Becoming Famous , livre ebook









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Claire Delaney is a typical young teenage girl who likes nothing more than reading the latest gossip about what the celebs have been up to. Her ultimate dream is to become a famous A-list star, but without any real talent to speak of a dream it must remain - according to her mother, at least. Things aren't so clear-cut these days though, and one does not necessarily need to be a skilled actress, singer or model to become famous. Sometimes the stars align and people get what they wish for... but is Claire truly prepared for the consequences? This twisted tale is written by master of teenage terror Jack Goldstein and is expertly narrated by Andrew Baldwin. It will make a perfect addition to the collection of any young horror fan; the question is... dare you read it?
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28 septembre 2021

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Becoming Famous
Jack Goldstein

Published in 2021 by
Jack Goldstein Books
Digital edition converted and distributed by
Andrews UK Limited
Copyright © 2021 Jack Goldstein
The right of Jack Goldstein to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without express prior written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted except with express prior written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended). Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damage.
All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Becoming Famous

“Mom, can I vote for Amy Smith again?”
“No, darling, you’ve voted fourteen times and that’s enough. Do you know how much our phone bill is going to be?”
“Aw, but I really want her to win.”
“What’s she actually famous for though?”
“Well, she’s always in the papers and the magazines.”
“Yes, but it’s not like she’s a singer or an actress – or even a model. She’s just a celebrity – it seems to mean nothing anymore.”
“You’re just behind the times, mom.”
“I probably am, sweetheart, but you still can’t rack up our phone bill even more.”
“Will you vote for me when I’m famous and on the show?”
“Of course honey, but you’re not going to just become famous, you’re going to have to do something! I paid for those acting classes, but you quit after just three lessons; I signed you up for singing lessons at school but you preferred hanging out with your friends. You’re beautiful to me – of course – but you’re not tall enough to walk the catwalk…”
“It’s too much like hard work though…”
And so the conversation continued between Claire Delaney and her mother. It was just another Friday night, just another reality TV show, and just another bunch of vacuous Z-list celebrities hawking their private lives in front of a half-bemused but half-hero-worshipping audience.
Claire’s mom was right, of course. None of the men or women on the show really had any talent to speak of. But Claire was correct as well – it seemed that one no longer needed any of the traditional skills to make it in the entertainment industry. You just had to hang out at the right places, be seen with the right people, and that was it – you were on the cover of Alright! Magazine.
It should be clear from the snippet of conversation above that Claire wanted to join this ‘celebrity elite’. Every day when she went to bed she would dream of glitz and glamour, of being able to afford (or better still, be given) the latest designer dress or handbag, of being invited to the premier of the next big movie, of walking the red carpet with a boyfriend who made her the envy of girls the world over.
Claire’s mom, being quite grounded though, didn’t allow her to hang out at clubs – much to the annoyance of Claire herself. Admittedly, she thought, she was only fourteen, but

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Becoming Famous


Becoming Famous

Jack Goldstein

Becoming Famous Alternate Text


Jeune Adulte

Becoming Famous

Jack Goldstein


18 pages



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