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Copyright © 2008 by Joan Wickersham
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 215 Park Avenue South, New York, New York 10003.
Portions of this book have been published in slightly different form in the following: “act of . . . attempt to imagine” as “What About the Gun?” in AGNI, 2004; “act of . . . bare-bones account” and “act of . . . immediate aftermath” as “In the Heart” in The Hudson Review, 1997; “intrafamilial relationships re-examined in light of . . . Munich” as “Munich” in The Hudson Review, 2002; “life summarized in an attempt to illuminate” as “An Attempt at a Biographical Essay” in AGNI, 2006; “other people’s stories concerning” as “The Woodwork” in Ploughshares, 2006; “psychological impact of” as “Psychological Impact” in The Hudson Review, 2006.
Grateful acknowledgment to the MacDowell Colony, where much of this book was written.
The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows: Wickersham, Joan. The suicide index: putting my father’s death in order/ Joan Wickersham.—1st ed. p. cm. 1. Wickersham, Joan. 2. Adult children—Psychology. 3. Children of suicide victims—Psychology. 4. Suicide. 5. Suicide victims—Family relationships. I. Title. HQ799.95.W53 2008 155.9'37092—dc22 2007029299 ISBN 978-0-15-101490-3
e ISBN 978-0-547-35074-5 v2.0814
act of
attempt to imagine, [>]
bare-bones account, [>]
immediate aftermath, [>]
anger about, [>]
attitude toward
his, [>]
mine, [>]
belief that change of scene might unlock emotion concerning, [>]
day after
brother’s appearance, [>]
concern that he will be viewed differently now, [>]
“little room” discussion with his business partner, [>]
search warrant, [>]
speculation relating to bulge, [>]
deviation from chronological narrative of, [>]
factors that may have had direct or indirect bearing on
expensive good time, [>]
pots of money, [>]
uneasy problem of blame, [>]
finding some humor in
ashes, [>]
Valentine’s Day, [>]
glimpses of his character relevant to, [>]
information from his brother sparked by, [>]
intrafamilial relationships reexamined in light of
Munich, [>]
my grandmother, [>]
items found in my husband’s closet and, [>]
life summarized in an attempt to illuminate, [>]
numbness and
Bullwinkle, [>]
chicken pox, [>]
duration, [>]
food, [>]
husband, [>]
psychiatric response, [>]
various reprieves, [>]
opposing versions of, [>]
other people’s stories concerning, [>]
other shoe and, [>]
philosophical conundrums stemming from
first, [>]
second, [>]
possible ways to talk to a child about
family tree, [>]
full disclosure, [>]
not yet, [>]
rational approach, [>]
weapons god, [>]
psychiatry as an indirect means of addressing, [>]
psychological impact of, [>]
readings in the literature of, [>]
romances of mother in years following, [>]
“things” folder and, [>]
thoughts on method of, [>]
where I am now, [>]
Suicide: act of attempt to imagine
IN THE AIRPORT, COMING HOME FROM VACATION, HE STOPS AT a kiosk and buys grapefruits, which he arranges to have sent to his daughters. They will stumble over the crates waiting on their porches, when they get home from his funeral.
It’s the last week of his life. Does he know that? At some point, yes. At the moment when his index finger closes on the trigger of the gun, he knows it with certainty. But before that? Even a moment before, when he sat down in the chair holding the gun—was he sure? Perhaps he’s done this much before, once or many times: held the gun, loaded the gun. But then stopped himself: no. When does he know that this time he will not stop?
What about the gun?
Has it been an itch, a temptation, the hidden chocolates in the bureau drawer? Did he think about it daily, did it draw him, did he have to resist it?
Perhaps the thought of it has been comforting: Well, remember, I can always do that.
Or maybe he didn’t think about the gun and how it might be used. There was just that long deep misery. An occasional flicker ( I want to stop everything ), always instantly snuffed out (Too difficult, how would I do it, even the question exhausts me). And then one day the flicker caught fire, burned brightly for a moment, just long enough to see by ( Oh, yes, the gun. The old gun on the closet shelf with the sweaters ). He didn’t do it that day. He put away the thought. He didn’t even take the gun down, look at it, hold it in his hands. That would imply he was thinking of actually doing it, and he would never actually do such a thing.
Some days the gun sings to him. Other days, more often, he doesn’t hear it. Maybe, on those stronger days, he has considered getting rid of it. Take it to a gun shop, turn it in to the police. But then someone else would know he has a gun, and it’s no one else’s business. He hasn’t wanted to deal with their questions: Where did you get it? How long have you had it? Besides, how long has he had it? Twenty years? Twenty-five? And never fired it in all that time? So where’s the danger? What’s the harm in keeping it around, letting it sleep there among the sweaters? He doesn’t even know where the bullets are, for God’s sake. (But immediately, involuntarily, he does know: he knows exactly which corner of which drawer.)
We have to watch him from the outside. He leaves no clues, his whole life is a clue. What is he thinking when he gets up that last morning, showers, and dresses for work? He puts on a blue-and-white striped cotton shirt, a pair of brown corduroys, heavy brown shoes. A tan cashmere sweater. He has joked to his older daughter that all the clothes he buys these days are the color of sawdust. Might as well be, he said, they end up covered in the stuff anyhow, in the machinery business. So he has shaved, patted on aftershave, and climbed into his dun-colored clothes. He’s gone to his dresser and loaded his pockets: change, wallet, keys, handkerchief. Maybe he thinks he’s going to work. Or maybe he knows, hopes, that in forty-five minutes he’ll be dead. It’s Friday morning. He’s just doing what he does every morning, getting ready.
He may be thinking about it on the walk down the long driveway to get the newspaper. The cold dry air gripping the sides of his head, the ice cracking under his feet as he tramps along this driveway he can no longer quite afford. It is a dirt road, unpaved; in this town, as his wife is always pointing out, dirt roads have more cachet than fancy landscaped driveways. A dirt road means you are private and acting to protect your privacy. Your house cannot be seen from the road. Your real friends, that delightful, sparkling, select bunch, will know you’re in there, hidden in the woods, and they will know your dirt road’s ruts and bumps by heart.
Is there something in the newspaper? The front page is the only one in question, since he leaves the paper on the kitchen table folded and unread. More bombi