN THE sUbTITlE OF THIs bOOk.  tHE FàcT THàT eUsEbIUs UsEd THE SyRIàN BIblE às THE bàsIs FOR HIs ExEGEsIs and preaching was the reason for two further considerations, that of the evaluation of “syriacisms”, not least in the Armenian version of the Bible. I dIscUssEd THE PRINcIPlEs OF METHOd IN HàNdlING lINGUIsTIc àNd TExT HIsTORIcàl – àNd OTHER – syRIàcIsMs IN àN àRTIclE àbOUT THE ePIsTlE OF JàMEs (L 1982,1, below pp. 37) and in a broader context in papers concerned with the dis-cUssION àbOUT THE SyRIàN bàckGROUNd OF cERTàIN ElEMENTs IN THE aRMENIàN cHURcH (L 1989 and 1990,below pp. 125 and 131). Particular examples of REFERENcEs TO eUsEbIUs às à “CHRIsTIàN SyRIàN” àNd OF SyRIàN REàdINGs IN bOTH eUsEbIUs àNd SEVERIàN WERE PREsENTEd àT cONFERENcEs IN 1979 àNd 1995 àNd IN THE jUbIlEE VOlUME OF THE vENIcE mEcHITHàRIsTs (L 1981, 1996àNd 1969,below pp. 23, 171 and 13).  More specically, already inPer Piscatoresi POINTEd TO THE aRMENIàN TRàNs-lation of Eusebius’ commentary on historical writings of the Old Testament às àN IMPORTàNT INsTRUMENT IN IdENTIFyING eUsEbIàN qUOTàTIONs IN THE gREEk catenae, whereby considerable parts of Eusebius’ Greek original could be RETRIEVEd. tHIs Wàs PURsUEd IN àRTIclEs PUblIsHEd IN 1984 àNd 1987 (bElOW pp. 77 and 107).  a cOUPlE OF INITIàTIVEs TO PUblIsH àcorpus SeverianicumIN gREEk (cONNEcTEd
i n t r o D u C t i o n
WITH THE NàMEs OF C. DàTEMà àNd K. h. uTHEMàNN) dETERMINEd TO à GREàT ExTENT THE PRINcIPàl cONcERNs OF REsEàRcH INTO SEVERIàN. i TRIEd TO cONTRIbUTE TO the editorial preparations, mainly along two tracks: rst the heuristic task of IdENTIFyING FURTHER EVIdENcE TO bE GàINEd FROM THE TRàNsMIssION IN aRMENIàN. Here, especially, the exploiting of MS No. 54 of the Galata Collection was important, but also a couple of Jerusalem manuscripts (No. 1 and No. 154) could be helpful, not only because of the supplementary texts they contain, but also in identifying Greek originals in the vast eld of Pseudo-Chrysostomica (L1982,2; 1986 and 2005,1,cf. below pp. 67, 95 and 217). Second, I added sOME cONsIdERàTIONs OF à METHOdIcàl cHàRàcTER àbOUT THE PàRTIcUlàR càsE WHERE TWO TRàNslàTIONs INTO aRMENIàN OF ONE HOMIly àRE ExTàNT (L 1993,pp. 141). The Armenian transmission could also be helpful, I argued, in identifying the author, where we are concerned with abbreviated homilies – in Greek as in Armenian, but oen dierently (L 1995, pp. 155).  In the 1970s, and even in the 1980s, I had not thought of going very far INTO THE sTUdy OF tHEOdORET MysElF; àNd My qUEsTIONs cONcERNING HIM WERE PUT IN VERy OPEN àNd PROVIsIONàl TERMs (às E.G. INL 1987àNd1989,pp. 107 and 125). The reason for asking my questions was the demonstration that “the Syrian” as referred to by Eusebius was in Syriac; yet, it could not be neglected that the famous Old Testament scholar, A. Rahlfs (in 1915) had maintained to HàVE FOUNd IN tHEOdORET à “VOllsTäNdIG sIcHEREN BEWEIs” THàT “THE SyRIàN” was a Bible version in Greek (cf. e.g. below, p. 119).  as IT sEEMEd THàT VERy FEW PàTRIsTIc scHOlàRs cONTEsTEd THE GENERàl àssUMP-tion of Theodoret’s mother tongue being Syriac, and as his use of “the Syrian” was only approached in a rather supercial way with no denite or clear-cut answer to the question of the language of this version, I found it necessary to go a lile deeper into Theodoret’s information about Syrian maers, his knowledge of Syriac, and his use of “the Syrian” (L1999 àNd2005,2, bElOW pp 187 and 229).
3. Occasion, justication, and disposition of the book It may perhaps be pretentious to publish a collection of one’s own contributions to a certain eld of research, in particular when they cover as long a span of TIME às àlMOsT 40 yEàRs (1969-2005/08).  Of course, in certain cases more recent research has taken the arguments further than I could do. This is especially true of the identication of the Greek of Eusebius’ Commentary on Genesis, as accomplished by R. ter Haar Romeny
S t u D e n t S o f t h e B i B L e i n 4 t h a n D 5 t h C e n t u r Y S Y r i a
IN HIs bRIllIàNT bOOkA Syrian in Greek Dress(1997). Also Ch. Burchard’s treat-1 MENT OF THE aRMENIàN ePIsTlE OF JàMEs dEsERVEs TO bE MENTIONEd.  However, even in my articles concerned with these questions there are still some observations not covered by the writers just mentioned, among other things on Eusebius’ text outside the Commentary on Genesis; and, also THE dIscUssION OF METHOd IN HàNdlING syRIàcIsMs GIVEN IN My àRTIclE ON THE Armenian Epistle of James might still be relevant, wherefore I have chosen to include these papers here. (For details, on which e.g. Romeny has rightly corrected some of my observations, I refer to his book and articles.)  To this, it should be added that a secondary justication for publishing THE PREsENT cOllEcTION OF àRTIclEs IN THE yEàR 2008 Is THàT qUITE à FEW OF THEM have appeared in periodicals, annuals,Festschrienetc., which might not be easily available to the patristic scholar, generally speaking. Furthermore, one àRTIclE Hàs sO FàR ONly bEEN PUblIsHEd IN SPàNIsH (L 1981), two only in Danish (L 1999àNd2005,2), and one only provisionally advertized as a contribution to the Weitenberg Festschri (in press) (L 2005,1).  To such “technical” considerations is added, in my own evaluation, the idea that it might be worthwhile to assemble the studies under one aspect, viz. that of the approaches and methods applied by students of the Bible in 4TH àNd 5TH cENTURy SyRIà.  This does not, of course, change their character of being modest and sin-gular studies, the illumination of which on the main subject might oen be dEscRIbEd às “sIdEWàys” àNd INdIREcT.  I have chosen not to include any further discussion of recent research, other than what has been mentioned above and, in particular, what is included in the làTEsT OF THE àRTIclEs (L 2005,2). i HàVE ONly – IN cONNEcTION WITH THE PROcEss OF TRàNslàTING My DàNIsH àRTIclEs OF 1999 àNd 2005 MàdE THE FOllOWING àddITIONs: material about Theodoret’sCommentary on Jeremiah(pp. 206); and an exten-sION OF THE cONclUdING REMàRks àbOUT “gREEk àNd SyRIàN” IN làTER cENTURIEs (PP. 239F).  tHE sTUdIEs àRE PREsENTEd IN THE cHRONOlOGIcàl ORdER OF THEIR àPPEàRàNcE in the hope that this will furnish the reader with a rst hand impression of HOW THE WORk Wàs dONE. iT MIGHT bE àPPROPRIàTE HOWEVER TO àdd THE HOPE
1 Christoph Burchard, "Zur altarmenischen Übersetzung des Jakobusbriefes",Horizonte der Christen-heit. Festschri für Friedrich Heyer zu seinem 85. Geburtstag,HRsG. V. m. KOHlbàcHER UNd m. LEsINskI (Oikonomia34), Erlangen 1994, 195-217.
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